GH Update Friday 4/30/21

General Hospital Update Friday 4/30/21


Written by Anthony

Ava shows up at Carly’s. Carly says that this is not a good time. Ava explains that this is about Avery and she is in trouble. She asks what kind of trouble. Ava says the kind that comes from Cyrus. Carly gets a call from Britt.

Sonny asks Nina how her friend is doing. Nina says that her friend is fine. She was just wondering if she could get some coffee. She is just bringing her friend back home. Sonny guesses that she is leaving Nixon Falls.

Phyllis asks Jax how the shoulder is. Jax just thinks about how quick he could have lost Nina. He is not giving up on Nina. He needs to respect her wishes though. Jax doesn’t think it is the end. It is a pause. Nina is worth fighting for.

Joss and Trina are stuck on the side of the road trying to figure out how to change the car. Trina is sorry. Joss doesn’t think that it is her fault that the car overheated. Trina doesn’t think they will get to her dad.

Meg asks Alexis if she knows someone because special treatment can put a target on her back. Shawn walks over. Alexis is shocked to see him. Shawn says hello.

Carly answers the phone for Britt. Britt tells her that her appointment has been rescheduled.

Elizabeth asks Britt about the new janitor. She wonders if any of these new guards are security.

A guard tells Cam he cannot be in here. Jason asks if he can stay because they need to talk.

Nina is going to drive Jax back to PC. Sonny thinks the least she can do is get him back. Nina explains that she is not going to stay in PC. Nina is going to take care of some stuff at Crimson and then she is going to get back here. Sonny just seems like a long drive to drop him off and come right back. He asks if her friend is worth it.

Jax has spoken with Michael and he seems open to letting Nina see her grandson. Phyllis hopes that this isn’t just an avenue to get her back. Jax wants her happiness more. Phyllis wonders if he loves her enough to let her go.

Trina tells Joss that it will take an hour. Trina thinks they should have gone to the volleyball game instead. Joss thinks that would have just been another reminder that her final season is over. Trina thinks that is Southern Coastal’s loss and their gain. Joss has no idea what to do about Cam right now. She knows that Jason didn’t kill Franco. Trina thinks that what is going on has more to do with the two of them.

Jason thinks he can go first. Cam had a lot to say. He wants to see Jake’s father but he cannot. He just sees the person who killed Franco.

Britt reminds Elizabeth that Jason is a patient. This might come as a surprise but they don’t need to clear things with Elizabeth. Britt suggests that this could have looked worse. Britt can see that this is upsetting her so it might be time to talk about her status at GH.

Carly wonders about Avery. Ava explains that Cyrus and Nikolas were making a deal with the devil. Cyrus made a discussion about family. He pointed out how she looks like her father. Carly asks Laura if she can see why she needs her help.

Nina promises that she will be back. Sonny thinks that she is going out of her way for a man who hurt her. Nina knows that he was trying to spare her some pain. Which was not his choice to make. He should have grasped that she needed this.

Jax would love the chance to try to make things work. Phyllis thinks that it is too soon to say. She wishes him a safe journey. She thinks he needs to step back.

Joss thinks that Cam and her were good. Trina wonders what if there was already something wrong between them. Joss asks what she is talking about. Trina thinks that Joss deserves to know.

Alexis wonders how he got into the women’s wing. Shawn just likes to get into the library. Shawn knows she plead guilty. Alexis chose to face the consequences. Alexis went on a booze filled rampage. Alexis explains that this landed her here. Shawn asks if she remembers them. Alexis explains that he is not easy to forget. Alexis guesses they are in-laws. Shawn never would have guessed that they would go the distance.

Elizabeth hardly has any status left. Britt knows she lost her husband and came back to work too quickly. Now the head of infectious disease has asked her to stop helping. She thinks a leave of absence might be needed.

Cam asks if Jason is going to make him ask if he did it. Jason didn’t do it. He is innocent until proven guilty. Cam thinks that Franco was his hero. He is not a killer like him.

Laura tells Ava this needs to stop. Carly asks if she will help her. Carly tells Ava that she put herself into this situation. Laura tells Ava that they had a check on Cyrus but now Cyrus is unleashed. If they find that they have the devil at their door then she will be fine. Ava is here to offer her help.

Sonny wonders where Elijah came from. Sonny asks where he found that he needed to ask to give input. Nina needs to go and get her friend from the clinic. She asks if she needs to get Lenny to watch them. Sonny has work to do. Elijah hopes that she hurries back. Nixon Falls won’t be the same without her. Elijah thinks they want the same thing. They both care about her and Lenny and Phyllis. Elijah thinks that this is teetering on the brink.

Joss wonders if this is about Oscar. Trina says that this is about Dev. Joss asks what is going on. Trina explains that Dev did something selfish. He stole her journal. Joss asks why they are waiting until now to tell her. Trina didn’t want to tarnish Dev’s memory. It still upsets Cam. He is upset about what was in it. Joss asks what could have upset Cam so much. The mechanic shows up.

