GL Update Monday 11/8/04 [an error occurred while processing this directive]

Guiding Light Update Monday 11/8/04

[an error occurred while processing this directive]

By Elizabeth
Pictures by Boo

On the Spaulding Jet, Phillip paces back and forth with a worried look upon his face wondering where Lizzie is. Phillip continually mutters to himself, telling Lizzie to “come on.” Zach is in the cabin with his father and asks if everything is ok (the other children are not to be seen). Phillip tells Zach that he’s fine and tries to change the subject. Zach informs his father that Jude is afraid while James and Emma are sleeping. Phillip tries reassuring Zach that there’s nothing for Jude to be afraid of. The pilot walks in the cabin and Phillip requests that they wait another 10 minutes before taking off. The pilot seems leery of this, and agrees but not before letting him know that the tower may realize that they are taking off without a flight plan. Phillip tries calling Lizzie to see where she is and ends up having to leave a message for her. He then tells the pilot that he won’t be coming on the trip as he has more business to tend to.

In the lobby of the Beacon, Rick is sitting waiting for someone and gets up all smiles when he sees Mel. Rick obviously excited to see his wife tells her that he doesn’t understand the impromptu date. Mel laughs and tells him that she figured it would be a good idea since the children are away. Rick looks bemused and Mel reminds him that Leah is with her parents and that Jude is at a sleepover. Rick, looking more confused tells Mel that he thought she had Jude all day and took him to the park. Mel tells her husband that Phillip showed up and told her about how he had pre-arranged with Rick to have Jude spend the night at the Spaulding’s.

Rick makes it clear that he’s not talked with Phillip all day and there was no sleepover plan discussed. He then asks Mel if Rick ‘seemed ok.’ Mel begins to seem worried and tells Rick that Phillip seemed fine, only a bit rushed. Rick is quick to brush it all off as a miscommunication, while Mel doesn’t seem so anxious to.

Inside the East Wing of the Spaulding Mansion, Lizzie is walking fast with Coop on her tail. Coop is trying to convince Lizzie that he can’t be her alibi as she already confessed to the cops. For the first time in a long time Lizzie seems nonchalant about the accident and tells him that she will tell everyone that Gus and Harley tricked her into confessing. Coop dismisses that idea, while Lizzie reminds him that the hit and run was an accident. Coop tries letting Lizzie know that regardless of how it happened that it doesn’t make the accident go away. Lizzie brushes his comments off and tells him to name his price.

On the docks, a nervous Alexandra is questioning where her police escort is taking her. He tells her to be quiet and informs her that they’re waiting for Phillip. Alexandra seems positive that Phillip has somehow managed to get her a pardon and is giddy with excitement.

Back in the cabin of the Spaulding jet, the pilot checks on Phillip to make sure he’s ok. Phillip walks over to the bar and answers to himself out loud wondering how it is possible that he can be ok. He tells himself that every person he has known in his life has turned against him and tried to make him look like a fool. He asks himself what anyone else would do, and doesn’t reply. On the couch Zach looks at his father’s cell phone which Phillip has left on the table.

Inside the study at the Spaulding Mansion, Alan tries telling everyone that he feels that this is probably all one giant misunderstanding. Harley and Beth are quick to dismiss Alan’s idea. Harley tells Alan that she thinks Phillip was planning on taking the children all along because it is the only way he could have pulled it off. Alan tries reasoning with Harley, but she is obviously too upset. Gus looks up after getting off the phone and lets everyone know that the corporate jet is no longer in the airplane hangar. Beth questions herself and why she didn’t see this coming. Harleys phone rings and she sees on the caller id that the call is coming from Phillip’s cell. Harley answers’, obviously expecting to hear Phillip on the other end and is happily surprised to hear Zach’s voice. Zach tells his mother that he called to say goodbye. Harley tries finding out where he is and Zach only has time to tell her that he’s with his father on the jet before they get disconnected.

