General Hospital Update Wednesday 4/28/21
Written by Anthony
Carly walks into Jasons hospital room. They need to talk about the plan to get him out of here. Jason tells her that if he wanted out he would get out. He doesnt want to make a bad situation worse.
Britt tries to get on to the computer but is denied.
Elizabeth looks at her tablet and sees that Jason is in a hospital room. She thinks about Jason telling Jake that he would never hurt anyone if it meant hurting him.
Jax tells Nina that he has been laying the groundwork with Michael. He thinks that there is a good chance that things will be fine.
Peter thinks that his plan is working. Peter is smarter than he is.
Willow tries to get food from a vending machine. Michael walks over with food for her. Willow thinks that is so thoughtful. Michael wonders how Chase is. Willow explains that Chase woke up for a few minutes but passed out again. Willow feels so guilty. Chase is so vested in the idea that they are getting back together but it feels so wrong to let him on.
Finn walks into Chase hospital room. He tells Chase that Willow stepped away for a minute but he is sure that she will be right back. He knows that this is scary. He thinks that Peter has ruined so much of his life already. Chase starts to wake up. He asks what he just said.
Maxie thinks that Brook Lynn clearly wants something. Brook Lynn explains that this is about what they can do for each other. She shows her the fake pregnancy stomach.
Scott runs into Obrecht and he thinks it has been a while. He has been calling her. Obrecht has been busy. Obrecht decided to leave Elizabeth alone. Scott thinks she is avoiding him.
Brook Lynn tells Maxie she is not pregnant. Maxie asks what is going on. She asks what that is. Brook Lynn thinks the answer to both their problems.
Finn was just talking about the scare that he just gave both of them. Chase asks what happened. Finn explains that his body was close to shutting down but he was able to fix things. Chase asks if he is cured now then.
Michael thinks that this is an emergency so they need to prioritize. Michael thinks they need to give Chase hope. Willow knows that Chase needs her and she has to be there for him. Willow needs to be clear though that she is in love with him. Nothing that has happened in this hospital will change that. Michael thinks that this makes him love her more but that is not that possible.
Nina wonders if this is real. Jax thinks that she can be part of Wileys life if this is what she wants. Jax has a heart to heart for Michael. Nina thinks that is sweet of him but she cannot imagine that it went well with Carly.
Brook Lynn guesses she was locked out of the records. Britt found similarities between the drug and something found in a patients bloodstream. Cyrus thinks that it is best that they keep this under wraps. Cyrus knows she has been spending a lot of time in Jasons room. She shouldnt be there more than with her other patients.
Carly tells Jason that he is not going back to jail. Jason thinks that the more people involved the bigger chance that something goes wrong.
Elizabeth doesnt know what to say to Jake. Laura asks if she remembers when Ryan kidnapped Carly. She remembers how levelheaded Jason can be. Jason doesnt act out. He reacts. She knows that he hated Franco and he can kill someone but it doesnt sound like it. Elizabeth wonders if she saw what she expected to see. There is supposedly a witness. Laura knows that people see things and it ends up being different than reality. Elizabeth thanks Laura. Elizabeth has to get back to her shift. Laura walks down the hall and runs into Cyrus.
Valentin thinks that if Maxie is accepting him back into his life then they have no further trouble.
Maxie doesnt think this makes sense. She was in the hospital the same night she was. Brit would have noticed that she was not pregnant. Maxie needs her to start from the beginning. Brook Lynn thinks that she has been trying to make things right with her family. Brook Lynn thought that she could fake a pregnancy to get ELQ back. He called her bluff and now wont give her the shares until after the baby is born. Which is where she comes in.
Cyrus tells Laura that his mother is settling in very nicely at her new facility. Laura wonders why not use this as a turning point. He says that he got everything that he wanted. She thinks that now would be the time to go legit.
Carly cannot do this alone. Jason is not alone. Jason thinks that if this goes to trial then it is the end of it. Carly thinks that the business is a runaway truck and they cannot wait for Diane. He cannot go back to jail. Carly is asking Jason to do something and trust her and do it his way. Carly thinks even if she is wrong then he needs to do this for her. Jason would do anything for her. Britt walks in. She says they have a problem.
Jax knows that Carly was not so thrilled that he went to see Michael. Carly is not legally in charge of Wiley. Michael and Willow get to make the choices.
Michael tells Willow that Jax asked him to talk about Wiley and Nina. Willow asks if he is open to it.
Chase says that they have a temporary solution. Elizabeth walks in and wonders how her favorite patient is. Finn will let Elizabeth check on him. Elizabeth needs to know what was in the vial that he gave Chase.
Michael wants Wiley to have both his grandmothers in her life. Michael always trusted Jaxs judgement. It goes along way with him.
Jax tells her that Michael is open to visits. He has known Michael since he was a little boy. He has always been fair. Nina appreciates that he went to Michael. Nina cannot set herself up for another disappointment.
