One Life to Live Update Wednesday 5/23/01
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The judge reaches a decision regarding Blair. Todd tries to continue
his testimony, but the judge refuses to hear another word, her
decision is final - Blair is deemed unfit to stand trail for shooting Max by reason of insanity!
She is remanded to St. Anne's for psychiatric
evaluation. Blair is devastated! Max rushes in and blames Todd for
keeping him from getting there on time. Max vows that he'll get
payback. Blair goes off to the institution. Hank congratulates Sam for
getting an insanity plea. Sam confronts Todd about his testimony. " you
came here to testify to help Blair, not send her to prison," says Sam.
At the bar, Nora sends R.J. to the supply room so she can search for
clues. while snooping, she finds a key to R.J.'s apartment. just then, R.J. returns to the room and scares
Nora nearly out of her skin, but not
before she can stash the key. Later, Nora searches the apartment and
finds a clue... cold hard cash, with a note attached that wasn't
written by R.J.! could it be Lindsey's handwriting? stay tuned....
Cristian arrives to see Jen just after Lindsey has departed. he notices
that Jen is really upset and calls her on it. they begin discussing the
events surrounding Colin's death. just as Jen is about to reveal
something to Cris, will storms in and demands that Cris get out! he
agrees, but asks Jen to come with him. she stays behind to talk to will.
after recalling her discussion with her mom, Jen tells will that she is
sure aunt Lanie killed Colin because she killed her own father. Jen also tells will that
Lindsey wants her to keep quiet about what she
knows. will agrees with Lindsey and tells her not to say a word to
anybody! after will questioning Jen about why their mom told her
about Lanie giving her father an overdose, Jen changes her story. "I
know who killed Colin and it has nothing to do with Lanie," claims Jen.
Bo continues his visit with Lanie in jail and he tells her that he is sure
she didn't kill Colin and he promises to find out who did. also at the
police department, Rosanne confronts Kelly about what Sofia confided
in her. "I know you're R.J.'s nark," claims Kelly. more tomorrow...