GL Update Wednesday 9/2/09

Guiding Light Update Wednesday 9/2/09


Written By Kaylee
Pictures by Juanita

Phillip struggles with his Blackberry and says he needs help.

Beth sees Daisy at the Market and buys her soda while she is purchasing her coffee. She tells Daisy she know she and James have been spending more time together recently. She tells her she thinks it is great and that James needs his friends. Daisy’s cell phone goes off and she says she has to go see a “friend.” She thanks her for the soda and walks away.

Josh sees Buzz and as he sits at the bar at Company Buzz asks how the Lewis’ are doing. Josh says they just had lunch. He asks how the Coopers are and Buzz tells him they are “great.” Frank is stunned; saying he is going to be a dad, Mallet walked out on Marina and the long lost relative is a criminal. Buzz says it is normal. Josh says maybe it was the “calm before the storm.”

Shayne tells Marina he has the papers and they can start the Legal process of Shared Custody. He says the Attorney told him there was an opening in Family Court today. Marina is taken aback that he would want to do it today. They agree they should tell their families first. Shayne asks who they should tell first.

Jonathan tells Jeffrey he is a hard man to find. Jeffrey explains that is the definition of “covert.” Jonathan asks where the food is. Jeffrey gives him peanut butter and jelly. He wants to know how his mom was. How Springfield was. Jonathan says his mom is “wacked.” He goes on to say “Springfield is Springfield.”

Alan yells to Alexandra not to throw the Frisbee in the house. She says James says she is good. He tells her to throw it to him. She does and tells him she sees why he gets along with James. She says he is easy to be with. Alan contests that he does not get it from Phillip and tells her to catch. They both laugh.

Lillian drives up to Phillip kneeling on the ground. He tells her he ran after James and could not get up. Lillian asks id she helps him can he get up, He tells her he knows he has to tell them. Lillian nods.

Ed says they need to admit him to give him drugs to make him “comfortable till the end.” Lillian walks in and says she called Beth. Phillip states he has to tell her first so she can help the kids.

Daisy walks up to James and hands him candy. She says his mom paid for it. James is shocked to hear she was hanging out with his mom. Daisy says “she was there, I was there.” Daisy says his mom is nice. James asks if Daisy has to work. She says she may call in sick, adding that they all owe her.

Jonathan wants to know what took Jeffrey so long calling him. Jeffrey jokes that there as a CSI marathon. He explains Edmund was too quiet and he thought he may have gone to Springfield. Then he saw him only long enough to make Jeffrey chase him. He hands Jonathan a note Edmund left that says he knows Reva still thinks he is dead which is good because the moment she knows he will start “killing the kids.” Jonathan says Edmund is a psychopath. Jeffrey says he is going to chase him. Jonathan says he has to get Sarah and take her someplace safe.

Cyrus walks in and tells Buzz he looks like he is “at home.” Buzz reminds Cyrus he belongs there as well.

Rick and Frank are looking at Frank’s profile online. Frank says the reason it is not working for Rick is because he used a picture from the Bauer Barbeque. Blake approaches and Frank hides the computer. After Blake walks away Rick asks why he is hiding that he is looking for babes. He tells him he just needs some “fun.”

Mallet is in his Superior’s office going over his Itinerary. He tells him he needs to make sure he has nothing in the States holding him back. He says he does not.

Marina, Shayne and Henry are walking outside. Marina tells Henry it is his job to make everyone calm when they tell them about his dad. Marina says maybe they should get everyone together and tell them at once. Shayne says he would rather tell them one by one. Marina asks who he wants to tell first and Shayne replies “my dad. I would like to tell Dad first.” Josh appears and asks what he would like to tell him.

Marina tells Josh that when the adoption ran it was not completely straight. Shayne says DNA tests were ran and his Lara was Henry’s mother. He says he did not know that he had a son. He explains that no one knew. He tells Josh that he is his which means he is his as well. Josh holds Henry and tells him “welcome to the family.”

Alan spots Reva at the Market. He makes a few jokes and Reva asks if he has people that come to the Market for him. He tells her his family would track him down anywhere. Reva tells him “sometimes family is all we got.”

Lillian is on the stairs crying as Buzz asks what happened. She tells him that Phillip is dying and there is no cure. She is breaking down in front of him, crying with hyperventilation mixed. She tells him there is nothing anyone can do and he has a few days. She tells him she is sad, she feels alone. “You’re not alone, you’ll never be alone.”

Daisy thanks Blake on the phone as she turns to James and tells him she does not have to go to work. They begin to kiss.

Beth sits down beside Phillip. She tells him if she knew where James was she would not tell him because they seem to antagonize one another. She says it will not always be that way. He has to give it time. Phillip turns to her and tells her he is sick. He tells her his immune system is compromised and there is no cure. “I’m dying.” Beth begins to cry and says he can not die. He tells her he only has a few weeks. He says he knew but he didn’t want his time left to be about that. Beth completely sobs in Phillip’s arms. Phillip tells her he “loves her so much.” He tells her he did not want her to be sad nor did he want her to go through it. They begin to sob together while holding on to each other on the bench.

