One Life to Live Update Friday 9/28/01 By Alisa
Cristian, Jen, Antonio, Keith, Lindsey and
At the college, Cristian is sitting in the lounge area. In the
background, Keith is aiming a gun at Cristian, hiding it under a jacket. Just
as Keith is about to pull the trigger, Jen walks up to Cristian, and blocks
Keith's view of Cristian. Keith continues to watch Cristian. As Cristian
and Jen talk, Antonio approaches. Keith quickly puts the gun completely under
the jacket. Antonio tells Cristian that he wants him to come to the police
department to look at some mug shots. He says he as a really bad feeling about
Cristian's mugger. Cristian asks Antonio if he thinks someone is after him,
and Antonio says that he doesn't, but he just wants to play it safe. He tells
Cristian that it just doesn't add up about the mugger. Cristian finally
agrees to go to the station to look at the mug shots...after class. Antonio
tells him that he will wait until class is over to make sure Cristian shows
up. Meanwhile, Keith pulls a small vial out of his pocket, and says "Who needs
the gun? Now there's a cleaner way to do the job". Jen worries about
Cristian, but he assures her that nothing will happen to him. He then says he
has to get to class, but a girl they know approaches, and says that the class
might be cancelled. They all go to check the bulletin board. While they are
gone, Keith picks up a soda that Jen got for Cristian, and pours the content of
the vial inside the bottle and replaces it. Cristian and Jen come back to the
lounge area, and Antonio comes back from getting coffee. Cristian tells
Antonio that class was cancelled. He tells Antonio that he'll take Jen to his
house and drop her off, and then will go to the police department to look at the
mug shots. Antonio tells him to be there in 20 minutes...and to be careful. He
then leaves. Jen asks Cristian if he wants to take his soda with him, and he
says yes, so she grabs it and they leave campus. Meanwhile, back at Cristian's
apartment, Lindsey arrives, and knocks on the door. She calls for Jen..and then
RJ shows up behind her with the keys to the apartment and tells her if she
really wants to get in he'll let her in. She does not take him up on the offer,
and instead leaves a note on the door for Jen. As RJ and Lindsey are talking,
Cristian and Jen walk up behind them, and ask what they are doing there. RJ
says that he was just asking Lindsey to leave. Lindsey tells Jen that she was
just leaving her a note, and Jen grabs the note, hands it back to Lindsey, and
tells her she doesn't want her note and never wants to see her again. Cristian
tells Lindsey to leave Jen alone, and he and Jen go inside his apartment, and
close the door. Meanwhile, Keith cuts the picture of Cristian and Jen in half,
and stares at the half of Jen. Suddenly his cell phone rings, and he answers
it. It's RJ. He asks him why the job isn't done yet; why Cristian isn't gone
yet; and Keith tells him to relax, that it's just a matter of time now. RJ
asks "Until what?" and Keith says "Until Cristian is long gone". Inside
Cristian's apartment, Jen is upset by her mother's being there, and Cristian
tries to calm her down. He asks her if she wants something to drink, and she
says she does. He offers her his soda, saying he barely touched it, and she
takes it from him. She opens it, and they begin to talk. After a moment, she
starts to take a drink.
Melanie, Hank, Lindsey and Bo
Melanie is talking to Hank, and tells him that she can't believe that Bo
has set a date for their wedding. She is excited. But Hank feels bad that he
let it slip, and Bo hasn't told her yet. He didn't know this. Melanie tells
him that she won't tell Bo, that she'll act completely surprised. Hank tells
her that he doesn't mind Bo knowing that he told her. He doesn't want her to
lie to Bo, and tells her to tell Bo the truth..always. He says that if there's
one thing Bo hates, it's dishonesty. Meanwhile, Lindsey is talking to Bo in his
office. Lindsey tells Bo that she and Melanie don't have an Aunt Louise. She
tells him that Melanie probably meant Aunt Rana. Bo insists the gift that was
sent to he and Melanie was from an Aunt Louise. He says that since Lindsey and
Melanie have different mothers, it might be an aunt from Melanie's mother's side
of the family, but Lindsey says that she has met everyone on Melanie's mother's
side of the family, and there was no Aunt Louise. Lindsey offers that sometimes
people have "honorary" aunts, and maybe it's something like that. She tells Bo
he shouldn't worry, that Melanie probably has a logical explanation. Bo tells
Lindsey that she's right, he probably read the card wrong. Lindsey tells him
that their Aunt Rana is so eccentric, she probably signed the card as Aunt
Louise. Suddenly Bo gets a phone call from the mayor that he has to take, so
Lindsey leaves. After Bo hangs up from talking to the mayor, he sits down, and
begins to look worried. He remembers the story that Melanie gave about her Aunt
Louise. Suddenly Melanie bursts through the door, and hugs Bo and thanks him
for setting the wedding date. She tells him that Hank told her. She is so
happy and excited, but Bo is still obviously disturbed by the "Aunt Louise"
situation. She asks him if he's ok, and he says not really. She asks what's
wrong, and he tells her he's a little confused. She asks him what about, and he
tells her "about Aunt Louise". He says that Lindsey told him that she doesn't
have an Aunt Louise. Melanie tells Bo that of course she has an Aunt Louise.