On the plane, Phillip sees that Zach is on the phone and shows him a toy. Zach drops the phone and Phillip hangs the phone up.

Harley tries to call back the phone only to find out that Phillip’s cell has been turned off. Gus tells everyone that he’s going to make some calls. Harley tells Alan that it was obvious that someone hung up the phone on him and Alan dismisses the claim. Alan tells them all that perhaps Zach accidentally hit the wrong button. Beth tells Alan that he needs to accept the truth that Phillip is sick.

On the jet, Phillip questions Zach about what he told Harley. The two ‘high five’ one another when Phillip learns that Zach didn’t have time to tell Harley about their ‘secret adventure.’ Zach asks his father where Lizzie is and Phillip mutters to himself that he was wondering that himself. Phillip looks annoyed and picks up his cell phone.

Back in the East Wing of the Spaulding Mansion, Lizzie’s phone rings. Lizzie tells Coop that he father is calling her again. Coop urges her to answer the phone and Lizzie seems afraid to, citing that her father will ‘freak out.’ Lizzie’s phone rings a second time and this time she answers it. This time it is her mother on the phone. Beth tells Lizzie that if she is with her father that she will need to get away from him, and asks if she is on the plane. Lizzie lets her mother know she is in the Spaulding house with Coop. Beth tells Lizzie that Phillip took James, Zach, Jude and Emma and then tells her to get over to the study.

Mel questions Rick about what he thinks Phillip did. Rick evades the question telling her that he simply needs to talk to Phillip. Mel reminds Rick that he already tried to reason with him and that apparently it didn’t work. Rick dismisses her claim and tells her that he will simply have to try harder. Mel tells Rick that she doesn’t understand Phillip’s reasoning for taking Jude and her husband tells her it doesn’t matter because he is going to get Jude back. Mel looks worried and questions whether or not Rick should always be defending Phillip, and asks if he can truly be impartial. Rick lets his wife know that Phillip is his best friend and that things won’t turn ugly because he won’t allow it.

On the jet, Phillip tells the pilot that they can’t wait any longer. When the pilot asks about Lizzie, he tells the pilot that he will send her later. Zach looks up at his father and asks to call his mother again because he forgot to tell her he loved her. Phillip smiles and tells Zach that he’s sure Harley knows that, but that he will give Harley the message when he sees her. Phillip tells his son that he loves him and will see him soon. Phillip then hollers to the pilot that they’re all set and leaves the plane.

In the study, Harley doesn’t understand why Phillip would leave Lizzie behind. She then wonders if Phillip is punishing Zach for calling her. Alan thinks that Phillip harming Zach is absurd and Beth has to remind Alan once again that Phillip is not well. Alan reminds everyone that they need to calm down and give Phillip a chance. Gus looks up at Alan and remarks that his father is pretty calm. Gus then asks if Alan knows where Phillip is. Alan scoffs at the idea while Harley goes on about how she knew the truce was a ploy. Alan picks up the phone and calls a friend at the FAA. Alan tells his FAA friend that his son has taken the corporate jet without a flight plan and wants him to check it out. Rick walks into the study asking everyone where Phillip is. Beth and Rick hug while Beth tells him that Phillip took the jet with James, Zach and Emma aboard. Rick tells all of them that Phillip took Jude as well. Harley flips out. Rick explains that Phillip came to the park and picked Jude up from Mel. Harley claims to not understand, and Rick tells them that he may have taken Jude because he felt betrayed. Beth is clueless so Rick explains about having had Phillip picked up by a couple orderlies a few nights earlier. Mel tells her husband that Phillip has completely disintegrated and Rick refuses to believe it. Rick tells everyone that he’s not ready to give up on Phillip. Beth agrees with Phillip. Harley calls both Rick and Beth insane; telling them that the Phillip they all knew is long gone.

