One Life to Live Update Friday 6/22/01 By Boo
Gabriella is in very skimpy clothing in the front
room. She hears Max coming and rushes to throw water over herself, to
make it look like she is really sweating up a storm. Then she drapes
herself across the coffee table (of all places) and fans herself with a
magazine. Max comes in, a little startled by what he finds. He
stutters around a bit asking if she has seen Nigel. Gabby pours some
lemonade for herself. Max complains that the house is 95 degrees. Gabby
explains that she is trying to make up to Asa for spending so much on clothes
by turning off the A/C during the day. Asa is gone for the day, and she let
all the staff have the day off. She is trying to be a better wife. She is
taking all kinds of sexy poses for Max's pleasure. She suggests they take the
chance to get to get a little closer, as she drapes herself behind him on the
back of the couch. Max quickly gets off the couch and says that he is turning
on the A/C. He tells Gabby she has to learn to stand up to Asa. She
pretends to be listening to his advice. She reminds Max of a time in the past
when she stayed in his penthouse with him, and they didn't have A/C then
They both say they never forgot that neck.
Gabby asks what if they hadn't broken up. Where would they be now. Has Max
ever wondered about that?
Kelly is trying to get Roseanne out of the house.
Andrew comes in and asks if there is a problem. Roseanne begs Andrew to
help her out in convincing Kelly to hear her out. Roseanne continues
pretending to just wanting to apologize, and that she is changing.
Andrew does talk Kelly into hearing Roseanne out. Kelly and Andrew go to
the other room, Roseanne kisses her little bottle of love potion and follows
them. They sit down in the front room. Kelly is having nothing of all
this 'repenting' Roseanne is doing. They talk of Sophia, her recovery is not
going well. Roseanne stumbles thru an apology. They hear more
rumblings from upstairs. Kelly tells her it is time for her to leave.
She pretends to almost cry. It took a lot for her to come here today to
apologize. Andrew is confused, he is not sure exactly what Roseanne has done.
Kelly tells him very quickly. Roseanne still begs for Andrew to help her talk
Kelly into talking to her. Roseanne asks for something to drink. Kelly
says she has a fresh pot of coffee. Roseanne is not sure the potion will
work in a hot drink, so while Andrew and Kelly are out getting the coffee, she
calls Sonora and asks her about it. Starr is listening in the background.
Starr over hears the whole conversation about how the love potion will work.
Starr is getting ideas in her little head. Kelly, Andrew, and Roseanne are
sitting around the coffee table sipping on the coffee. Kelly accepts her
apology and tries again to call the meeting to an end. Roseanne looks around
and comments on the beautiful surroundings. She asks them to look on the
bottom of a vase to find out if it is Chinese. While they are looking,
she tries to open the vial of love potion with Starr watching from the
hall. She spills the potion all over her shirt, when Kelly asks what
happened, she quickly grabs the cup of coffee and spills it on her, yells
at Kelly for ruining things again and storms out. Andrew and Kelly are
amused and confused. Kelly and Andrew leave the room. Starr enters
and picks up the phone and pushes redial. She asks if this is the 'love potion
lady', and tells her she wants to buy some of that love potion.
Cristian asks Jen who it is that killed Colin.
Jen chickens out, and again claims to know nothing. Chris continues to try to
convince her that she will feel so much better if she gets this off her chest.
Jenn tells Chris that her mother will be back soon, she wants him to leave.
He won't go, he wants to help her. They hear a key in the lock, Jenn panics
and thinks it is her mom, she wants Chris to hide. It is part of the motel
staff bringing in shopping bags that Lindsay had sent back to the motel.
The staff person leaves, and Jen realizes she doesn't have on the necklace
that she made out of the stone Chris gave her at the quarry. Chris suggests
they look for it. Jenn, without looking anywhere but Cristians face, says she
can't find it. Chris finds it by the door. It broke the rock into when it hit
that hard carpet floor.
Jenn gets upset, she wears that for good luck. She
thinks the stone represents them, they will break up because she won't tell
Cristian who killed Colin. Chris reassures her. Cristian still tries to
convince her to come back to Llanview with him, they will face it together.
In the courtroom, Will is being sworn in and
hesitates a bit when they ask him if he swears to tell the whole truth.
He sees RJ walk in to the courtroom, looks at Sam for a bit, and finally says
I do. Hank ask Will if he recognizes the boots. Will says he does, that they
were found in his closet by the police, but they are not his boots. When
Hank asks him if they are his fathers boots, Will says he doesn't know.
Then Hank pulls out a picture and asks Will if he knows the two people in the
picture. Nora objects, she knew nothing about this photograph. Hank asks for
the photo to be placed as evidence, the judge allows it and tells Will to
answer. (Guess Llanview court system hasn't heard of 'discovery'). Will says
it is a photo of him and Sam in a park with a dog. Hank then pulls out
an enhanced portion of that photograph. It is of Sam's feet in the
original photo, with the boots on. Will still tries to deny recognizing
the boots. Finally he agrees that they look like the boots in the picture.
Hank gives the photos to the jurors, and has no more questions. Nora starts to
get up, Sam tells her he doesn't want her questioning Will. Nora gets up to
question him anyway. She reminds will that they are very close, and
almost related. She is going to be asking him some pretty tough questions and
she wants the truth. Will says he will try. Al and Jess are watching in
the courtroom Al asks if she is doing okay, she tells him that she feels
like she is on trial with Will. Nora asks where he was between 10:00 and
10:30 on the night in question. He doesn't remember. A man walks into
the courtroom and stands next to the guard in the back. Nora wants to
know if Will recognizes him, Will says no. Nora says that the man is willing
to testify that he remembers Will coming to the docks that night and
trying to hire someone to hurt Colin. Murmurs erupt in the courtroom. Will
finally does say that he was at the docks and did try to hire someone to
'rough up' Colin. He says they beat him up for asking. Nora suggests
that it was Will that went to Colin's house and killed him. Sam is
livid, he yells, Hank yells. The judge brings order to the courtroom.
Nora is badgering Will. She wants him to admit that he was at Colin's house.
Sam erupts yelling to leave his son alone, he is the one that killed Colin.
The judge brings order again, and asks Sam if he wants to again change his
plea to not guilty. Nora quickly asks for a few minutes to confer with her
client. Al asks Jess why she isn't surprised, does she think Will did do it.
RJ comes up to rib his brother about the case. Hank assures him he will get to
the truth. Sam and Nora argue heatedly. Ben interrupts to ask where Nora
got that information, Sam tells him not to worry about that now, to go find
Lindsay and bring her here immediately. Ben leaves to find Lindsay. Sam then
turns to Nora and tells her that if she wants him to leave his plea at not
guilty, to leave
Will out of it. Nora informs the judge that the
plea stands at not guilty. She starts to do as Sam asked her, but
changes her mind, and asks Will where he got Colin's passport. Jess is shocked
that she knows about the passport. Will looks accusingly at Jess. Jess shakes
her head no at him. He says he did have Colin's passport. Nora wants to know
how he got it. Cristian and Jen walk into the courtroom and Jen announces
that Will got the passport from her. Murmurs erupt again, Sam turns and
looks surprised at Jenn.