One Life to Live Update Monday 9/24/01 By Alisa Gabrielle and Al
Gabrielle sits with Al, talking to him, while he is still unconscious. Al
awakes, and relives the embrace he saw occur between Gabrielle and Max. He
tells her to leave. He sobs and he tells her again to go. Gabrielle tells him
how much she loves him and he tells her to get out, to go be with Max.
Gabrielle tells Al that she knows he's upset about seeing she and Max, but that
they can talk about it when he is better. Al says no. She begs him and tells
him that she loves him. He tells her to leave. She says, fine she will
leave...she will go get Max. He says no. She tells Al that he lost a lot of
blood and that Max gave him his blood. He saved Al's life. Lindsey, RJ and Nora
Lindsey meets RJ at The Palace, and tries not to be recognized, by wearing
a scarf and sunglasses. She says she doesn't want anyone to know they met, so
that no one can connect her to anything that might happened to Cristian. RJ
tells her that if anything happens, being seen in public together would be a
good alibi. RJ tells Lindsey that he has found evidence to support Lindsey's
story. Lindsey asks RJ what he's going to do about Cristian, and RJ says he's
going to do what needs to be done...get rid of Cristian. Lindsey tells RJ that
she just wants Cristian out of her life. RJ says who asked you what you
wanted. Nora arrives at The Palace, having returned from her vacation in
Chicago, and approaches RJ and Lindsey. RJ begins to tell Nora all about
Lindsey's actions, while Nora was away. He tells Nora about Lindsey putting
Cristian's life on the internet; about how Will moved away; and about the
fact that Sam finally turned Lindsey loose. Lindsey looks at RJ with loathing,
and tells him that she hates him. RJ continues to run Lindsey down in front of
Nora, telling her that Jen disowned Lindsey as well. Nora says that she is glad
that Lindsey is finally suffering for "one" of the awful things she has done.
Lindsey asks Nora if she wants to gloat, and Nora says yes, that she thinks she
does. Lindsey tells Nora that she got what she wanted, and thanks Nora. Nora
is flabbergasted that Lindsey blames her for all of her problems, when she
hasn't even been in town. Lindsey says that at least she didn't "murder"
anyone, and Nora says "no, you just torture them until they wish they were
dead". RJ enjoys Nora's comeback immensely, and tells her he is glad she's
back. Soon Nora leaves RJ and Lindsey alone. After Nora leaves, Lindsey tells
RJ that whatever he does to Cristian, he'll have to keep it quiet, because Nora
saw them together and she doesn't want to be connected to anything. RJ tells
Lindsey that she is not a part of this anymore, that he'll make sure that
Cristian pays. Lindsey says that she doesn't want Cristian to get hurt. RJ
says that all Lindsey needs to know is that Cristian Vega will definitely be
out of their lives. He then leaves Lindsey. RJ goes home, and soon a man
arrives. His name is "Keith" and RJ asks him if he understands that their
meeting "never happened". Keith says that he understands, and asks what RJ
would like done. RJ tells him that he understands that he is skilled at
"helping people relocate". He tells Keith that he wants him to put an ocean
between he and Cristian. He tells Keith to get him to go to some country where
there's a war on or something, that he just wants him gone. Keith looks at the
picture that RJ gives him of Cristian and says that it might be very nice if
he's gone.
Jen, Cristian and Al
As Jen and Cristian sit in the waiting room of the hospital, Jen tells
Cristian that maybe they should go back to see about Al. Cristian tells her
to stay there and he will go see how he's doing. As he is leaving, Dr. McGuyver
approaches, and Jen asks how Al is doing. Dr. McGuyver tells them
that he's much better...he's improving, which is a very positive sign. He says
he doesn't know if Al would have made it if Jen hadn't been there. The ER then
pages Dr. McGuyver and he tells Cristian and Jen that he has to go. He tells
them that Al is waking up if they want to go see him, and he leaves. Cristian
tells Jen that she's amazing for what she did for Al. Jen tells Cristian
that she was on her way to pick him up for their weekend together, and she
ruined everything. He says that now that she knows Al is ok they COULD still
go, but Jen says that she doesn't think she wants to go while Al is still in
the hospital, in case something happens. Cristian understands. Jen mentions
the money that Cristian spent for the weekend, but Cristian says that doesn't
matter, he cares about her. Jen tells Cristian that she was afraid that
Cristian might be jealous of Al. Cristian tells her that he has no reason to
be. He says he still wants to go away with Jen, whenever she's ready, but right
now she needs to be there and he needs to be there for her. Jen goes to see Al,
and Sam approaches and speaks with Cristian. They talk about Troy McGuyver,
and Cristian says he was cool, that he was nice to Jen. Sam gives him a look,
and Cristian reassures him that he will watch out for Jen. Sam thanks him.