On the docks Alexandra is excited to see her nephew and rushes over to hug him. She gushes on, wondering how he got the pardon and who from. Phillip warns his aunt not to hug him yet, and Alex wants to know what is going on. Phillip informs his aunt that she was unfaithful to him, and that betrayal is the one thing he cannot ignore. Alexandra scoffs at the idea of going against him. Phillip asks her point blank whether or not she advised Lizzie to go to the police about the hit and run.

Alexandra, looking nervous, tries explaining to Phillip that she was only trying to support Lizzie. She reminds him that she loves Lizzie and would do nothing to hurt her. Phillip gets angry telling her that he doesn’t understand why she would want Lizzie to turn herself in. He goes off on all of the possibilities that could occur from Lizzie telling the truth about the accident. Alexandra reminds him that her intentions were simply to help his daughter. Phillip tells Alexandra that intentions don’t matter, only actions. He then tells her he has no choice but to get rid of her.

Gus asks Harley if she is ok. She nods and claims to be fine even though it is obvious that she is anything but. Gus tells her that he is going to find the children and reminds her how much he loves them. Harley looks at him and asks him to please not complicate things. Gus tells her that he wanted to reassure her that he loves them and will find them. She tells him that she understands. Alan announces that he’s still waiting to hear from the FFA, but he confidence that Phillip will call before then. Harley asks Alan to stop pretending to believe in Phillip. Gus agrees with Harley and Alan tells the two of them that there is no harm in remaining positive. Gus tells his father that he needs to stop defending Phillip and challenges him to see Phillip for what he truly is. Alan tells Gus that unfortunately he knows what is going on. He claims that he may have seen the deterioration before anyone else did. Alan tells them that he let Phillip go (mentally) because it was what he needed. Gus tells his father that he doesn’t understand. Alan tells him that he won’t until he has children of his own.

Alan says that part of the reason for Phillip taking the kids was because he may have pushed him too hard. Gus tells his father that he refuses to finish the conversation with him. Rick and Beth seem convinced that they can bring Phillip back. Mel tells them that she thinks they should let the cops handle it and Rick cuts her off. He tells his wife that she is being insensitive. Mel tells him that she simply doesn’t want his feeling to cloud his judgment when it comes to Phillip. Lizzie walks in the room and is bombarded with questions from everyone. Lizzie tells everyone that the plan was to meet her father on the jet and simply go away for a while. She tells them that she thought it was because he wanted to help her avoid jail. Lizzie takes some time to tell her mother about the accident. She tells her mother that she wanted to tell, but that her father refused to let her. Lizzie tells them that she doesn’t know where they were headed and only that he told her to pack clothes for a few months. Alan points out that the god thing is that Lizzie made the decision not to go with Phillip and he wasn’t angry. Lizzie tells them that he probably was and that he tried calling her repeatedly. Everyone comes at Lizzie with suggestions of what to do next. Lizzie pulls out her phone and Harley tells everyone to be quiet.

Alexandra looks edgy and tells Phillip that he doesn’t have it in him to hurt her. Phillip looks crazed and tells her that he’s recently learned that he’s more like Alan than he ever wanted to admit. Alex tells him that he needs to stop and think about what he’s going to do. Suddenly Phillip’s phone rings. He answers it and says hello to Lizzie. Lizzie apologizes for not making it to the plane and tells him that she left her phone in Coop’s car. Phillip tells her that he had to have the plane take off without her. Phillip hears someone say something in the background and Lizzie passes it off as the driver. Phillip tells his daughter that he can’t talk because he’s not alone either and tells her that he will call her after he collects his thoughts. Phillip gets off the phone and tells his aunt that he’s arranged a boat for her. He lets her know he’s transferring her to another jail. Alexandra looks confused while Phillip explains. He tells her that he will continue having her transferred every few days until she gets lost in the system. Phillip hugs his aunt and thanks her for trying to protect him from Alan when he was a child. Alex tries pleading with him and he tells her that she lost her way and leaves.

