Guiding Light Update Thursday 8/13/09
Written By Kaylee
Pictures by Juanita
Ed goes to see Alan to talk to him about Phillip. He says he could not give Phillip a cure so Phillip went to Mexico. Ed would like him to come back so he can make him as “comfortable as possible.”
Frank is swamped at Company and as Daisy goes to leave he says she can’t because he has no help and is busy. She makes an excuse that she has to go take the garbage out. She walks out without garbage in hand and sees James. He asks what is going on and she says “not much since I left your house at 2am.” James asks if they want to get some people together and do something later. Daisy says she would love to but Frank has been frantic all day and she doesn’t know if she can. He offers swimming again and she says she will ask Ashlee.
Blake is on the phone and promises a draft of Coop’s book in 14 days. Ashlee says the book is really good and talks about how Coop loved the story of Buzz and Jenna. Blake says she understands what Buzz is doing because when “you have a love like that you hold on for as long as you can.”
Cyrus tries to convince Buzz to get some sleep on the bus before they get to New York. Buzz finally agrees to relax and goes back to listening to his headphones.
Shayne is yelling at the crew that they are not safe with stacking. The Crew Manager comes over and asks what his problem is. He says that Billy handpicked the crew, and if he has a problem with his crew he should talk to him. Shayne says “if you have a problem with how I am talking you should talk to me about it right now.”
Mallet is in Marina’s driveway with an RV and she asks what he is doing. He says they are going on a well-deserved vacation and that he has taken two weeks off.
As Alan is pouring coffee Ed explains that Phillip is dying. Alan says he knows that. Ed tells Alan to drop the “big man act” and that he is a father too. He says if anything happened to Rick he does not know what he would do. Alan says “Phillip was his arrogant, selfish self.” Ed explains he was scared. Alan says he kept the truth from everyone so he could play the hero, and if he wants to die alone to “let him.”
Daisy and James are outside and Daisy says she has to go back inside. James says he will wait for her. Daisy says “my family needs me right now. We could lose the restaurant.” James kisses her and says “thanks.” Daisy says “you’re welcome,” and she walks away.
Ashlee asks how Cyrus was able to get the manuscript away from Buzz and Blake says it was easy to get it from his backpack and return it without him knowing. Ashlee asks how much they will get out of it and she says enough to save Company. Blake says Coop would be proud of Ashlee for “helping out like this.” Ashlee nods and Blake says she has to go back to Company. She calls Cyrus and asks how it is going. She tells him to take notes. He says he is.
Frank is explaining on the phone that the food will be 45 minutes. Christina is at the bar along with three other patrons and he rambles on about the leaky roof etc. Christina says she is there to help. He says he does not know where Mallet and Marina are but they are supposed to be there.
Mallet explains how huge the RV is and it is big enough for Henry and his stuff. Marina says they cannot afford this and he says “we can’t afford not to.” He explains it has a washer/dryer and Plasma TV. Mallet takes Marina into the RV to show her around.
Buzz dreams he sees Jenna. He kisses her on the bus and tells her they had an amazing son , who wrote a “fabulous book.” Buzz wakes up and Cyrus is not paying him any attention.
The Foreman and Shayne continue to verbally spar. Before it gets physical Remy walks up and says he wanted to see if Shayne wanted to play catch. Shayne says he will be back to check on them in a little while. He walks away with Remy and a Nerf Football.
Marina is in the RV. Mallet says he thinks it would be “a lot of fun.” She says he is “trying too hard and she doesn’t know if now is the right time.” Mallet says his family is important to him and he wants to hold onto them. Marina says it is “a lot to process and her grandpa is gone. I have the roof and the stove…” Mallet says he will take his vacation and work at the restaurant. Marina says he should work and still work at the restaurant. She says maybe in a few weeks they can both take a vacation. He says it is a deal and kisses her.
Alan is at Phillip’s grave and says “Phillip since the moment you came in my life and I held you in my arms I knew you and I were going to work together. Father and son conquering the world, together.” He goes on to say Phillip was supposed to help him be the person he wanted to be. Alan says “I ruined you, didn’t I son?… and you ruined us.” He goes on to talk about how wrecked he was when he thought he lost him and he cannot do it again. Alan says he has to push him out of his heart so he will not have any of the same pain. He thinks that Phillip will know that he loved him more than anyone else. James walks up as he says that. He asks “Granddad, what are you doing up here.”
Frank is explaining to Ashlee and Daisy they have to “tape the crap out of the tarp to the ceiling.” Ashlee asks where the tape is as Blake and Ed walks up. Ed offers to help and asks where Buzz is, Frank replies that he is “on a bus with a con man.” Ed laughs and Frank says “really he is.”
Cyrus is beside Jenna on the bus and Jenna asks “have you found what you are looking for?” Cyrus wonders if he is dreaming. Cyrus says New York is a big place to walk around “without any guns.” Jenna hands him a tape and says “why don’t you listen to Tape #9….” She then disappears.
Mallet and Marina are in the market and Marina tells him to go back to Company with supplies and she will try to get the Soda Distributor to “float them for another month.” He walks away and Christina approaches saying it is so “romantic” that he was willing to give up his vacation to work at the restaurant. Marina says “I guess but he is only doing it because he thought I was a murderer.” Marina leaves Christina standing there, mouth open.
Shayne and Remy are throwing the football and Remy is asking how he is. Shayne says he does not know what it is like and Remy explains he is trying to make sure he is “good.” Shayne says “I’m good man, and if you throw the ball I will be doing really good.” Shayne’s voice gets loud and he is looking for a confrontation of some sort. Remy looks a little shocked and Shayne has the same angry tone that he had with the Foreman as he tells him if he has a problem “we can settle it right now.”
