GH Update Thursday 4/29/21

General Hospital Update Thursday 4/29/21


Written by Anthony

Joss tells Trina and Cam that she is good enough to be a starter when they go to state. Portia walks over to them.

Nikolas asks Ava if she does know why he returned Cyrus his mother back. He asks if she is upset. Ava is terrified.

Alexis cleans up floors. A man walks over.

Obrecht tells Scott that the threat on to her is real. Scott was a plot to spend time with him. Scott asks if she had a good time. Obrecht admits that she did enjoy herself. Laura walks over and seems shocked.

Carly tells Brick that working remotely with Spinelli he is almost his equal. Almost at least. Carly tells Brick that if Sonny were here then he would be going to the five families. Brick considers this a favor to Sonny.

Sam tells Danny that Jason is only going to be at GH temporarily. Then he has to go back to jail. Danny knows. Then he will have to go back to prison. Sam wants Danny to be prepared. There is a guard standing outside his room. Danny just wants to see Jason.

Britt tells Jason they have a little bit of breathing room right now. Britt explains that Carly called her earlier and they will be able to break him out tonight.

Joss cannot believe that Trina told Portia. Portia thought that Joss was instructed not to play volleyball. Joss says that she fell into a hole. She was sitting on the floor when Cam and Trina brought her in. Joss thinks that this is no big deal. Portia is going to send her in for an MRI.

Ava thinks that Nikolas needs to grasp that Cyrus bombed the Floating Rib and used Julian. She is afraid that Nikolas will be the one who is hurt this time. Ava doesn’t think that Cyrus will let this go. She happens to love Nikolas so she is scared for him. Nikolas has too much to live for now.

Laura wonders if this is what it looks like. Scott thinks that they are friends. Laura wonders if this is wise. Laura can see why they would be drawn together. Laura is not here to judge him but she wants him to be careful. Laura tells Obrecht she is sorry she didn’t greet her earlier. Obrecht admits that she is just as shocked that they are keeping company. Laura will see her around. Obrecht admires the mayor. She has reasons to dislike her but she is holding judgement. Scott thinks that she would like her. Scott asks where this danger is coming from.

Britt would love to see Cyrus go after Obrecht just because she would be a match. She might disagree with Obrecht completely but she is the first to acknowledge that she lives her life on her own terms. She asks how she got off on this. Jason asks if there is anyone else that Cyrus could target. Britt knows that there is Maxie she thinks that she is ok. She hopes that Cyrus has no idea about Brad. Britt is ok. That selfless nobility gets on her last nerve. Sam and Danny walk in. Danny hugs Jason.

Brick asks about security personal. Carly says that Britt is involved. Brick thinks they have to worry about Cyrus and making sure he doesn’t get in the way. Brick asks if it is fool proof.

Nikolas doesn’t expect Cyrus to be on their wedding list. Ava is sure that he will want to be there. Nikolas assumes that Spencer will not talk with him. Spencer said not to expect him home anytime soon. Ava knows she is a small factor right now. Nikolas is the one who let Spencer believe that he was dead for years. He was too busy trying to plot things out. Laura thinks that this is proof that he is backsliding. He saw how this hurt the people he loves. Ava thinks that Laura is just concerned because Cyrus gets people to do things that they wouldn’t normally do. Nikolas promises that won’t be him again.

The warden tells Alexis that she has been reassigned. Alexis asks what her new job is.

Danny tells Jason that Scout wanted to come too. Jason says he is always thinking about Scout too. Danny thinks it isn’t fair that he was locked into bed like that. Danny thinks that he would never hurt Jake. Jason knows that Cam and Jake are dealing with losing Franco. He thinks that Danny needs to be there for him.

Britt tells Sam that Jason’s swelling was not that bad. The wound is getting better. Sam assumes that he will be back to prison then. Britt guesses that he will be back tonight. Sam asks if she is his primary doctor.

Joss gets wheeled back into the examination room. Portia needs to speak with Joss privately. Trina tells Cam they will be out in the hall. Portia says her ankle is not broken. The MRI explains that she is not going to be able to play volleyball this season anymore.

Cyrus shows up at Wyndemere and wants time to speak with her.

Joss has already packed for the state competition. Portia tells her to stay in the wheelchair until she gets back. Trina wonders why there are so many security guards around today. Portia explains that Jason is here today. Cam wonders why she didn’t tell them that. Joss thought that it was better not to say anything. Joss thinks that Cam is the least of her problems right now. She just lost her only shot at playing with the best team in the country.

Britt gets a call. She needs to take it.

Jason tells Danny that he is not sure how this will go down but he promises that it will be fine. Sam asks Danny how things are going. Jason is sorry that he doesn’t have a timeline but he will let him know. Jason promises that he is innocent and he will prove it.