Lizzie tells everyone in the study that her father was mad at her for not showing up at the plane. She tells them that she couldn’t hear anything. Rick

Tony and Michelle are in a bar in Havana. They are looking for the maid, Aurelia, who used to work for Sebastian. Michelle thinks Tony can get information out of her because she’s interested in Tony. Tony tells Michelle that she’d make a lousy pimp. Michelle says he’ll have Aurelia eating out of his hand but Tony explains he’s not for sale. Michelle thinks Tony can loosen up Aurelia with a few drinks. Aurelia is wearing a tight red cocktail dress. Tony looks at her and states I can handle that. Aurelia is dancing, and Tony speaks Spanish to hear. She says that Michelle doesn’t look anything like Tony and doesn’t speak Spanish. Tony explains she is her stepsister. Michelle brings two drinks for Aurelia and Tony. He toasts to new friends. Michelle asks Aurelia if Sebastian Hulce ever comes here but Tony tells her to stop it. Auerlia explains that Sebastian is very dangerous and private man. Tony suggests they forget about Sebastian and asks Aurelia to dance. They head to the dance floor as Michelle has a jealous look on her face. Aurelia leaves and thanks Tony. Michelle says “nice move, Santos.” She asks if he found out where Sebastian is but Tony says not yet. He tells Michelle she has to stop acting like a jealous girlfriend.

Lizzie and Coop are at the docks. She says he’s gone and he’s not coming back. Lizzie believes it’s all her fault. Coop says let’s make this all about your suffering. He says that if Lizzie hadn’t ditched him, he would have beaten the truth out of Phillip. Lizzie says you work for me. You either help me or leave. Lizzie walks away as a mystery man watches through the fence. Coop says if I wasn’t so sure that your loony-tunes father would show up and drag you off, I’d be out of here so fast. Lizzie blames Coop’s family and claims they pushed Phillip to do that. Coop denies it saying the Coopers never forced Phillip to kidnap the kids. Lizzie asks why Coop has it in for her and he says that she keeps proving him right every step of the way. Lizzie tells Coop to go. He hands her the keys to drive home and leaves. Lizzie hears footsteps and tells Coop she told him to leave. Lizzie then asks “who are you?”

Phillip closes a desk drawer in the Spaulding study. Alan enters the room and remarks that Phillip has come home. Phillip says he’s not staying. Alan offers to help, to turn the situation around. Phillip says Lizzie will be reunited with her brothers and sister. Alan explains to Phillip that Lizzie doesn’t want to go with him. Alan tells Phillip he had no right to take Jude. Phillip believes Jude should be with his brother. Phillip puts a brown envelope back into the wall safe. Alan wants to help before things get any worse and asks where the children are. He tells Phillip that he can trust him. Phillip says that he knows Alan understands because the children are the future of Spaulding and that’s what Alan taught him. Alan tells Phillip he needs him to stay here.

Harley is worried about her boys. Gus states the police will find them. Harley asks him not to say things she wants to hear. Gus states he loves those kids, and they feel like his own. Harley reminds Gus they are not. Gus receives a call from Alan saying Phillip is at the house with him. Harley calls Frank and tells him they’ve located Phillip, and she wants the house surrounded but the police should not go inside.

Phillip says you turned me in. Alan tells him it was Gus. He wants to help, but they have to do it as a family. Alan says if you want to leave, you’ll have to go through me. Phillip states okay let them come. I’m ready.

Danny is helping Marina clear tables at Company. Michelle’s contractor arrives asking for Danny Santos explaining that he works for his wife and the other Mr. Santos. Danny tells the contractor that Michelle and Tony are out of town and he doesn’t know when they’ll be back. The contractor states give a message. “I quit.” He leaves. Marina apologizes saying she’s been complaining about her family. Danny says in case you haven’t heard, Michelle left town with Tony and life goes on. Marina tells Danny that Michelle is going to need a contractor to finish up the Lighthouse. Danny states he is considering it as he knows he could do a good job. Danny further explains it would also be good for Robbie to see him and his mother work together and get along. Marina says your not with Michelle, but you’ll do this all for Robbie. She wishes Phillip was like that.

