One Life to Live Update Tuesday 9/25/01



One Life to Live Update Tuesday 9/25/01

By Alisa

Keith and RJ
Keith looks at the picture of Cristian and Jen, that RJ gave him.  He tells RJ that he knows how to "give a warning".  RJ says good, that he wants Cristian Vega to get a warning he'll never forget.  Keith says you get what you pay for.  RJ goes and gets some money, and hands it to Keith.  He tells him that he will get the other half when Cristian is gone.  Keith looks at the picture again and says, and after he's gone, this pretty little girl will be all mine?  RJ says yes. 
Jen, Cristian and AL
Jen speaks briefly to Max about Al, and Max thanks her for everything she did for Al.  He tells her that he saw the way Al lit up when Jen walked in the room.  He says that he thinks that's better than any tranquilizers and pain pills put together.  Max leaves and Cristian approaches Jen.  She thanks him for being so understanding about her needing to see this through.  He tells her that she doesn't give up on people, and that's one of the things he loves about her.  After Jessica and Seth arrive, and Cristian fills them in, Jen and Cristian head to the cafeteria for coffee.  While in the elevator, Jen tells Cristian that after they get coffee, he can go.  Cristian jokingly asks her if she's trying to get rid of him.  They discuss the weekend plans, and Jen asks if Cristian is sure that he can get another weekend off work.  Cristian says that he and RJ are like this, and crosses his fingers.  After she and Cristian return from getting coffee, Jen goes to see Al again, while Cristian waits with Jessica and Seth.
Gabrielle, Al and Max
Al asks Gabrielle how she can fall in love with Max again, and she says that she doesn't love Max, that she hates him, and could never let herself love him again.  Al tells her it's too late.  He tells her that she is lying when she says she's not in love with Max.  Gabrielle tells Al that Max gave him his blood.  Al tells her he did it out of guilt.  Gabrielle tells him that she may have been wrong about Max.  Al tells her not to defend him, and tells her he doesn't want to hear about him.  Gabrielle tells him that Max is responsible for Al's recovery, and Al tells her to leave.  Gabrielle tells him that they can talk about it when he's better, and he says no, and tells her to get out or he'll call the nurse.  Shey tells him alright, she will leave, but that she loves him.  She then leaves, and goes out to the waiting area where she cries.  Max finds her and asks her if Al is ok.  She tells him yes, but that he told her to get out.  Max tries to comfort her.  Gabrielle tells Max that she has to tell him something.  Max says that before the accident, Gabrielle was going to tell him the truth.  Gabrielle then starts to tell Max about the plan.  She says that the plan was to get back at Max.  He says he figured that...about her marrying Asa, and about Asa adopting Al.  She says yes, but that there was more to the plan than that.  He guesses that it was to get him to love her so she could leave him, like he did her.  Gabrielle says, yes something like that.  Max tells her that he didn't fall in love with her, so no harm done right?  She says right, and walks away looking a bit hurt.  He approaches here again, and tells her he's going to go see Al.  After Max walks away, Gabrielle talks out loud and says that Al was so right, that she has fallen in love with Max again, and asks what she does now...continue with the plan to destroy him or forget it?  She starts to leave, but sees the chapel and heads there instead. Gabrielle speaks to a priest in the chapel, and tells him about her plan to hurt Max.  She says she was going to make it look as though he had committed murder against her present husband, Asa.  She tells the priest that during all of this she fell in love with Max, and now the plan is a horrible nightmare.  She tells him it's a lose-lose situation for her, and asks the priest what she's supposed to do.  She tells him that she did it all for her son.  The priest tells her that she cannot justify this plan.  She asks him what about her survival, and says that they (Asa and Todd) would kill her if she didn't go through with the plan.  The priest tells her that he thinks she knows the answer, or she wouldn't have sought him out.  Before entering Al's room, Max talks to a Dr. and tells him he wants the very best for Al, whether it be rehab or whatever.  He then goes to see Al.  Al is still angry, and Max says that he isn't going to fight him.  He just wanted to make sure he was ok, and says he'll just get out of his way.  Al starts to remember some of the things that Max had said at his bedside when he was unconscious.  He tells Max that he heard him.  Suddenly Asa comes barging into the room, and starts going on about suing the motorcycle company, or the highway department.  Max says what about the person who bought it?  Asa ignores him, and speaks to Al.  He asks if Al needs anything, and Al grabs his hand and says that he's got everything he needs right there.  Asa tells him there's nothing he wouldn't do for his "son".  They continue to put on a show for Max, and it is obvious that it is hurting Max.  Asa soon tells Al that he'll check with him later, and he then leaves.  Al tells Max that he doesn't want him there, that there's only one person he wants to see.  At that point Jen enters and asks is she's interrupting, to which Al says no, that Max is just leaving, which Max does.