Laura shows up at Carly’s house. She introduces Brick to Laura. Carly says that Brick is a close family friend. Brick explains that Sonny was very fond of Laura. Brick thinks that they will keep in touch. Brick tells Laura to keep up the good work. Laura thinks that he is charming. Laura wonders what this is all about.

Cyrus was hoping to have a word with her husband. Ava explains that he just missed Nikolas. Ava tells him that if they are through here… Cyrus tells her that they are not through. Ava thinks that this is the end of story. Cyrus explains that it is never that simple with him.

Alexis sits down with Nikolas. Nikolas is happy to see her. Nikolas wonders how she is doing. Alexis is just working the program. She hasn’t been tempted to drink the toilet wine. She is in work assignment in the library. Alexis knows what she did. She wants to know how much of his soul he traded to be safe.

Carly tells Laura that Nikolas made them lose their leverage. Carly tells her that they need to figure out another way in. She knows that Cyrus wants a relationship with her. She wonders if they can use that to their advantage. She asks if she can give Cyrus the attention that he wants.

Alexis demands to know what Nikolas did. Nikolas knows that Cyrus has connections here. All he had to do was return his mother. Carly and Jason had taken her from an assisted living facility.

Ava asks what else he could possibly want. Cyrus wants a relationship and a family. Laura is his sister. Nikolas is his nephew. She is his niece-in-law. Laura has never truly been open to bonding as a family. He thought that he would be more receptive to a deal. He thinks family is important.

Sam heard that he was being released later today. Jason heard that. Sam wants to know what is going on. She asks if there is a bigger setup going on.

Scott tells Obrecht that he wants to be there for her protection. Scott wants to be there for her protection.

Britt goes into her office. Obrecht runs in and asks why she is in danger. She asks if this concerns Peter. She asks what that shrine has done now. Obrecht explains that she is doing a favor for Jason. Obrecht explains to pack her bags they are leaving the country.

Joss explains that she just blew it. Trina is sure that they are going to tare it up at PCU. Joss cannot play. She is letting them down. Trina thinks it will be fun to get out of PC. Joss has an idea. Joss tells Jax that she will let her know when she finds out. Joss explains they can go and pick up Cam. Joss thinks that they can go there instead of the volleyball game. Joss thinks that they are going to pick up her dad. Trina asks if this will get her out of her bad mood. Trina explains to Portia they are going to support Joss’ teammates.

Obrecht tells Britt that they need to get away from Jason. Britt explains that it is the people that are going after him that are the issue. Obrecht suggests Australia. Britt has her patients and Maxie. She cannot leave her. Britt can look out for herself. She asks where she hid out last night. Scott shows up. She asks what he wants. Scott is here to make sure that Obrecht is safe.

Jason thinks that the best thing is for Sam to have deniability. Sam knows that she needs to put Danny and Scout first.

Laura tells Carly that Cyrus is now threatening her. Laura wants to contain Cyrus. Laura might be able to obtain him but he likes the idea of having her as a sister but he has no interest in hearing what she wants to say. She is like a trophy for him. Carly needs a few hours tonight and all of this will be over with. Laura wonders where his attention would be otherwise. Carly thinks that this is a situation that it is better she doesn’t know about.

Nikolas tells Alexis that Carly and Jason were keeping Florence hostage. Alexis points out that Kristina could be a target now because of this. Alexis reminds Nikolas that he is now under his thumb. He will never leave him alone. Nikolas promises that he will not get what he wants. Nikolas knows that he will not win. Alexis knows other people have said the same thing and have come out wrong. Nikolas needs her to heal and find some peace.

Ava is sure that Nikolas will have some issues with furthering his relationship with his uncle. Cyrus sees a picture of Avery. She bares a resemblance to her father.

Britt asks if the two of them are for real. Obrecht admits that he is chivalrous. Obrecht thinks that things change. Obrecht has desires. She thinks that Britt should try to live a little too.

Alexis is appreciative but she doesn’t like what he did. Nikolas thinks that Cyrus did this as a good faith gesture. Nikolas will not let anything happen to her. He needs her in his life. So, does the rest of the family.

Sam needs to keep the kids safe. She doesn’t want him to put himself in this situation. The kids miss him enough as it is.

Portia tells Joss not to even think about playing. Joss promises that she won’t. Trina tells Joss that this can lead to greatness. Nixon Falls here they come.

Cam walks into Jason’s room.

The janitor tells Cyrus on the phone that Britt was in Jason’s room.

Carly thinks that she really needs her to spend time with Cyrus tonight. Ava shows up. She tells Carly that this cannot wait. It is about Avery.

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