Alan says, “I’m on your side, yours and the children’s.” Phillip is looking at a photo of Beth. Alan talks about the model of Springfield but Phillip says it will have to wait. As they look at the model, Alan remarks that it’s a wonderful future for the children. He says the children will be so proud to see their family name and asks Phillip to bring the children home. Phillip states that dreams change. He’s made sure his enemies won’t win, and Spaulding will come out stronger than ever. Alan explains he’ll handle their enemies. Phillip says it’s ironic, I’ve finally become everything you’ve ever wanted me to be, and you can’t stomach it. Alan asks again about the children’s whereabouts and that says he’ll take care of everything. He explains this isn’t the way.

Harley and Gus barge into the Spaulding study, and she is pointing a gun at Phillip. He says, “I knew you’d come.” An emotional Harley states “you tell me where my boys are NOW! Harley is going to shoot one leg at a time until he tells her the whereabouts of Zack and Jude. Gus tells Harley this isn’t the way. Harley tells Gus to get away from her. Phillip tells Harley she won’t shoot him. Harley calls Phillip a monster. Alan states that Harley will never get away with this. Gus tries to get the gun away from Harley. She break downs and begs, “where are they?” as Gus takes the gun out of her hand. Phillip says where you’ll never find them. Harley asks “why are you doing this?” Phillip says he has to protect them from their well meaning but woefully misguided mothers. Phillip says I know what you all think, but he knows what he has to do unlike Gus who doesn’t know what side he is on. Gus says he is clear now and asks where the children are. He threatens to arrest Phillip and put him in jail. Phillip tells him to just put me in jail and he’ll rot, but that they still won’t find the children. Gus asks what he wants to end all of this. Phillip wants to be alone with Harley.

Gus tells Harley he doesn’t want to leave her alone with Phillip. Harley explains she can handle it. Phillip says you heard her and you might as well take the gun with you. Alan tells Phillip to listen to her and that they can work this out. Gus calls Harley “Coop.” She tells Gus she’s got it. Gus says if you hurt her, I’ll make sure you don’t get out of here alive and that he doesn’t need him to find the kids. Gus and Alan leave and wait outside. Phillip asks if she thought in a million years that this is where they’d end up. Harley begs for Phillip to tell them that the boys are safe. Phillip explains he would never let anything happen to boys. Harley says she knows. Harley picks up a photo of Zack on the mantle, and she talks about the first night they brought Zack home from the hospital. Phillip says our son had just been born, and I thought my father was dying. Harley says we put our son in the bed between us, and promising we’d always be there to love him. She says you can’t have forgotten that. Phillip hugs Harley and says he hasn’t forgotten anything.

The man tells Lizzie to please come quietly but Lizzie puts up a struggle. As Coop arrives and tells the man to take his hands off of her. Coop has a slab of wood in his hand. He is ready to hit the man. He takes one swing, but the man takes the wood away from Coop, and then knocks Coop to the ground. The man takes Lizzie away while she screams for Coop.

Phillip says he remembers when they brought Zack into a room full of Coopers and Spauldings and Zack made them a family. Harley says just bring him home, and we can work things out and be friends at least. Phillip says that dream left the station a long time ago. Harley doesn’t agree. Phillips states I tried so hard when were married, but things kept falling a part, and he couldn’t live up to her impossibly high standards. Harley apologies for things falling apart, but they have their wonderful little boy who needs the love from both of his parents. Phillip doesn’t want Zack jumping through hoops to meet Harley’s demand for perfection. Phillip says all the mothers of my children have victimized them because he was they father. The mothers have forced him to this. Harley asks how can you deny your children the love from their mothers? Phillip asks what about their father and that none of them thinks it’s matters. What about a father’s love? He will give them a father’s unconditional love. Harley asks like you got from your father? She apologies. Harley is crying and still holding Zack’s photo. She says I’ll do anything to get the boys back. Phillip turns and says there is one thing that he’s always wanted from her.