Britt tells Jason and Carly that she has been locked out of the files. Carly wonders why. Britt assumes the same reason that Cyrus just commented on how much attention she has been giving Jason. Jason thinks that this makes her a potential target. Jason thinks that there is her mom. Britt thinks that it would be cool to see a Cyrus and Obrecht show down. Carly needs Britt to help her get Jason out. Jason tells Carly that she will not.
Peter tells Valentin to stop focusing on his family and starting paying attention to his own.
Obrecht thinks that he is mistaken if he thinks that she was avoiding him. Peter walks over. He thinks that it is great that they have become such great friends. Scott goes after Peter.
Brook Lynn asks if Maxie if she plans on telling Peter that her baby died and stashing her somewhere. Maxie wonders how she could possibly know that. Brook Lynn guesses that Olivia overheard her talking with Nathan at his grave. Brook Lyn thinks that they need this plan to succeed. Maxie doesnt care about ELQ. Maxie is not going to use her baby as a prop. Maxie suggests a talent agent or something. Brook Lynn thinks that this is clearly her best option. Maxie is sorry that she is having some scheming problems. She wants to tell Brook Lynn about her own problems.
Elizabeth saw the vial. Finn thinks that Elizabeth must have had that mixed up. Elizabeth reminds him that she cannot help do her job if she doesnt have the answers. Finn tells her to leave it alone. Finn thinks it has been a trying couple of days. He will tell her about the treatment later. Finn runs over to another doctor. He asks if she has a minute.
Scott will let the courts deal with Peter. Peter tells Scott that it isnt true. They need to take this as a misunderstanding. He tells them to be good now. Scott hates that man. Obrecht looks at him with lust. Scott wonders if she liked that. Obrecht has seen worse.
Laura tells Cyrus that if he wants to have a relationship with her then he needs to be someone that she can have one with. Cyrus wants to get to know her better. He thinks that her good influence could change him.
Jason doesnt want her risking anything. Carly think that this would help her. Britt tells Carly that she is in.
Maxie wonders if she grasps how lost and betrayed she feels. She loved Peter and he was lying to her the entire time. She now asks herself how she couldnt see this. She could blame Anna and she did. It isnt her fault. She dove in with Peter headfirst and didnt check the water. Everyone she trusts told her to be careful and she refused to listen. She was really alone and grieving for Nathan. She couldnt face that. She clung to Peter like he was a life raft. If it were just her then it would be ok. She is pregnant with this baby that she loves with all her heart and the childs father is a monster. As much as it might hurt there is no way that Peter can get his hands on this baby ever.
Willow reminds Michael that they are Wileys parents and they will figure this out together. She needs to get back to Chase. Valentin walks over and asks if he is really considering letting Nina into Wileys life.
Nina thinks that this is no a full life for her. She thinks that he cannot make things right. When Michael seriously decides to let her into Wileys life she might come back. Until then she cannot go back. Jax asks if she is ever coming back.
Finn asks how Chase is feeling. Chase tells him that his entire body feels numb. Chase tells Finn not to write him off yet. Finn just cannot believe all the things he let come between them. Finn thinks they are here together now.
Obrecht and Scott toast to Peter getting what he deserved. Britt calls and explains that Obrecht needs to stay low for a few days. She asks if there is anyone she can stay with. Obrecht thinks that can be arranged.
Nina thinks that the longer she stays away from PC the easier it is for her to forget what she endured there. Nina admits that she is happy here. Jax asks what is so compelling about here that makes her want to stay.
Valentin has a stake in the game. He is part of Wileys family. They are all connected thanks to Brook Lynns baby.
Maxie is doing her best but her plan is getting harder by the day. He is pushing harder all the time. Brook Lynn can see how freaked out she is. She doesnt need to look further than her. Valentin actually thinks that she is having a baby with him. It is the safest place for her little girl. Maxie says no. Maxie doesnt think that she really cares about her or the baby. She wants to keep the stocks. Maxie thinks that Brook Lynn is all about herself. Maxie thinks that things change when you are a parent. Maxie asks why she would trust her all of a sudden. Brook Lynn thinks that she is smart enough to know that.
Cyrus thinks that battle lines are being drawn in PC. Cyrus tells her that it is best she choose a side before one is chosen for her.
Carly knows that he hates that he needs help. Jason guesses they will move forward with her plan whether it works out or not.
Obrecht hopes that she is not a burden. Scott thinks it has been lonely for him. The two get on the elevator and start to kiss.
Britt tells Elizabeth that she has been transferred away from Chase.
Willow sees that Chase is awake. Finn is just leaving. Willow can see how it is.
Jax really does want her to be happy. He thinks that if anyone deserves happiness it is her. Nina is not a saint. She is far from it.
Maxie doesnt think that she is her savior. Brook Lynn thinks that Lulu and her hated each other but Lulu would probably tell her to get over herself and make the best choice for her child. Peter calls Maxie. He did some research on the live-in nurses. Maxie is already on it with the nurses. She thinks she found someone who can help her. She will tell him about it later. She thinks if they do this then they play by her rules. Nothing can go wrong. She asks if that is understood. Brook Lynn thinks she does completely.
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