One Life to Live Update Wednesday 7/18/01 By Boo Hank is trying to calm Nora down on the stand in the court room. The camera spans to get
everyone's reaction. Nora tells Sam that she is sorry. It is hard to tell what everyone in the courtroom is thinking. Antonio asks Roseanne if she knew about this all this time. She doesn't answer. Nora is kind of in shock. She can't believe that she couldn't remember until now. She apologizes to everyone. Hank asks if she needs a break, Nora says no. Hank continues to question her. Is she certain that these are memories? She says she is positive. Hank wants to make sure that she won't have another memory later that will change all this. She convinces him that she
remembers exactly what happened. Hank asks her to go through the whole evening. She tells about Sam taking her home after the dinner party that night. He wanted to stay with her, but she assured him she would be okay. Finally Sam left. Colin was already in her house. She laid down on the couch. She heard something behind her but when she turned Colin was already there and stuck a syringe in her back. She fought him for a while, and tried to run for the door. When she got to the door, her legs gave out on her. He carried her to his car and drove to his house. He told her that they would always be together now. He talked to her like they were lovers. When they got to his house, he carried her upstairs to his bedroom. He had made it up to look like a brothel. He laid her on the bed and told her how they were gonna make love for the rest of their lives. He showed her two passports Dr. R. Butler and
Scarlet Butler. He told her they were going some place where no one could ever find them. Jen tells Chris that was the passport he showed to her that night. I kept fighting him. She got away and got some water. He put more drugs in the water. Hank asks if the drugs might have made her
hallucinate. She says she wouldn't let them, she fought the drugs. Did this make Colin angry? Not as mad as when she threw the water in his face. That made him really mad. He threw her on the bed and told her that she would love him
whether she liked it or not. When he realized that he would have to force her, he pulled out another syringe. Then the door bell rang. Hank asks if that is when Melanie came in. She remembers his
argument with Melanie and with Jen. She heard him laughing. She tells again about Colin coming up the stairs and seeing him fall again. She went down the stairs to the landing. That is when she saw Roseanne. Roseanne looked at her, then at Colin then ran. She thought that Roseanne was going to get help. She was so tired, so she went back upstairs to the bedroom and passed out. She woke up in the hospital. She is glad it is all over. The judge tells her that it is
definitely not over. Nora explains that she only meant that now they know what really happened to Colin, and she can set Sam free. The judge says her dramatic memory could have all been staged to get Sam off. The Rappaports tell the judge that isn't fair. Roseanne stands up and tells the judge that she can tell them what happened that night. Roseanne takes the stand. Hank asks her what she saw. The door was open when she got there so she went in. She saw Colin fall down the stairs, and then saw Nora standing on the stairs. She got
scared and ran. Hank wants to know why she never said anything all this time. She tells them that she didn't want anyone to know that she was there, or that she even knew Colin. She didn't know that Nora was drugged, or that she had lost her memory. Hank is done
examining her, and the judge tells her she can step down. Bo stops her and tells her that they need to question her more. Antonio is going to take her upstairs and get a more detailed statement from her. Roseanne and Antonio leave the court room. Hank is going to talk to the judge. Nora asks Bo if she is under arrest? Bo starts to explain to her and the judge reminds him that the court is still in session. She wants to see Bo and Hank in her quarters, and Nora will be sequestered in the witness room. Nora asks what about the charges
against Sam. Hank moves that they be dropped, the judge drops the charges. As the guard is taking Nora to the witness room, she asks Sam if he knows that she would never have done this to him if she had remembered. He doesn't answer her. The guard takes her out of the court room. Lainey congratulates Sam and leaves. Lindsay leaves to splash some water on her face. Will, Jen, and Cristian are talking to Sam. What will happen to Nora now? Sam isn't sure. The judge is talking to Hank and Bo. She is very upset that Nora ran a three ring circus in her court room. She hopes they plan to bring charges against her.