Asa and Gabrielle
After he comes out of Al's room, Gabrielle approaches Asa.  She tells him that she needs to talk to him about their plan.  Asa tells her that she read his mind, and pulls a bottle out of his pocket.  He tells her that he got the pills that are supposed to kill him.  And then Max and Blair will fry for his murder.  Asa then asks Gabrielle why she didn't call him right away about Al.  She tells him that with everything that was happening, she didn't get the chance to.  He tells her that he's glad that Al is alright, that he really "likes that kid".  He tells her that he'll be waiting at home with some champagne so they can celebrate Al's survival, and Max's demise. 
Nora and Troy
Nora approaches Troy McGuyver, as Matthew swings, and asks him what he's doing there.  He tells her that he's walking home, and she says to Africa?  He says no, to Front Street.  She looks shocked, and says that when she left for vacation, he had plans to go back to Africa.  He tells her he decided to stay in Llanview.  She asks him why, and he says because of you, Nora.  She looks frightened.  She gets upset, and he too gets upset, saying that he's not Colin, and that he understand why everyone wants him to leave, but that he's entitled to a life too.  Nora tells him yes, but not here in Llanview.  Troy tells her that he realized when he decided to stay here that he would have to pay for what Colin did.  She asks him why he would stay then, and he tells her that he is using the money that Colin left, for a free clinic, to try to make up for what Colin did;  to give back to the people.  She tells him that it's strange that Sam didn't mention it.  He tells her that Sam thinks he has an "agenda"..that he's going to hurt her.  Nora says that Sam is usually a pretty good judge of character, so why would he be suspicious of Troy?  Troy says that he has no idea, that she may want to ask Sam that.  He tells her that his only agenda in Llanview is to try to make up for what his brother did;  that he's not here to hurt anyone.  Nora tells him that he already is, because every time anyone sees him, they see Colin.  Troy tells her that he can't help looking like Colin.  He says that he just doesn't want Nora to blame him for what he looks like.  She says that she can't stand to see his (Colin's) face, and wants to know how she's supposed to live with that.  Troy says that he doesn't know, and that maybe Nora is right.  Maybe this whole thing was one giant mistake.  She tells him that he's the only one that can undo this.  He asks her if she's suggesting that he give up his clinic and leave town.  She asks him if she said yes, would he leave?  He tells her that he became a doctor so that he could help people.  He says that he's tried to follow that, both as a doctor and as a man.  Nora tells him that she believes that about him.  Troy tells her that if his being here is going to harm her in any way, then he would leave.  She says, just like that?  Because I asked you to?  He says that he likes Llanview, and would like to live there, but that it's not his home, it's hers..and he doesn't want her to be uncomfortable in her home.  He tells her that if she says so, he will leave.  He asks her, do I stay or do I leave?  She says that it's a hell of a responsibility having his fate in her hands.  He tells her that it sure is.  She tells him that it was just a shock seeing him here.  He tells her that yeah, especially when no one warned her.  She says that she doesn't think that she can get over the horrible feeling she gets when she sees him, and he says that he guesses he got his answer.  Suddenly Matthew falls, and Troy and Nora run to see if he's ok.