Elizabeth needs more work. The only thing that is helping her heal is the work. She is asking for her to reconsider. Britt thinks she needs to take the rest of the day off with pay.

Jason tells Cam that an accusation doesn’t make it true. Britt walks in and asks what he is doing. Cam hopes she keeps him nice and safe. This way he can enjoy an old life in prison and die behind bars. Britt tells the guard that she needs to examine Jason. She closes the door. Jason explains that Cam blames him. Britt asks why he didn’t tell the truth.

Ava reminds them both that Cyrus is trying to hurt their daughter as much as she hates admitting it. Laura thinks they need to do this now and together all of them.

Elijah thinks that people are hurting all over. He cannot be blamed for the economy. Sonny knows that he did leave right before the shooting started. Elijah knows that he was in the thick of it himself. Crime follows him everywhere he goes. Elijah wonders what his secret is.

Jax tells Nina that he has been released and back to PC he goes. Nina knows that he cannot fly back himself. Nina is going to take him herself. She is parked right out front ready to hit the road. Jax appreciates it but he will have to decline.

Alexis wonders why Shawn decided to get a business degree. Shawn wonders what he was going to take from this place. He decided to run a group for people who suffer from PTSD. He wonders if one day he gets to leave. Alexis admits she had a close call. Shawn wonders how she managed to get out. Alexis is sure that Sonny looked out for him while he was in here. Shawn tells her that if someone looks to give her a deal it is too good to be true.

Britt imagines that Peter would probably kill Cam too. Britt assumes that Peter will be safe. Britt thinks that for an unfeeling killer he can be sweet. Jason thinks that she shouldn’t be here. Britt thinks that Cyrus has already called her out for spending too much time.

The janitor calls Cyrus to explain that Britt is with Jason right now.

Ava tells Carly that she can use her ruthlessness in common. Laura thinks that they all have reasons to distrust each other. Laura doesn’t want to know what Carly has planned but Ava might be able to help. Carly agrees that this might be the only way to stop Cyrus. She tells Ava to call Cyrus and invite him to dinner.

Sonny thinks that someone wants bad things to happen to him and he has the force to make them happen. Sonny knows that Nina leaving will mean that he will not be able to manipulate her. Sonny explains that his friends keep buying real estate and his friends keep buying. Nina writes an article and everyone shows up. He knows that Elijah will just sell for a nice profit. Sonny has Elijah figured out. Phyllis walks in and asks if this is the thanks she gets. She feels disrespected.

Nina cannot believe that he came all this way and now he doesn’t want her to be around him. Jax explains that his driver should be waiting outside. Joss shows up. She asks what is wrong with his arm. Jax explains that the bullet hardly touched him.

Elizabeth wonders what Cam is doing here. Cam wonders why she didn’t tell him that he is here. Cam thought that maybe there was something decent in Jason. He thinks that Jason is all bad though.

Britt needs to go before the guard thinks that he is getting special treatment. Jason reminds her that she doesn’t have to do this. Britt knows the risks. She knows that no one lives forever. It is how you live that matters. It is time that she try the right one.

Carly tells Ava to call the man. They are running out of time.

Jax thinks that he can tell Joss about all of this on the ride home. Joss thinks they can talk about all of this before they get going. Trina decided to go get something to eat. Nina assumes she is at a drive through. Joss says that she is at a bar.

Elijah and Sonny shake hands. Phyllis knows that they are putting on a show right now but she really hopes that they can take this opportunity to get along. Sonny thinks that is what they will do. Elijah will see them later. Phyllis can read his tone. Sonny is telling the truth. She is going to need something from him. If he wants Nina to be happy here then make it a place where she finds peace and harmony not shouting and aggression. Sonny wonders if she ever gets tired of being right. Phyllis says never. They go off into the back. Trina walks in.

Alexis wonders if she should really refuse help if it comes from the in or the out. Shawn thinks that can be an issue. Shawn tells Alexis that she does have friends on the inside.

Elizabeth reminds Cam that Jason isn’t all bad. Cam thinks that she saw him lying over Franco’s body. They both know Jason is guilty.

Ava calls Cyrus and tells him that she would like to have dinner with him and Martin tonight. Laura will be there too.

Britt assumes that asking for help is not something that Jason likes to do. Jason thinks she needs to have deniability. Britt will go to the Metro Court for a public drink while all hell is breaking loose. Britt asks him to try not dying. She would take it personally.

Laura is going to go home and wrap her head around what she just agreed to. It should be a night to remember. Ava wishes Carly good luck with her part of the plan. Carly tell Ava that she believes her but if she is wrong… Ava explains that for once they are on the same side and Cyrus won’t know what hit him.

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