One Life to Live Update Tuesday 6/26/01



One Life to Live Update Tuesday 6/26/01

By Boo

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A guard brings Jenn into the courtroom, and leaves her there alone. Cristian walks in behind her and gives her the necklace that she broke. He fixed it for her. She thanks him for fixing it. Cristian tells her that Bo allowed him to come in and see her as long as they don't discuss what she is going to say on the stand.  She says that is okay, she doesn't want to.  They talk about not being able to see or talk to each other last night. She is afraid of what is going to happen. Chris apologizes for bringing her back. She assures him that it was her choice. She wants to do this. She has to tell what she knows.  Chris says he wants to be in her life. He hated not being there with her at Colin's that night. She says she didn't want him to be involved.  He assures her that everyone in the courtroom will understand what ever she did that night.  She is not so sure. He tells her that he doesn't believe for a minute that she could hurt someone, unless she was in danger. She worries that the judge and the jury do not know her. The guard comes to get Cristian, Chris asks for one move minute. The guard says okay, but make it quick. Chris tells Jenn he will be there for her no matter what. The guard comes back in and tells Cristian that he has to get out of there before the judge comes in. Chris leaves with the guard. Everyone starts coming into the courtroom.  Jess asks Will if there is anything she can do, he tells her nothing. Hank calls Jenn to the stand. She is sworn in.  Hank asks her how she got the passport. She is very nervous. She tries to explain that she went there that night because she was upset. She remembers begging Colin to just go away. Colin says he isn't going anywhere, and gives her his passport telling her to give it to her parents. Hank is being pretty rough on her.  YES, she hated him and she wanted him gone! She tells (and remembers) that Colin tried to rape her. Hank tells her to go back to the beginning, when she first got there.  She remembers coming in to his home looking for Colin. He is nursing his head. She asks him what happened.  Colin tells her that Lainey did it. She wants to know what they were fighting about. He then gives her the passport, and grabs her. He implies that he is going to rape her. She breaks free. Hank asks her if she killed Colin.
Nora wakes up from a nightmare where she could hear Colin's evil laugh.  She is a little shaken, then remembers that she has to be in court today, looking at the clock. She is running a little late. She jumps out of bed.
Sam is in his cell preparing for court. Will comes to see him.  They discuss what might happen in the courtroom today. Sam says they have to be prepared for the worst. They discuss why Jenn was here, and why she interrupted. Sam blames it on Nora. He wants to know why Will didn't tell him about the passport. Will explains that once he found it in Jenn's stuff, and burned it, he figured that it was over. Sam says that he will do whatever he has to do to stop Nora from coming down on Jenn like she did on Will. Sam realizes that Nora is listening thru the cell bars. Sam jumps her case again. He is still upset with her.  Nora says that she will not cross examine her.  She tries to explain that she was only doing her job. He will not accept her apology. She asks Will if he understands why she did what she did. She hopes he will forgive her. He tells her that he understands what she did. He is fine with it, as long as it helps his dad. Nora says Sam is more angry than she has ever seen him. Will says this isn't angry at all.  He tells her of a time when he was little and made his father angry, that was real anger. Sam is listening quietly to their conversation. Will tries to get Sam to forgive Nora. Sam thinks about it.  Will takes off. Nora tells Sam that she will be there for him, even if he doesn't want her to. He keeps thinking that it may be Jenn behind these bars in a few hours. Nora assures him that if Jenn did do this, it was in self defense. Nora tells Sam about her dream this morning. The guard comes to take Sam to the courtroom. 
If front of the courtroom, Hank is telling John that he knows he is going to crack this case today.  Cristian is coming out of the courtroom with the Bo and overhears him. Bo stops him from saying anything to Hank, he asks Bo what if Jenn cracks first.
Bo and Hank are talking in the hall of the courthouse.  Bo says he knew Sam was covering for someone, but doesn't believe it was for Jenn. He doesn't think she is capable of that. Hank is determined to get the truth out of Jenn in the courtroom today. Lanie enters and jumps all  over Hank. She thinks he should wait until Lindsay can get to the court house before he questions Jenn. Hank says they have all waited long enough. Bo asks him to go easy on her, she isn't charged. Hank says by the end of the day, that might change and leaves.  They both agree that Jenn didn't do it. Bo thinks it is Lindsay. He thinks it is Lindsay with RJ's help to cover up what happened when Lindsay kidnapped Nora. Lainey thinks there is more to it then that. If Lindsay were there, she might even tell the truth if she thought it was to save Jenn. Lainey gets a page from the hospital. She is upset, she wanted to be here for Sam, Will & Jenn.  Bo puts the ring back on her hand. He tells her it is to remind her that no matter what happens, she doesn't have to deal with it alone.
Lindsay comes into the Break Bar looking for Cristian. She is very upset with him for taking Jenn away from New York.  RJ says he has no clue where he is, and comments that Lindsay is now afraid that Jenn will tell all her secrets.  She is convinced that Jenn would never talk. RJ tells her that Jenn just might. She came back to try to find Jenn and keep her off the witness stand. RJ doesn't buy that she was doing all this for Jenn, he thinks it was to save herself. She asks what he cares. He says he doesn't but Bo does. He tells her Bo is asking around.  He tells her about Bo arresting him, and that he pointed the finger at Will to get out of trouble. She is very upset. He assures her Will is safe, since he didn't really do it. Lindsay agrees that Will can handle it. She is just worried about Jenn. She hopes Jenn isn't in town.
Ben is on the phone at his house looking for Lindsay. Jess walks in and complains to Ben that he betrayed her.  He went straight to Nora and told her everything. How could he do that to her? He tells her that he didn't tell Nora, the only person he told was Sam. She is still upset with him for betraying her trust. They figure out that she must have overheard him talking to Sam.  Jenn tells been that she will not trust him again, and starts to leave. He tries to stop her. She is upset and leaves anyway.  Ben is frustrated, he calls Jackie and tells him to find Lindsay NOW!!! Jackie calls back and tells Ben where Lindsay is. Ben leaves go talk to her.