One Life to Live Update Wednesday 6/27/01 By Boo
Roseanne is at Sonora's again, asking for more
potion. Sonora wants to know what happened to the one she gave her before.
Roseanne explains that she spilled it by accident. Sonora is upset with her.
She will only give her more if Roseanne uses it on Antonio. She must
have faith in the magick. Roseanne tells her about Cristian and Antonio. She
just needs another chance at love. Sonora says she believes that Roseanne has
faith in love, now all she needs is to trust the magick. Does she? Roseanne
tries to convince her that she does. Sonora is still not certain. The price
this time is $500.00. Roseanne says she doesn't have it. Sonora stands strong.
Roseanne says she will figure out a way to get the potion. Roseanne leaves.
Sonora's phone rings. It is Starr. Starr shows up at Sonora's place. She asks
if she can have a shrunken head. Sonora tells her no. She says she wants a
love potion. Sonora tells her to give the boy a frog, he will come around.
Star explains it is for another couple. They just keep messing things up on
their own. Sonora tells her that it will cost $500.00, thinking that she will
not have it. Starr pulls out a huge wad of cash and counts out the money.
Sonora agrees to sell it to her.
Starr peeks in and sees Blair asleep on Todd's
shoulder. She is very happy and closes the door quietly. Blair and Todd
wake up and look at each other. They almost kiss. Blair pulls away
and says she can't. Todd pretends that he didn't want to kiss her. Blair says
she knows that he did want to kiss her. They argue loudly. Starr walks in and
hears them fighting. She asks them why. She is very upset and confused. They
tell her she didn't hear the whole story, they want to be together, but not in
the bed. Why not she asks. Todd tells her it is because of the baby.
Blair starts to panic thinking Todd is going to tell Starr that the baby is
Max's baby. He tells her to just shut up for a minute. He explains to Starr
that the reason they don't want to sleep together is because since Blair is
pregnant it makes her very uncomfortable, and she needs the whole bed to
stretch out in. Starr is a little happier, and leaves to get dressed. Blair
and Todd discuss if they think she bought their story. They aren't sure. Blair
asks if he was gonna really tell her about the baby being Max's. He says that
he thought about it, she asks him why he changed his mind. He says he didn't
want to hurt Starr's feelings. They talk about maybe not arguing anymore. Todd
agrees to try it. Blair asks that they don't really hate each other do they?
Maybe they can get along. She is softening up, so is Todd. They get close
again, almost kissing. Then Blair pulls away again. Todd asks what now, Blair
says the baby just gave her a very healthy kick. That breaks the mood for
Lindsay is still at the Break Bar talking to RJ.
She says she is glad that even if she doesn't like Cristian, at least she is
glad that he has taken her away from the trial. She knows that he does really
care about Jenn, and he would never bring her back here to testify. RJ says
not to be too sure. Lindsay things he knows something and demands RJ tell her.
Ben rushes in and wants to know where she has been. He tells her that Jenn is
testifying now. Lindsay is shocked. She tries to choke RJ for not telling her,
Ben pulls her off. Lindsay says she has to get to Jenn before it's too late
and runs out.
In the courtroom, Hank is still asking Jenn if she
killed Colin. She is hesitating, looking from Sam, to Will, to Cristian. Hank
asks her again if she was upset and angry because she thought he was going to
rape her. She says of course she was. He asks her if she was angry enough to
kill Colin. Cristian stands up in court and yells for Hank to leave her
alone, he has no right to treat her like that. The judge tells Chris to sit
down, and tells Hank to continue. Hank asks her again if she killed him.
Finally Nora objects. Nora and Hank start to argue, the judge calls them to
the sidebar. Nora says Hank has to drop the charges against her client before
he can accuse Jenn. She says she doesn't even need to present a defense, as
Hank is already putting reasonable doubt in the jurors minds. Hank
argues that the whole Rappaport family has been hiding something, it is time
to get to the bottom of it. The judge allows Hank to continue, after a brief
recess. Hank asks for Jenn to be sequestered. The judge agrees. Jenn is
taken to the witness room by a guard. Sam rushes to Hank and demands to know
why he is doing this to Jenn. Hank tells him to sit down and calm down. Bo
try's to calm them both down. He asks them both how lock up sounds to them.
Sam finally backs down. He is very frustrated. He accuses Nora of not doing
enough to stop all this. Nora defends herself. Finally Sam starts
to calm down. He says that he feels like Colin is out there laughing at all of
them. This makes Nora remember the laughing she heard yesterday morning
when she woke up. Sam asks her if something is wrong, she tells him she was
just thinking of the dream. She is surprised that he still cares. The judge is
back, they are bringing Jenn into the courtroom. Jenn takes the stand
again. The judge reminds her that she is still under oath. Hank asks her again
if she killed Colin. She tells him she did not. She tells (and remembers) that
she thought he was going to rape her. She broke free and ran out of the house.
Hank asks her if she saw anyone else. She says yes she did. She ran out into
the woods for a ways. Then she realized that she had lost her bracelet, so she
thought maybe Colin had gone upstairs and she could sneak back in to find it.
She went back, and she saw Sam carrying Colin's body out. The courtroom
erupts, Nora asks Sam what the hell is going on. He stays quiet. The judge
gets the room under control. Hank asks her if there was anyone else with Sam.
She says yes, her mother was helping him carry the body. The courtroom
erupts again. Nora is getting a very smug look on her face.
In the hallway of the courtroom John catches Rae
getting ready to go in. He wants to know why she is so interested in Jenn's
testimony. He starts asking her again about telling him what she knows.
He will not let up. They are bringing Jenn out of the courtroom for the recess
and Rae grabs her and asks her if she is okay. Jenn is walking as if she is in
a trance. The guard will not allow Rae to talk to her, he pushes on thru to
take Jenn to the witness room. Rae tells John to stop badgering her, it is not
helping their relationship.
In the witness room, Cristian barges in asking
for just a minute with Jenn. The guard tells him that he can't allow that.
Then Will busts in and starts yelling at Cristian pushing him around. It is
all his fault. The guard goes to take the two of them out of the room, and
keep them getting into a physical fight. Rae comes in while the judge is away.
At first Jenn is a bit hostile. Rae convinces her that she really does care
about her, that this is a good thing she is doing. She is a very strong young
lady and she can get thru this. John and the guard walk in to get Jen,
John is upset that Rae is in there. Rae is trying to protect Jenn. He gets Rae
to leave. Cristian and Will bust back into the room. Chris begs John to
let him have one minute with Jenn, he promises he won't say anything about the
trial. John gives in and says one minute. Chris tells her that he is still
there for her. He kisses her.
In the hall the guard and John have a bit of
trouble splitting Cristian and Will up. They finally get them calmed down a
bit, and John tells them to go back to the courtroom. Then John and the
guard go to get Jenn to take her back to the courtroom.