One Life to Live Update Thursday 6/28/01



One Life to Live Update Thursday 6/28/01

By Boo

Lindsay arrives at the courthouse, outside the courtroom. She peeks her head in. After she hears what Jenn has said, she panics and turns to run away. Ben stops her and asks her where she is going. She says she has to get Jenn a lawyer. Ben badgers her a little more. She decides she doesn't need a lawyer, she will help Jenn herself. She goes into the courtroom. A few minutes later she is being removed from the courtroom by Bo, John, and the bailiff. She is starting to panic. She asks Bo what Jenn said in there, he just tells the bailiff to take her to the witness room, and let him know if she causes any problems. He takes her to the witness room. John goes back in the courtroom. Bo asks Ben if he talked to Lindsay before she went in, Ben says yes, she wanted to stop Jen.  Ben asks what Jenn said, Bo tells him she told the truth. They are gone before Jess follows Will out of the courtroom to ask if he going to go see his mom. Will is pretty rude to her and tells her she can't help. He goes to see Lindsay, leaving Jess just standing there.
In the courtroom Hank is asking Jenn if this is a ploy to help out her father. Jenn says no, it is not.  She says again that Lindsay was helping Sam carry Colin's body out that night. Lindsay hears her say this. Nora asks for a minute for Jenn to compose herself. Lindsay barges into the courtroom yelling for Jenn not to say another word. Everyone is stunned. She tells Jenn she doesn't have to do this anymore. The Judge tries to get her to sit down. Lindsay won't listen and the Judge orders her in contempt and tells the bailiff to take her to the witness room for right now. The bailiff, Bo and John have to forcefully remove her from the courtroom. The Judge tells everyone she will not stand for any more interruptions. Will gets up to leave, Jess follows him. The Judge asks Jenn if she is able to continue. She says she is. She confirms for Hank that she saw Sam & Lindsay carry Colins body out. He says no further questions. Nora approaches Jenn.  She is handling Jenn very carefully and being very nice.  She asks her why she didn't go to the police. Jenn says she was afraid they would get in big trouble. Then she tells about how her and her friends found the body.  Why didn't she go to the police then. Jenn thought if no one found the body, it would be like it never happened. Why didn't she go to the police after Colin's body had been found by the police.  She wanted to many times. But her mother always talked her out of it.  Murmurs through out the court room. Jenn says that she did tell one person. She told Rae. Nora also manages to get her to testify that Lindsay took her out of the jurisdiction when Sam's trial started. More murmurs. Nora summarizes Jenn's testimony and asks her if that is all correct. Jenn answers that yes it is.  Nora rests. Hank asks to re-direct, the Judge calls a 1 hour recess. Sam goes to Jenn and tells her that she is doing great and he loves her. He kisses her. The bailiff takes Sam back to his cell. Nora follows. Cristian comes to Jenn, they hug.  Rae starts to say something to Jenn, then leaves them alone. Chris tells Jenn everything will be okay now, it is over. Jenn says no, it is just starting as Will walks into the courtroom. Jenn asks how Lindsay is. Will says she is pretty shaken up. Jenn asks if he can ever forgive her for what she has done to mom & dad. Will he hate her now? Cristian leaves them alone for a bit. Will says of course he doesn't hate her. He loves her. He is just having a hard time believing what all she said. He does believe her, but it is their parents they are talking about. He knows dad couldn't kill Colin. Jenn says mom could, couldn't she?
ICQ - 10128982
"Pain heals, chicks love scars, glory lasts forever."
"When thread is in the sky, Dragonriders must fly." FAQ is at:
Everyone is milling around out in the hall. Seth comes up to Rae and asks if she knows Cristian, he has a very important message for him from work. Rae tells him to just give the message to the bailiff as Cristian is kinda busy right now. She walks away. Bo is questioning Jess about all the kids covering up for each other. Jess asks if he will be charging the four of them. Bo says probably not, they have all been thru enough. Todd comes bursting in. Says he is there to support Sam. Todd gets a call from Starr telling him he has to come back to the house. He says he can't, Starr tells him that mommy and Kelly are talking and they shut the door and told her to play and not bother them.  Todd says he will be right there and leaves. John & Rae are in the hall again. Rae asks if John now understands why she couldn't tell him what Jenn had told her. He replies that he does not understand and walks away.  Rae sits down.  Seth goes up to the bailiff and asks him to give the message to Cristian and turns to walk away bumping right into Jess. She recognizes him. He says he has to go. She stops him and wants to know why he is always in a rush to get away from her. He was okay with her until he knew her name, now that he knows her name, he never wants to be too close to her. Does he know something about her? Did Cristian tell him something about her? Ben sits down next to Rae. They talk about how much all of this has hurt Will & Jess's relationship.  Hank walks up to Bo & John, and tells them his request is being processed right now. Lindsay will be ordered to testify in a few hours. Getting her to tell the truth is a different story.