Josh, Marina, Shayne and Henry go to see Reva. Reva invites them in and announces it is a party. She asks about Dinah. Josh tells her she may want to sit down. Reva gets scared as Shayne tells her not to be scared. He tells her it kind of has to do with Dinah because through a twist of fate Henry is his biological son. Reva smiles in disbelief. Reva hugs him. She tells Henry that is why they get along so well. She then asks what this means for Marina. Shayne tells her Marina is his mother and that is how it will stay. Marina tells them that maybe they should “start from the beginning.” Reva says she wants to know everything.

Frank is buried in bills and he tells Blake he has no idea how long they can keep it. Blake says she has a feeling they will be fine.

Buzz is sitting on the steps alone when Cyrus approaches and asks if he is okay. Buzz tells him he knew he grew up alone but he is happy he is a part of the family. Cyrus tells Buzz it is an east family to be a part of. Daisy approaches and Buzz tells her she thought she took the day off. Daisy says James got a call and had to go.

Alan is at the hospital, looking grimly ahead when Alexandra approaches. She is thankful he is okay as she imagined it was about him. Alan assures her he is not and tells her she is a good sister.

Rick walks to the Nurse’s Station and he says he got beeped and he is not on duty. Ed tells Rick he knows he doesn’t tell him enough but he is so proud of him and who he has become. He tells him it will be okay and asks for him to follow.

Lizzie and Bill arrive at the same Nurse’s Station frantically worried. Lillian appears and tells them “someone else has to tell you.”

Beth walks with Phillip and he gets her water in the hall. He tells her he is happy she is there. She tells him she wants to be there “every step of the way.” They embrace and James approaches. Beth disengages from Phillip’s arms and opens the door. She follows James in as Phillips walks behind. Music plays as we see the reactions of the family as Phillip tells them he is dying. No words are spoken, only music as Bill kneels beside Lizzie and James immediately sits down.

Ed explains to everyone that the infection has taken over and there is nothing to be done. Bill asks how there can not be anything to do. Lizzie says Phillip has not seemed sick and Phillip tells her Ed gave him medicine. James asks how long he has known. Phillip responds “a few months.” James leaves and Phillip calls to him. Lizzie says she just got him back and she can not lose him. Phillip hugs her.

Alexandra walks behind Alan and says she has no idea what to say.

Lizzie asks is he is checking into a Hospital. Phillip responds he is not. Beth tells Phillip they will move him into the “big bedroom” with his books. He says they should keep everything as is. Rick tells him they will take care of him. They are all family.

James begins to knock things over in the Waiting Area before trashing Ed’s office. He sees his father’s folder on the floor and sits to read it.

Jonathan tells Jeffrey he is sorry he has to leave him in a lurch but he has to get his child. Jeffrey sees Edmund blatantly wanting to see him. Jeffrey gets off the phone as Edmund follows and says “hide and seek is so much fun.”

Frank sees Marina, Shayne and Henry at the Courthouse. Daisy, Cyrus and Buzz are beside him. They say she called in a panic and they are there for her. Marina says she has news. Frank chides “oh great another family shocker; you going to tell us Shayne is Henry’s father?” He laughs as Marina turns and says “yeah, he actually is.” Frank says it does not phase him as Buzz interjects he thinks she is telling the truth. Shayne tells him they will fill him on the details later but Dinah figured out it was Shayne. Daisy asks about his Mom. Shayne says it was Lara but Marina will always be his mother. Daisy asks about Mallet. Marina explains that it is why Mallet left. Mallet thought it would be hard but it was getting too hard and he left. “Mallet really loved Henry and he wanted to do what was best for him.” Shayne says “Mallet is a really great guy.” He tells them he wants to be the “best dad t Henry he can possibly be.” Frank asks Marina if she is okay. She tells him she is. She says Henry is lucky to have two dads who love him. Frank says he is lucky to have her. Marina follows up that Henry is the love of her life.

Josh is at Reva’s looking at the mantel. He tells her she has to get photos of Henry. He holds Colin as Reva brings lemonade. Reva says their little boy has a little boy. She says he is going to be a great dad just like his daddy. Reva realizes Josh this is his first grandchild. Reva jokes he may have to sit in a rocker. Josh says she should show him the ropes. Reva then says this is her first grandson. They have to get to the courthouse and Josh continues to hold a very comfortable Colin as they leave the house.

Frank calls Mallet. Mallet asks if everyone is okay. Frank apologizes and he says he should have known better. Frank tells him he is a “brave man.” Mallet says he wants to do the right thing. Mallet says to keep an eye on them and if he needs anything to call him. Frank tells him to “take care my friend.”

The Judge signs the papers and tells Henry he can go celebrate with both of his families. Everyone in the courtroom cheers.

Jonathan and Sarah are at the car when Jonathan tells her he packed sandwiches. She asks where they are going and Jonathan explains he is taking her to see her mom.

Phillip says he has to call Olivia. He has to tell Emma and Zach. He says he can not go see Zach but will call him. Bill says he will do anything, Phillip says he will by taking care of his “little girl.” Alan and Alex walk in ad say they are going home. Phillip says he will walk home. Beth says she will join him. Rick leaves Lizzie and Bill to grieve.

Ed is looking around his office as James enters the room and says “I see you found a cure, why do you want my dad to die?”

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