Suddenly Blair approaches.
Jen and AL
Jen goes to see Al, and tells him that his mom was really worried about
him. Al says that it was her fault; that she lied to him, and he had to get
away. Jen tells Al that she is the one that found him. Al starts to fall
asleep, so Jen turns to leave. Cristian is in the doorway and they embrace.
Al opens his eyes and sees the embrace. Later, Cristian makes a phone call,
and cancels the reservations at the hotel. Jen apologizes, and asks him if he
can get the deposit back. He says he can't, and Jen offers to get the money
back to him. He tells her no, and then tells her that he changed the
reservations for next weekend, so they can still go away. She tells him she
can't wait.
Max,Todd and Blair
After Todd tells Max that he's going to help him by telling him the truth,
Max tells him that he doesn't need any truth from Todd. He tells Todd to get
the hell out of here, that he has to go talk to his son. Todd brings up Max
"bedding" Gabrielle, and Blair approaches. She tells Max that she knows about
it, but doesn't care. Max asks Todd what the hell he did. Blair tells him that
she doesn't care, that it was just a "fling". Max is surprised, and
says yeah, that's all it was. Blair tells him she loves him and that there's
nothing Max can do to change that. She begins to talk about the baby, and Todd
tells Max that he hopes Gabrielle gives him exactly what he deserves. Blair
tells Todd that Gabrielle won't give Max anything, because she is out of his
life. Todd tells Blair to keep telling herself that. Todd then leaves. Max
and Blair discuss Al's accident. Blair says that she was going to cancel the
wedding, but since Al is getting better...Max interrupts, and tells Blair he
can't marry her right now. Blair says that she thought Al was getting better.
Max tells her that he is, but he needs to stick around and make sure Al gets on
his feet. He tells Blair that he still loves her, but that right now Al is his
priority. Blair asks how long it will be until Al is better and Max says he
doesn't know...they don't know much now. Blair leaves, upset.
Blair and Sam
Upset by what just occurred between she and Max. Sam tries to talk to her,
but she is far to upset. He tells her that her marriage to Max will still
happen, just a little later. She says there is not enough time, before the baby
arrives. Sam tells her to tell Todd the truth. She says she can't because he
will take the baby away, just like he did Starr. Suddenly, Blair doubles over
in obvious pain. Dr. McGuyver approaches to see if Blair is ok. He and Sam
sit her down and Dr. McGuyver asks her what the pain felt like. Blair says it
felt like a contraction. The Dr. asks how far along she is, and Blair lies, and
says about six months. The Dr. says he thinks it might be false contractions,
but that he is going to have her Dr. do an ultrasound, just to be sure. Later,
Sam asks Dr. McGuyver how long it will be. Dr. McGuyver tells him that it
shouldn't be much longer now. Soon Blair's Dr. approaches and says that it was
just what Dr. McGuyver said it was, false contractions, and that both Blair,
and the baby are doing well. Blair then approaches and Dr. McGuyver tells her
he's glad she's ok. She thanks him for all his help, and Sam offers to take her
home. She tells him no, that she wants to go alone. Sam asks her if she's ok
about not marrying Max, and she says that she learned her lesson and promises
not to let anything happen to the baby. She says that she's also not going to
worry about Todd finding anything out either. Sam wishes her luck, and she
Max, Al and Gabrielle
Max goes to Al's room, and tells Jen and Cristian that he needs to see
Al. Al thanks Jen for what she did, before she leaves. Max tells Al that he
knows he doesn't want to see him. Al tells him that he's right. Max goes on to
say that Al can hate him all he wants, but not to hate his mother. He says that
Gabrielle loves him more than anyone else in the world. That she went to prison
for Al. Al tells Max that she lied. Max tells him to cut her some slack. He
says that she married Asa so she could take care of Al, because taking care of
him means everything to her. Gabrielle is standing in the doorway, and
overhears everything that Max says to Al. She approaches and says that she
heard what Max said, and she wants Al to forgive Max. That he deserves Al's
love. She tells him that it was wrong of her to tell him all the things she
did, in the past about Max, and that he loves Al, and is his father and would do
anything for Al. He gave him his blood. No matter what, he would give up his
life for Al. Al says "YOU wouldn't?". Gabrielle says that of course she would,
but Max is different. No matter what, if he never got love from Al in return,
he would still give everything he has without expecting anything from Al.