Natalie, Seth and Jessica
Ben tells Natalie that he has to leave for a couple of hours, because the manager of the bar didn't show up.  After Ben leaves, Natalie says that a few hours is all she'll need.  She then walks by the sitting room, and finds Seth and Jessica enjoying themselves, while studying.  Seth leans in as if to give Jessica a kiss, when Natalie walks in asking if she's interrupting.  Suddenly the phone rings, and Jessica goes to answer it.  While she's gone Natalie makes her jealousy obvious to Seth.  he tells her that the plan is to make Jessica comfortable with him.  She says yeah, and once it's over, they can stop hiding their love for each other, and she goes to give Seth a kiss, but he stops her, fearing they might be seen.  Jessica comes back in, and says that was Cristian on the phone, and that Al Holden has been in an accident.  She says she's going to the hospital, and Seth offers to go too.  Natalie tells Seth this is the perfect opportunity.  After Seth and Jessica leave, Natalie grabs her purse, and heads up the stairs.  After arriving at the hospital, Cristian fills Jessica and Seth in on Al's condition.  Jessica commends Jen on what she did for Al.  After some small talk Jen tells Jessica that she and Cristian were going to the cafeteria, and tells her she can come if she wants, but Jessica says she'll stay in case there is news on Al.  After Cristian and Jen leave, Seth commends Jessica on how she acted with Jen, saying that he knows they weren't the best of friends.  Jessica tells him that she misjudged Jen in the past.  Seth asks Jessica where she learned to be so forgiving, and Jessica tells him from her mom.  She tells him that she's been misjudging people a lot lately.  She brings up the fact that she assumed that the website idea was Cristian's.  Seth tells her we all make mistakes, and she tells him that she also misjudged him.  He asks how so, and she says that when he first met her, he acted weird, so she didn't trust him because of his nervousness.  She goes on to say that she now trusts him completely.  Seth tells Jessica that he misjudged her too.  He says that at first all he saw was a rich girl.  Nothing more.  She asks him if that's all he thought she was, then why'd he decide to hang out with her.  He tells her that he also thought she was cute.  He says he's beginning to realize she's a person...not a Buchanan....she's Jessica, and he says he's beginning to like her...a lot. 
Ben and Natalie
After going upstairs, Natalie enters Vickie's room, and proceeds to name off all of Vickie's previous names.  She then begins digging through all of Vickie's desk and dresser drawers.  Soon she finds something in a desk drawer, and puts it in her purse.  She starts to leave the room, but as she gets to the door, Ben is standing there, and asks her what the hell she's doing.  Natalie tells him that there were no stamps downstairs, and she promised Vickie that she would get some letters out today, so she came upstairs to look for stamps.  The phone rings, and it is Vickie.  Vickie tells Ben that when she called the bar, Ben wasn't there.  He tells her that the manager showed up right when he got there.  Ben signals Vickie that Natalie is in the room, and Vickie asks what she's doing there at that hour.  Ben tells her she's working for you.  Vickie asks to speak with Natalie, so Ben hands Natalie the phone.  Natalie convinces Vickie that she has been working really hard for her, and Ben seems convinced too.  After Ben finishes talking to Vickie, Natalie starts to leave, but Ben stops her.  He gives her a cell phone and tells her that there are free minutes on there, so she can keep in touch with Vickie herself.  She tells him that he's terrific and heads down the stairs to go home.  As he walks through the room, Ben notices an open desk drawer.  He looks inside and realizes something is missing.  As Natalie is about to go out the door, Ben stops her saying that they really do have a problem now. 
Cristian, Keith and RJ
As Jen and Cristian talk, Keith is in the shadows, looking at the picture of Cristian and Jen.  He pulls out his cell phone and calls RJ.  He tells him to have the rest of the money ready, that this job is going to be a snap.  RJ tells him just to let him know when the job is done.  After they go back to the waiting room, Jen goes to see Al.  Cristian then tells Jessica and Seth that he has to go deposit some money at the bank, and asks them to tell Jen to wait for him.  Keith is in the background, and says "You won't be coming back here pal".
Al and Jen
Al tells Jen that he's glad she came to see him.  After Max leaves, Jen tells Al that she just wanted to come by and say goodnight and to see how he was doing.  Al apologizes to Jen for scaring her, and talks to her about she and Cristian's plans to go away.  She tells him that they rescheduled their plans.
Ben confronts Natalie in front of Jessica and Seth, and tells them that Natalie has been playing them and everyone else.
RJ tells Lindsey that Cristian is going to get what's coming to him.