Shayne takes a few steps forward while Remy’s feet are planted in the same spot. Remy tells Shayne he is not going to fight him and he needs to “step down.” Remy says they should just throw the ball. Shayne walks away and as his back is away from Remy he looks like he could cry. He turns to face him and tells him he is sorry. Remy says he was thinking of catching a game this weekend. Shayne says he will let him know.
Christina is stalking Marina through the Market and says Marina can not say something like that and then walk away. She wants to know who he thought she had killed. Marina explains it was “that John Doe. Christina said he should have known better and Marina said the motive and evidence led to her. She then tells her she has to go talk to the “Soda Distributor Man.” Again Christina is left standing there, mouth open, hand on hips.
Mallet brings the Fuel over to Frank and explains Marina sent it over for Omelets and other food. He says he just needs Frank to tell him what he needs him to do. Frank replies that “Finally a man his daughter could count on.” Frank then gives direction to Mallet. As Mallet walks away he asks how Buzz is doing. Frank says he does not know but he is sure he is in New York with his “grand old friend Buzz.”
Buzz and Cyrus are outside of a Hotel. Buzz asks if he is sure and Cyrus says they have to get Room 1009 and Buzz says he is lucky he found tape 9. Buzz walks in as Blake calls and wants to know what they have found. Cyrus explains they literally just got there and he would call as soon as something happened.
Blake walks back over to Ed who is trying to patch the roof. Blake says she is there and it is about “teamwork.” She says it was great seeing Danny and Michelle and wants to know if they will move back. Ed says she has to ask them. He asks how Blake’s mom is and she says she is doing well, “freelance work and all.” Ed says “in other words she is not coming back.” They laugh.
James and Alan are sitting on a Headstone and James asks what he needs from him. Alan says not to leave him. Alan says he can be great, that he can teach him. Alan explains he can follow in his footsteps and carry on the legacy. James says he wants “to be a good man.” Alan says he will be a “great man.” Alan stands up and with promise says that he thinks they will be okay.
Buzz and Cyrus are in a shabby hotel room in New York and they concur it was not Jenna’s style. The room is small and Buzz walks over to the window and says “she sat on this window seal and she looked at this wall.” He says they have to follow the Journals but he must wash his face. Cyrus explains the bathroom is down the hall and laughs. Cyrus walks over to the window and notices a carving of numbers on the window seal . 51101 Buzz says it looks like November 5, 2001. Cyrus says it could be a combination. Buzz chimes in to the lock at the Train Station. He then says “let’s go” as they leave the room Buzz grabs a map.
Frank says he is thankful for Ed’s help and with the way Buzz has been thinking he could see him sailing away in New York. Christina and Remy are back. They agree that as soon as they eat they will help. Christina tells Remy that Mallet thought Marina was a murderer. Remy says he knew and that the evidence pointed to her. Christina says he should have known better.
Alan is at the Market on the phone setting up arrangements for bringing James in tomorrow. Blake walks by and says “Oh Alan you are not going to do it to him to, are you?” Alan retorts “Do what?” Blake says he makes people live up to impossible standards and then they cannot do it. She calls him “exhausting.”
Shayne almost runs into Alan. Alan is very confrontational as Shayne tells him “I feel sorry for you.” Alan then says “you feel sorry for me? You married Dinah and if you would have talked to me first I could have told you what a loser she was.” Alan walks away and Shayne just stares.
Ashlee and Daisy are in the kitchen when James walks in. Ashlee excuses herself. James says they cannot go to the pool, Daisy asks if Alan was mad that they didn’t put up the floats. Daisy then suggests bowling and James says he cannot do anything, “Grandad needs me.” Daisy asks “to do what?” James just says “he needs me.” Daisy doesn’t think that is it; she thinks it is her. James says Alan was crying. Daisy says “Alan’s eyes can’t produce tears.” She then tells James he is manipulating him. She tells him it is not real and he says he “has to.” He walks out and leaves her frustrated.
Daisy and Ashlee are in the kitchen again when Ashlee asks what time they are gong over to James’. Ashlee says that is funny, “what are we really doing?” Ashlee says James can’t stand him and Daisy explains that he really bought it. Ashlee says “not us, we shot him.” Daisy says she missed and Ashlee replies “at least you tried.”
Cyrus tells Buzz they can ask someone for directions. The train station is 13 blocks away. Cyrus says they can walk, Buzz says he is 61 years old. Cyrus laughs and says they spent 22 hours on a bus. They walk.
Blake is reading the manuscript and Frank asks if she has the box cutter. She hold it in her hands and he kisses her on the cheek as he thanks her. Frank tells her that her chili is better than his Dad’s. Blake tells Frank he is a “great guy.” She says he stepped up for the family. Frank explains their problems, or Marina’s problem and that she has just “not had a break.”
Marina walks over and looks at a picture of Henry while a song plays in the background.
Remy walks into the Station and tells Mallet that “Shayne’s being an ass.” Mallet says “Shayne is an ass.” Remy exlains that Shayne was in some guy’s face and then he tried to fight him. He thought he would want to know since Mallet caused Shayne’s pain. Remy tells him that his little plan with Dinah, well, “Shayne’s paying for it.” Mallet looks like a wall and Remy says “he is in trouble.”
Shayne is at a bar and he tells some guy sitting at a bar that it is his seat. The guy says if he “wants this seat big boy, you have to fight me for it.” Shayne replies, “I was hoping you would say that.”
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