Guiding Light Update Tuesday 8/18/09
Written By Kaylee
Pictures by Juanita
Lizzie is going through a box of stuff of memories. “Article about the family, keep. Letter from the Governor when Bill was married to Ava, throw away.” She then sees a picture of her daughter and calls her “baby girl.” She talks to the picture and says “you’re not a baby anymore, you’re a big girl.” She mentions school. Lizzie has tears in her eyes and she takes her cell phone out and calls Reva. She tells Reva she was going through a box of stuff and she found a picture of Sarah and wonders if Reva knows where they are. Reva says she honestly has no idea. She includes that she knows what it is like to miss someone. Lizzie replies, “I know you do.” Lizzie tells her to call If she needs anything and she hopes she will come to the house soon. Reva says she will try.
Reva is looking at her Wedding Photo Album. She is talking about how nothing could ruin that day. Not the ants, the fight with Josh. She talks about Buzz teaching everyone a Greek dance. Reva says, “it was a perfect, perfect day.”
Daisy is serving Josh and asks if he has talked to Reva lately. He informs her he helped her get into her car this morning. Daisy says that was nice of him. Josh tells her she fell apart at Jeffrey’s Memorial. Daisy tells Josh his phone is buzzing. It is Reva’s voice mail from when the sprayer broke. Josh cancels his order and leaves.
Jonathon walks and gets into a van with Jeffrey. They are sitting in a van and Jeffrey says he is not supposed to be seen. Jonathon tells him he thought he wanted him to be seen. Jeffrey says he does but not getting in and out of a van with him in it. He says they need to bring Sarah in next. Jonathon says Jeffrey promised Sarah would not be involved. Jeffrey explains that it does not have to be Sarah, but “a Sarah.” Jonathon tells him to go up to the “second stop sign and take a right.”
Olivia wonders why Natalia didn’t tell her she was pregnant. Natalia apologizes and Olivia is emotional and exclaims, “you left me!”
Reva is looking at pictures in the Album talking about how it came so naturally for them to be friends…how she fell in love with him. He starts crying when she talks about how they fell in love. How she couldn’t believe he fell in love with her. Then she hears brakes squeal and looks out the window. She picks up the framed picture on the microwave and says “Oh Rats! It’s Josh! I’ll be right back, okay?” She proceeds to walk out and confronts him with the Plumber had fixed the sink/ She says that she just happened to be walking out with a watering can and that she did not hear him pull up. He offers to help and she says she wants to do it. He insists and takes the watering can away from her.
Jonathon has made a dummy and Jeffrey says it is “disturbing, but it will serve the purpose.” They go over the plan; when they get to the house Jonathon is turn and act like he is talking to Sarah and then get out of the car. Jeffrey says it worked in Bosnia. “Eddie Boy” saw it was an easy target and when he goes to grab her they will grab him. Simple plans are usually the best kind. “ Jonathon puts a baby doll in the car seat and gets in his car. Jeffrey gets back in the van. Jonathon leaves and Jeffrey follows.
Lizzie is at the Police Station and says if she is looking for someone how she would go about doing that. Frank asks who she is looking for and she admits Jonathon and Sarah. Frank says it would be hard to find someone unless they were recently arrested. Lizzie asks him to look. Frank asks if Jonathon has done anything to Sarah and she says no but she would like for him to run a check.
Natalia follows Olivia and tells her it is Frank’s baby. Natalia says she was not excited at first but she is now. Natalia says she came back because she wants to be with Olivia. Olivia is crying and Natalia goes to wipe tears away as Emma runs up to Natalia. Olivia says they have to go. Emma asks if Natalia can come with them and Olivia says no, but they have to go.
Olivia and Emma are sharing a sundae and a pizza. Olivia asks if Daisy can watch Emma for a bit while she runs out. Natalia is looking at swans. Matt walks up and informs her their names are Bill and Hillary. Matt notices she is pregnant. Natalia admits it is Frank’s. She says she has not told him yet. Matt says he will let him tell her. He tells her it was good seeing her and walks away.
Reva thanks Josh as he asks if there is anything else he can do for her. He offers to go look at the Plumbing Job but she tells him he does not want to go in there. She says Colin is sleeping. She walks back in the house and picks up a picture of Jeffrey. “It’s just you and me…now let’s get this party started.”
Jonathon stops the car and talks to the baby doll in the backseat as Jeffrey watched from the can. Jonathon leaves the car and walks to the house as he sees Edmund approaching the car. Jeffrey is running towards Edmund with a gun. He tells him not to move that he “is under arrest.” Edmund starts shooting at Jeffrey. Jeffrey shoots back and does Jonathon. A car comes and picks up Edmund as they drive away Jeffrey runs after them and the car hits Jeffrey. Jonathon shoots at the car as he runs to check on Jeffrey.
