One Life to Live Update Monday 3/5/01
Written By Merilee
Todd's penthouse
Starr is playing and barking out order (just like a mini Todd). The doorbell
rings and she answers it. Blair says that she is happy to see her but the
little girl is very aloof. Her mother quickly tells her that what her father
has said about her is untrue because he didn't have all the facts. Starr
asks her mother if it's true that she's a witch. "No!" She goes
looking for Todd and she asks her daughter again where he is. Starr finally
admits that he's at the police station. Blair rushes to the door and tells
her to lock the door behind her.
Jen and Cristian have finished their workout and she wants to leave. He
says that he will take her home but she declines.
RJ has Colin at the window and he's very threatening. Lindsay is pleading
for him to stop and she reminds him of the letters if something happens to
Colin. RJ says that he doesn't care and throws him out.
Antonio's apartment
Jessica finally summons the courage to knock on the door. She tells Antonio
that she is here about Cristian. He says that he didn't get involved when
the two of them were together and he doesn't want to get involved now. She
says that that is not why she's here. She tells him that she is here because
Cristian was responsible for getting Jen the fake id and putting her in the
Jessica is talking with Jen. She is trying to warn her about Cristian but
the other girl accuses her of still wanting him. Jessica says that's not
true. The two of them trade barbs and Jen tells her that she does not want
her brother hurt. She says that she did get letters from Will during the
time of his arrest but Jessica tells her that she does not know the whole
story. I think the two girls agree to dislike each other but will be civil
because of Will.
Lindsay's place
Lindsay is thinking back to her conversation with Colin. He reminds her that
he will leave town but he needs money. She tells him that all of her
resources are tapped out and he says that he will not be leaving until he has
some money. He also tells her that he thinks it is time to look for a new
lady especially a younger one. Lindsay reminds him not to touch her or Will.
She quits thinking of him and it looks like she has an idea. She leaves the
gallery and locks the door. She stops when she sees some things on the
floor. (it's the stuff that Colin took from the hospital) She picks it up
and wonders what Colin is up to.
Police Department
Todd and his lawyer are talking to John. In the outer office, Roseanne and
Sophia are talking. Sophia is talking about the coffee but Roseanne thinks
she is complaining. She reminds her that when she was working at the diner
that nobody complained about her coffee. Sophia says that she doesn't want
to complain but to tell her that the coffee is good. Roseanne thanks her for
helping her with the creep at the hotel. She says that she is having a hard
time getting him to leave her alone. Roseanne goes back to her desk and gets
a call from Colin. She hangs up but he calls back. He tells her not to hang
up but she does. The phone rings a third time but Colin is there in front of
her. He tells her that having RJ as a threat does not bother him at all.
Sophia asks her if he is bothering her but they quickly cover telling her
that they are working on something. In the other room, Blair has joined
Todd. She tells him that she knows everything. He asks her what and she
tells him how Max put some pills in her champagne but that she was totally
unconscious in the bed. Hank, John, and Sophia come in. Hank tells them
that the clothes have been examined and it looks like he was telling the
truth. He says that their deal has been reached. John tells Sophia to read
Blair her rights.
Cristian is attending bar when Antonio comes in and wants to talk to him.
Things get heated when the elder tells his brother that his mother would
appreciate a phone call from him. "She's worried about you." Things
from bad to worse when Chris sees RJ enter the bar. He punches his brother.
RJ wants to know what the problem is and Cristian tells him that his brother
is just messing with him. After Antonio leaves, RJ asks if Chris is okay.
He says that he is and then asks when RJ is going to cut him in on some
money. RJ tells him that he thinks he is ready.
Antonio's apartment
Antonio sees the door of his apartment is open and he enters the room with
his gun drawn. Cristian turns around and Antonio is surprised to see him
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