One Life to Live Update Monday 6/25/01



One Life to Live Update Monday 6/25/01

By Boo

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Star is on the phone with Senora, asking if she is speaking to the 'love potion lady' trying to get some of the potion. She says it is an emergency.  Meanwhile, upstairs, Todd & Blair continue to fight and Blair continues to break Todd's stuff. Blair asks Todd why he agreed to all four of them living together again.  She says that the Todd she knows only agrees to something like this if there is something in it for him.  Todd tells her that maybe there is something about Todd that she doesn't know. Todd says he was only trying to be right by her.  Blair is still very suspicious. She thinks Todd will pull this all out from under her again.  He tells her that she gets to see Star as long as Star wants to see her.  She tells him to write it down. That she can see Star when ever she wants to.  He takes the pen, and then remembers Max ribbing him about the baby.  He refuses. Blair tells him he will never change and storms out of the room. Star is still talking to Senora, who tells her that her potions are not for 4 year old's with crushes, and to call her back in about 10 years.  Star is furious, she grabs her purse and starts to storm out the front door.  Blair and Todd are coming down the stairs, and stop her. Starr tells them she is running away, and begins to 'cry'. Blair and Todd try to find out why she is upset.  She tells them she can't stand them fighting all the time.  They try to explain to her that grown-ups fight sometimes.  She asks them if they still love each other. They finally tell her that yes, they do love each other.  Star is very happy now.  They tell her it is time for bed.  She goes upstairs, then comes back down and announces that now that they have decided that they love each other, it is time they all go to bed.  She insists that if they love each other, they should sleep together, like all her friends parents do.  They finally agree to sleep in the same bed. She gets happy again and goes to bed.  They argue a bit about lying to Starr, finally decide to just go to bed, and go to sleep. Nothing will happen unless they want it to, they both agree that they don't want that. In her sleep, Blair turns over to lay her head on Todd's shoulder, and put her arm across him.
Gabriella is still reminding Max of the night she spent in his penthouse.  She asks him if he ever thinks about what would have happened if he hadn't slept on the couch that night. He tells her that he doesn't.  She starts rubbing ice all over her body. She tells him that she is very hot. He tells her that the A/C is starting to kick in, she should put some clothes on, she might catch something, and he doesn't want to catch it from her.  She asks him if the real reason he wanted to move out was not because he thought she wanted him so bad, but really because he still has feelings for her. He tells her to take a cold shower, the heat is getting to her. Whatever they had, was over long ago.  She reminds him of the wonderful sex they used to have. He swears that he will not touch her again. She says she is happy about that. Asa comes in, and asks what the hell is going on in here. Max says nothing, and leaves the room.  Asa asks Gabby if she is being unfaithful to him. She tells him not yet. Asa promises to give her a little more time the next time he 'barges in on her'.  She assures Asa that she should have him eating out of her hand in a week or so. Asa is pleased, then they can really get to work. Max comes in to refill his drink.  Gabriella leaves to go bed.  Asa tells Max what a fool he was for letting Gabby get away from him and leaves the room.  Max picks up the rag that Gabriella was using to wipe herself down with it and thinks of her. Gabby is sleeping in her room and has a very erotic dream of Max, this wakes her up, she is very upset that she had the dream.
The courtroom erupts as Jen insists that she wants to testify.  The judge says that she will be allowed to testify, but in a legal manner, not by her blurting stuff out in the courtroom.  Will tries to tell Jenn to leave, she says she will not. She is tired of all the lies.  She tells the judge that she was in Colin's house that night. He gave her his passport just before he died. The courtroom erupts again.  The Judge tries desperately to get control of the situation. Sam tries to stop any questioning of Jenn. The Judge is loosing her patience with everyone.  She tells Hank to have Jenn ready to testify in the morning, and adjourns procedures for the day.  Hank follows her to her chambers. Jenn apologizes to her father.  He says it is not her fault, looking very angrily at Nora. Sam tries to talk to Jenn, but the guards take him away.  Nora offers to talk to the judge, Sam tells her to stay out of this.  The guard takes Sam away.  Nora tells them she is gonna try to stop this and walks out of the room after the guard and Sam. Cristian asks Jenn if she is okay, Will tells him to get away from her, this is all his fault. Jenn tells him to lay off. This was her decision. She wants to talk to Cristian for a minute. Al asks Jess if she wants him to take her home, she asks him to wait for just a second. She tries to talk to Will. He accuses her of running straight to Nora. She tells him that she didn't, she told Ben. She thought she could trust him.  Jen wants to tell Cristian everything before he has to hear it in court the next day.  Hank interrupts and tells Jenn that the judge has sequestered her to her home for the night, so that she doesn't talk to anyone about her testimony. There is a guard there to escort her home, and stay with her to make sure of just that. Jenn asks Chris if he will be there tomorrow. He assures her he will be. Jess tries to explain to Will why she went to Ben.  She was going nuts. She wants them to go home together and come together to court the next morning to support Jenn.  He lashes out to her that she thought he killed Colin. She tries to point out to him that he would never talk to her, tell her what was going on. What was she supposed to think? She gives up and leaves with Al. Hank comes in tells Will that he has some questions for him, he replies that they might as well do it now, he has nothing at home waiting on him.
Nora goes to try to talk to Sam in his cell. He tells her he never wants to see her again. He is livid with her.   They had an agreement. She wasn't supposed to go after his kids. They argue heatedly. He tells her to get away from him right now. She starts to leave and changes her mind.  She tells him that she is not walking away from this. She was thinking of his 'other' son. Does he remember Mathew?  He needs his father. She tries desperately to explain to Sam that she was acting in his best interest. Sam is hearing none of it. He was trying to protect his kids. Nora starts letting thing sink in, and realize that it was Jenn that killed Colin. She tries to convince Sam that Jenn needs to take responsibility for her actions.  She reminds Sam that Rachel also killed a man, she understands how he feels, she wanted to protect Rachel too, but it was wrong.  Rachel made her see that she had to stand up to her responsibilities. Sam is still hurting. He wants so bad to protect her. He tells Nora to go home. He wants to be alone so he can think.  He does not want Nora's help in taking care of Jenn. She gives up for now and leaves.