Olivia calls Natalia who says she can come meet her. Olivia asks where she is and Natalia says she is in the park. Olivia tells her to stay there and she will come meet her.
“You almost had him.” Jonathon says. Jeffrey says Edmund now knows Jeffrey is alive and working with Jonathon. Jeffrey says they have to “think of something fast or Edmund’s going to kill us all.”
Reva goes to company and asks Daisy to watch Colin. Daisy is a little reluctant because of Emma. Reva says Emma could help. She explains that Lillian will be there in an hour after her shift is over. Daisy makes a quip about it being “Daisy’s Day Care” after Reva exits.
Josh and Matt are hitting golf balls. Josh says he is sorry about bailing the other day. Matt says it was fine, he was signing up for online dating with Rick and Frank. They all lied about their ages. Frank comes up with his clubs He thanks Josh for calling him, that this is the most excitement he has had in a while. Josh asks if it is more exciting than online dating. Frank looks at Matt and says “is nothing sacred with you?” Matt jokes that Josh wants to get signed up too. Josh admits he does. He says it might be a good idea to meet someone he does not have a history with…no baggage. Frank turns to Matt and says he is not sure he is into the online thing. Frank says if romance happens it will happen. They ask if he is willing to go through the rest of his life alone. Frank says “I am sure I do not want to go through the rest of my life with someone I don’t love at all.”
Olivia walks up to Natalia and asks how she could just leave like that. She tells her she was worried that she was hurt or worse. She says that she can’t break her heart and then walk back into her life. Olivia points out she has Emma to worry about. She says Emma has had too many people in and out of her life. “Emma needs stability and reassurance.” Natalia says that Emma seemed happy to see her and she was happy to see Olivia. Olivia says she could have called her. She explains she sent Emma away because she was falling apart and she got het back today so she could rebuild her life. Olivia says her life will not revolve around Natalia. Natalia says, “I did not come back so it could all be about me. I came back so it could all be about us.” Natalia says she wants to spend the rest of her life with Olivia.
Lizzie is at Cross Creek when Reva returns home and Reva wants to know what she is doing there. Lizzie made Reva a copy of the picture of Sarah. Reva says she has to take care f the groceries. She promises she will let her know if she hears anything.
Walking back to the house Jeffrey notices Jonathon got nicked. Edmund left an old recording device on the floor in the den. Edmund says he enjoys the game they had started. He says he hates Reva and he wants him to know that he if he ever lets Reva know he is alive Edmund will take Sarah, Henry and Colin to raise as his own. Jeffrey bends down to throw it and smash it but can not from the injury he suffered from the car hitting him. He hands it to Jonathon who throws it against the fireplace and says “TTFN!”
The guys are almost done and they ask if they want to split another bucket. Josh looks at his watch and says he can’t. He says he has to write a proposal. Frank says they have to do it again sometime….poker, pizza at his place. Matt asks if Frank has checked his profile. Frank says he is really not into it. Matt says love could just reach out and grab him. Frank asks if he is trying to pick him up. Matt says only for a ride home. Frank laughs and they decide to share another bucket.
Natalia said she did not know she was pregnant until the barbeque. Natalia said she was ashamed and she thought God was punishing her. She says she was more concerned about what it would do to their relationship when Olivia knew. Natalia says she wants to raise the baby with Olivia. Olivia says that Frank will not go for that. It comes out that Frank does not know. Olivia is stunned that she wants to live together and raise Frank’s baby. Olivia says no she can not trust her. She says that some obstacle came up and she left. “You left me and you broke my heart. I can’t let that happen again, I don’t trust you.” Olivia is crying and walks away.
Natalia calls Frank while on the course. Matt tells him to go ahead and meet Natalia at his house and he will walk home.
Jeffrey starts packing Jonathon’s stuff and he wants him to go to Springfield to alert them. Jonathon says he can not go. He had stayed away two years and Alan will know and then Sarah won’t be safe. Jeffrey tells him his mother’s life depends on it. Jonathon says he will be back in less than a week. He looks at a picture of Sarah and says “stay safe little woman.”
Lizzie is looking at the same picture at the park. She holds it close to her heart.
Frank calls Natalia a Speed Demon for beating him there. She walks around the car and Frank looks at her and says “you’re pregnant.”
Josh has just gotten out of the shower and is wearing a towel when there is a knock at the door. Olivia barges in and says “you, me, sex, now.”
Reva comes out of the bedroom into the picture filled den with a dress on. There are even more pictures on the walls and furniture. She blows kisses and has a picnic set up on the floor for them.
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