Harley says this is all some game to you. Phillip explains he’s never been more serious in his life. He hands her a piece of paper that will help her find the boys. Harley thanks him. Phillip states we had a deal and wants to know how much she wants the paper. He asks if she would beg him for it the way he begged her once upon a time. Phillip says I begged you to give me a chance, to take me back and not destroy our family. Harley says “oh Phillip, you are sick.” Philip says never mind. Harley apologizes and is crying. She says I’m sorry for all the pressure, hurt, and being a perfectionist and obsessive. Harley cries and says, “please forgive me.” Harley breaks down again, and Phillip comforts her. Philip says that’s enough and he does understand. He states I know what it feels like to beg and crawl for something you want so badly and not to get it. Phillip says I wish I could believe you, but I can’t. Philip shreds the paper containing the location of boys in front of Harley. Harley tries to stop Phillip from shredding the paper.

Harley is crying, falling to the floor, and desperately trying to read the shredded paper. Gus and Alan come back in. Phillip says maybe there was nothing on it and he was just messing with her. Harley cries again “where are they?” She yells at Phillip he’s not going to get away with this. Gus pulls Harley into the hallway. She asks Gus to help her put the shredded paper back together. Alan tells Phillip he is so sorry for all of this. Phillip asks, “how sorry are you dad?”

Harley and Gus are putting the shredded pieces together. Harley sees a Pier 9 and Gus explains he just had a corporate lawsuit where they moved the corporate yacht down to the docks. Harley says, “let’s go.” Gus tells Alan not to let Phillip out of his sight and will have Frank send the cops in. Phillip looks on.

Alan tells Phillip the cops will be here in a minute. Alan says I never wanted that and wanted a better life than his. Phillip says and yet you caused me so much pain and hurt me over and over again. Alan has regrets. Phillip says you can wipe it all away. He will forgive him for everything if. Alan says if I help you get out of here. Phillip says Gus and Harley about to find the kids, and he can’t get locked up again. He says to Alan all the years wiped clean. Alan states the hidden exit in the cellar. I’ll tell them I couldn’t stop you. Phillip hugs Alan, thanks him and leaves. Alan phones Frank. He says Phillip has escaped from the house.

Michelle says she’s not jealous. Tony states I don’t want her, I want you. Michelle asks why he is telling her this now. He explains he’s been trying to tell her this for a while. Michelle says that she’s been sending him mixed messages. She says part of her would love to say lets go for it and run away together, but it’s not that simple. Tony says that’s okay and doesn’t want her to do anything she’ll regret and that he’s going to give her the lead. From here out, they are going to worry about Sebastian. Tony readies to go Aurelia but Michelle stops him and says thanks. She touches her wedding ring.

Danny is trying to put together a schedule for working at the Lighthouse and taking care of Robbie. Marina offers to take care of Robbie and asks if she would get paid and Danny agrees. She wants to help Danny since she can’t help her family. They shake on their deal and Marina thanks Danny. He thanks her too, and says he needs to work and wouldn’t be able to do it without her. Marina says something good has happened and maybe it’s an omen.

Gus and Harley arrive at Pier 9 and there is no boat. Gus says they are not here because he set you up. Phillip doesn’t want either of them at the house. She calls Alan, and he asks if they found him. Alan says he turned Phillip over to the cops. He explains he sent Phillip out through the hidden exit in the cellar and told the cops they could find him there. A police officer comes in and tells Alan that Phillip is not where he said he would be. Alan is very surprised and states “he knew I’d sell him out. And now he’s gone. Phillip is gone.” Harley cries and tells Gus that Phillip is gone. She falls to the floor saying I'm never going to see my babies again.” Gus consoles her.