Starr is making pink lemonade and pours in the love potion. She then goes to take it to Blair.
Sonora brings the love potion to Starr. She tells Starr how the potion works, and for her to be very careful with it.  Starr tells her that if the potion works, she will be back. She wants Sonora to turn Max into a toad. Sonora tells her that she is not a witch.  Starr offers to pay extra. Sonora tries to explain to her what an aura is, and that hers is very dark. Black is Starr's favorite color.  Starr gets up to leave. Sonora watches her leave and commits on what a wicked child she is.
Todd and Blair are getting dressed. Blair says she is going to the courthouse to offer Sam some support. Todd gets a pang of jealousy and mouths of a little bit to her. They argue about Todd's jealousy over Sam. Kelly walks in. Todd announces that he is leaving to go to the courthouse to give Sam some support and leaves. Kelly wants to know what is going on. Blair says they were getting along, and then the baby kicked.  Kelly tells her that the only way Todd will ever stop freaking out is if she tells him it really is his baby. Blair still wants to stick to her plan. Kelly tries to talk some sense into Blair. Blair goes to take the towels out of Todd's bathroom because he got all the softer towels. Starr walks in and is not pleased to see Kelly there. Kelly sees the glass of pink lemonade and tells Starr thank you for bringing her something to drink, and takes the glass. Starr is a little annoyed. She grabs the drink back from Kelly, and asks her if she doesn't have to go to that trial for her news paper. Blair walks in and kisses Starr. Kelly says she has to go anyway, even thou she isn't covering the trial. Starr tells her she should go NOW. Blair jumps her about being so rude. Kelly leaves. Blair asks Starr why she was so rude. Starr tells her that she wanted Kelly to leave so she could give Blair her surprise. Blair asks where her surprise is. Star tells her to drink her lemonade and she will go get the surprise. Starr leaves, in the hall way she is talking to herself saying that this better work. Todd walks up behind her and asks what better work.
Will comes into the witness room. Lindsay is glad to see him. She yells at him that he doesn't know the whole story. He wants to hear the whole story. She wants to know what Jenn said. Will just wants the TRUTH!!! John and the guard come in and demands that Will leave. The guard takes Will out of there. John tells Lindsay that all her lies are coming back at her. She swears she is not lying. John doesn't believe her at all. She tells him it will all be thrown out, because Jenn was under duress.  John goes to leave, when he opens the door Rae comes in and blasts Lindsay for what she has done to Jenn. John and her leave. Lindsay is totally panicking. She bangs on the door loudly, finally the guard comes in and asks what is wrong. She says she is sick, she needs a doctor. He doesn't believe her and starts to leave. She fakes passing out. He runs to her side and can't get her to wake. He kinda panics and goes running out that he needs a doctor. Lindsay jumps up and runs out too.
Sam and Nora are in his cell. The guard tells them they have about 45 minutes and leaves. They discuss that Sam really did think that Jenn killed Colin, he was trying to protect her, and ended up hurting her. Nora reassures him that he is a good father. They then talk about the night Colin was killed. Finally Sam can be honest with her.  Nora asks exactly what happened. Sam was going to confront Colin. He saw Jenn running away from the house into the woods. He chased after her to find out what was wrong. He looked for her for about 15 or 20 minutes. When he couldn't find her, he returned to confront Colin. He pounded on the door and it came open. He went in, found Jenn's bracelet laying on the floor, and then found Colin's body. He sat there on the floor for about 15 more minutes just trying to soak everything up. Think about all that he had seen. He thought Jenn had killed Colin. Lindsay comes in and acts a little surprised that Colin is dead. He starts to call the police, she stopped him before he told her that he thought it was Jenn that killed him. Nora decides that it must have been Lindsay that killed Colin. Left, came back for some reason, and when she found out what Sam thought, she used that all to her advantage. Sam doesn't want to believe that Lindsay would do that to her children. Nora tells him she thinks Lindsay is well able to do that.