She tells him that Lindsey doesn't know her, that she's on her mother's side of
the family. Melanie tries to blame Lindsey for trying to cause trouble between
she and Bo. Bo asks if Melanie thinks that Aunt Louise will be able to make it
to the wedding this time, and Melanie stumbles over her words. Bo tells her
that he doesn't believe her and asks her what is going on. Melanie tells him
nothing is wrong, and says she's not doing anything. Bo tells her to please
tell him the truth. He says that he doesn't want to have to go down to Logan's
and ask them who sent the gift, and Melanie says "Please don't do that". Bo
tells her if she loves him, to tell him the truth. She finally admits that
there is no Aunt Louise. She made her up. Bo asks her what she was thinking,
and she says that she did it because she wanted the china, and he didn't. He
asks her why she didn't just buy it and she says she was going to but when she
got to the counter, the salesperson asked her if she wanted it gift wrapped, and
that she just loves unwrapping gifts, so she just couldn't resist. Bo is upset
and says that she lied to him. She tells him not about anything important. She
tells him that she loves him, and that's the truth. She says that's all that
matters right? Suddenly an officer knocks on the door and tells Bo that the
other commissioners are there for the meeting that Bo has to attend. He starts
to leave, and Melanie stops him and asks "what about us"? Bo says "Us? I don't
know right now. We're gonna have to talk about this later." He starts to leave
again, but Melanie stops him and says "we're ok, right"? He doesn't answer, and
she is upset. He leaves. Melanie calls Lindsey after Bo leaves, and yells at
her for telling Bo there was no Aunt Louise. She tells Lindsey that she is
"going to pay".
Nora and Carrie Reynolds
Carrie Reynolds, who is the new University professor that Antonio has had
his eye on, goes to see Nora. Nora cannot believe it's her, and is overjoyed to
see her. Carrie used to be a childhood friend of Rachel's, when they were
little and lived in Chicago. Nora invites her in, and they chat. Nora asks
Carrie what brought her to Llanview, and Carrie says she teaches Sociology and
specializes in crime, at the University now. She tells Nora that she was her
role model. They talk about Rachel, and Nora goes to get a recent picture of
Rachel to show to her. Carrie asks who that is with Rachel in the picture, and
Nora tells her that that is Rachel's father, Hank, and tells her that he too
lives in Llanview. She asks Carrie if she knows him, but Carrie tells her she
doesn't. She tells Nora that Rachel looks a lot like her father...and says she
looks like Nora too...that she's gorgeous. Nora and she talk a bit more, and
after finding out that the place Carrie is staying at is very rundown, Nora
invites her to move in with she and Matthew. At first Carrie protests, but Nora
insists, so she finally agrees.
Troy, Nora and Matthew
Troy tells a co-worker that he's had bad news about a little boy whose
mother he owes a lot to, because of his brother. Troy goes to the phone and
calls for Nora Buchanan's phone number, but in the middle of the call Hank
Gannon appears, and hangs the phone up. He tells Troy that he heard that
Colin's brother was bothering Nora. He tells Troy that he's Nora's ex-husband.
He further tells him he's the D.A. as well. He says that he wishes he had
locked Colin up and thrown away the key when he had the chance. Troy tells him
that he's not "out to get" Nora, he's calling her for medical reasons. Hank
tells him that he had better be giving it to him straight, and Troy tells him to
go harass someone else...someone who's actually done something wrong. He then
walks away. Troy again talks to his co-worker, and she gives him a piece of
paper. She says she just came from the lab, and tells him she's very sorry
about Mrs. Buchanan's son. She says the paper has Nora's phone number on it,
and that she got it from her records. Meanwhile, at Nora's house, Matthew
returns home from a visit with his father. He brought Nora a box of candy as a
present. He and Nora sit on the sofa, and begin to eat the candy, when the
phone rings. It's Troy. He tells Nora that they "need to talk".
Hank and Carrie Reynolds
As Carrie is gathering her things to take to her car, in order to move in
with Nora, Hank Gannon is there, preparing to speak to students. Carrie is
staring at him, and he suddenly runs into her, causing her to drop the box she
is carrying. Hank looks at her and asks if he knows her. She tells him she
doesn't think so. Hank tells her that she looks familiar. She tells him that
she just moved here. She acts a bit nervous. Hank helps her pick up her things
and leaves. As he is leaving he looks back at Carrie as if he really does know
Allison sees Ben and Rae together.
Jen starts to drink the poisoned soda.