The man brings Lizzie to Phillip, and they hug. She says you know him, and how could you do this to me. Phillip says it doesn’t matter, and he’s going to take her to a place where no one will hurt her. Phillips tells Lizzie that there are all kinds of father, and asks hasn’t he always been there for her. He says we have to go before they take you away from me again. Lizzie says I can’t go. Phillip gets mad and says you have to go and trust me. Coop shows up and says he’s not letting Phillip take her. Lizzie begs to go home. Phillip says everything will be okay. He puts his hands on Lizzie’s face. Phillip says you were my firstborn child, and I’ll never let anything happen to you. Lizzie continues to tell Phillip she can’t go and cries and apologizes. Phillip says okay and kisses Lizzie’s head and says it’s not your fault. He tells Lizzie he loves her. Phillip tells Lizzie to go with Coop. They leave. The kidnapper tells Phillip they can force Lizzie onto the plane but Phillip says there is no point. The Coopers, Lewis’ and even my own family, have turned my children against me. Phillip says to tell the pilot to the cancel this flight. He has some unfinished business to take care of and will be staying in Springfield a while longer.

takes off to look for Phillip, claiming that if he’s in Springfield he will find him. Mel tells her husband that she wants to go. Alan tells everyone that he’s going to question the help, as they might know something. Alan thinks back to the night he and Phillip were on the balcony at Towers. Alan mutters to himself that perhaps the rest of them are right, and maybe it is too late to reach Phillip. Lizzie apologizes for not being able to get more information out of her father. Beth lets Lizzie know that she’s proud of her daughter. Lizzie reminds her mother about the accident and tells her that she knew it was wrong, but that her father was trying to protect her. Beth apologizes to Lizzie for not protecting her from Phillip. Gus tells Harley that he’s going to call Frank to bring him up to speed.

Harley comments that the police aren’t going to be the ones that will stop Phillip. Gus looks confused. Harley explains that Phillip began the war with her family and that is how it is going to have to end. Gus tries to convince her that they need to work with the police. Harley laughs at the idea of using logic to deal with a psychopath.

Phillip has a bunch of images running through his head. He thinks of Zach telling him that Ruth was really Harley and Rick having him put into a strait jacket.

Back on the docks, the policeman tells Alex that he can see the boat docking on another pier. Alex tells him that she needs to make a call and offers him double what Phillip is paying him simply for a chance to make a call on his cell. The policeman looks at Alex, hands the phone to her and tells her to make it quick.

Alex calls Alan and tells him that she needs his immediate help. She tells her brother what Phillip has told her. Alan tells her about the children being kidnapped and then admits that he thinks they may have lost him.

Harley tells Gus that she refuses to sit around while Phillip takes her children. Gus tells her that he will find the kids, no matter what. Harley concedes that he is right and agrees to follow the rules in dealing with Phillip. Gus tells Harley that he will call her when he hears something. As soon as Gus leaves Harley looks in her purse and takes out her gun. She checks to make sure it’s loaded and then puts it back.

In the Springfield University gym, Rick walks in on Phillip shooting hoops. Phillip looks up and asks how Rick found him. Rick reminds his friend that when they were younger and life sucked they always shot hoops. Rick asks his friend why he suddenly became the enemy. Phillip tells him that it happened about the same time they stopped getting beers together and instead sent orderlies with a strait jacket. Rick apologizes to Phillip for hurting him. Phillip brushes the apology off, telling him that it’s not new to him. He tells Rick that everyone has turned on his and no one knows what it is like to be completely alone. Rick tries convincing Phillip that he’s not alone. Rick brings up Jude and Phillip claims that he would never hurt Jude. Rick tells his friend that he and Harley both need Jude. Phillip laughs telling Rick that Jude is much better off without Harley. Rick tells his friend that he can’t buy Jude the love of Rick or Harley. Behind Rick’s back we see a hypodermic needle in his hand. Rick asks Phillip to please return Jude.

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