Gabrielle goes on to say that she's been so lucky to have Al's love all these
years, but Max hasn't. She says it doesn't matter if Max never gets it, because
he would give everything up in a heartbeat for Al. Looking at Max, she says
that that is true love. Max turns and leaves the room, and Al says "you've
fallen in love with him again". Gabrielle just looks at Al.
Sam and Troy McGuyver
Sam calls Nora and leaves her a message, telling her it's about Troy.
After leaving the message, Sam turns around to find Troy standing there. Troy
asks why he is calling Nora about him, and Sam says he called Nora to warn her.
Troy says about me?? Sam tells him it's about the fact that Troy decided to
move to Llanview, where Nora lives. Sam tells Troy that the Free Clinic he is
opening is just Troy's way of trying to make up for what Colin did. He tells
Troy that he told Nora he was leaving, and now he's not. Troy says that people
need medical care, and Sam tells him that Nora is not going to buy that for a
second. Troy tells Sam that if he's so worried about Nora being afraid of him,
then why did he wait until now to tell her he's staying, to which Sam says it
was because he wanted her to enjoy her vacation.
Blair and Todd
As Blair starts to leave, Todd appears from behind a corner, and asks her
where she's going. Blair asks him since when does he care where she's going?
He says he doesn't care, but again he asks where she's going. Blair tells Todd
that she and Max called off the wedding. Todd says something sarcastic about
having just bought a new suit, and Blair tells him to shut up. She tells him he
got everything he wanted, and that he's not going to see her again. She says
she's leaving this stinking town, and doesn't care if she sees Max or Todd
again. Todd says what about Starr? Blair laughs and says what about her? You
don't let me see her. Todd says that he just sent her to a boarding school,
it's not like she's not coming back. Blair looks hopeful until Todd adds that
Starr will be back...when she's 18. Blair tells Todd that her baby is going to
grow up without a father. She tells him it is HER baby..all hers. She tells
him he won..he beat her, and he is never going to see her baby or her ever
again. She walks aways.
Sam, Todd and Blair
Blair goes home and begins to write a letter to Todd. Sam approaches Todd
outside, and asks if he has seen Blair. Todd tells him that she's gone
somewhere; somewhere where she can't be found. As Blair is writing the letter,
Sam tries to convince Todd that Blair really does want to be with him. He tells
Todd to go after her, but Todd says that it's too late. He says that she's
having Max's kid. Sam still tries to convince him that Blair wants Todd. Todd
asks what he means. Sam tells him it's privileged lawyer information, but that
Todd should just go after Blair, and ask her what she told him. He says that
he's done all he can, that the rest is up to Todd. He leaves Todd alone to his
thoughts. Meanwhile, Blair finishes her letter to Todd. It goes something like
this: Dear Todd,
By the time you read this, I'll be gone. I used to think we were meant to
be together. That no matter what happened, we could always find our way back to
each other. You used to love me. And heaven help me, I still love you. I
wanted you to love this baby as much as I did. Now it's gone too far. We've
gone too far to find our way back again. I don't think there's anything left
between us. Except for one thing. This baby. It's not Max's baby. It's your
baby Todd. It's ours. I lost Starr for now, but I will always have our child.
I'll take such good care of our baby. He or she will get all the love that is
meant for you. Always,
Nora and Troy
Nora is in the park with her son, swinging him on the swings. She tells
him that his daddy is going to meet them there, and he is excited. As Nora
looks up she sees Colin/Troy McGuyver.
Seth starts to kiss Jessica, when Natalie walks in.
Dr. McGuyver tells Nora that he's decided to stay in Llanview.