GH Update Tuesday 4/27/21

General Hospital Update Tuesday 4/27/21


Written by Anthony

Nina asks what Jax had to tell her when he called. She asks if it was important. Jax still cannot shake this image from last night. He opened his eyes and he saw Sonny. He was standing right there clear as day. He knows it is impossible because Sonny is dead.

Sonny tells Phyllis that he doesn’t feel like dropping in on this guy. He doesn’t even know him.

Alexis explains that it is impossible for anyone to drop in on her. Valentin is in the visiting room. Alexis looks shocked.

Sam tells Dante that she got his message. She wonders if everything is ok. Dante explains that his mother is really worried about Maxie. Dante explains that he cannot make things worse.

Brook Lynn didn’t realize how desperate Maxie was to keep things from Peter. Olivia knows that she swore she would keep this baby was safe. Olivia knows Maxie is going to fake a stillborn.

Anna tells Peter that she got him a visit with Maxie because a life depends on it. She needs an antidote.

Elizabeth asks Finn what he is not telling Chase about his illness. Finn explains that all he can do right now is make him feel less pain.

Willow screams for help as Chase has a seizure. Finn and Elizabeth run in. Finn tells Elizabeth what to do.

Sonny feels more comfortable waiting out here. He can call Nina later.

Jax wonders why he would see Sonny. Sonny was not his favorite person. Nina imagines that Carly is still talking about Sonny. Phyllis wonders how the patient is doing. Jax guesses that all he had to do was take a bullet. Phyllis thinks that him and Mike would get along. Jax would like to meet Mike. Phyllis explains that he is right outside.

Alexis told Valentin that she didn’t want visits from family. Alexis explains that it is worse than she expected. If it wasn’t for Nikolas then she would be worried. She suspects that he made some sort of deal with Cyrus. Alexis wonders if there is something that he is not telling her.

Brook Lynn wonders if Olivia is sure that she heard correctly. She thinks that she might be doing that thing where she transferred things on to Maxie. Brook Lynn wonders if she is sorry for stealing her idea. Brook Lynn knows that Peter is very dangerous. Olivia doesn’t know and she doesn’t care to know. Brook Lynn never thought she would be saying poor Maxie. Olivia thinks that her situation is very different than Maxie’s.

Sam thinks that Dante is the perfect person to help Maxie. Dante thinks before he got his brain rewired. Sam knows that Kevin said that his life was fine. Dante might have blown things good time. Sam knows someone who was lost. Dante asks if they are talking about her.

Anna has no time to deal with him anymore. Anna thinks that Peter won. She demands the damn antidote. Maxie tells Peter that she is having trouble finding the stuffed animal. Anna runs out to find Chase with the antidote.

Finn tells Elizabeth to clear the room. Elizabeth takes Willow out. Finn tells Chase that he will not lose him.

Nina asks if Mike is really here. Phyllis will go and speak with him. She will be right back. Nina says hi to Sonny. She wonders why he is here. Sonny was just making sure that she was ok. Nina wants to talk later back at the bar. Sonny thinks that she is trying to get rid of her.

Alexis wonders who the lucky girl is. Valentin admits that it is Brook Lynn. Alexis guesses that he seems happy about it. Valentin knows that the baby is tied to ELQ. Alexis wonders how Charlotte is taking this. Valentin says not great but she will come around. Alexis tells him to do whatever she would do but the opposite.

Sam tells Dante that she was having hallucinations and she thought that Sonny was trying to hurt her so she shot him and left him for dead. She was driven mad until Griffin and Finn figured out what was wrong with her. Dante thinks she had a physical illness and psychological stuff going on. Sam thinks that time and treatment and a little bit more time can help make a difference. Dante knows she is right. She had to learn how to believe in herself again. She was in fear of what she would do next. It was learning how to walk around. The trick is that you just get back up.

Brook Lynn thanks Olivia. She realized she was taking her love for granted. She thinks about all the ways that Maxie is willing to sacrifice. Brook Lynn needs to go and do some things. Olivia thinks that went a little too well.

Maxie explains that she put the stuffed animal with the rest of them. Peter thinks that she looks wonderful. He wants to have a whole house full of kids together. Maxie is trying to avoid stress. Peter wants to hire a full-time nurse. Maxie wonders as in to live with her. Maxie thinks that is sweet but she likes to be on her own and this is not her first baby. Peter thinks that he could move back in and help out.

Finn and Elizabeth try to figure out what is wrong with Chase after he is passed out.

Anna finds Willow and asks how Chase is. Willow explains that he had a seizure.

Elizabeth tells Finn that he is shutting down. Anna runs in.

Jax asks Phyllis when he will be released. Phyllis tells him that he has only been up for a few hours. He knows that Nina is here hiding because of him. He has a solution. Phyllis thinks that Nina is happy here and she can be left be.

Nina tells Sonny that she doesn’t want her PC life to intrude in her life in Nixon Falls. Sonny thinks that her friend is going to have a full recovery. Nina thinks the sooner he goes back to PC the better.

Dante thinks that he will need help. Sam thinks that for him she can help. She would be willing to help too. Dante thanks her. Dante thinks that this helping thing is a two way street. He could help her with seeing Alexis. Sam explains that Alexis doesn’t want to see her sisters or her. Dante assumes that is because she cares about her too much.

Valentin thinks that Alexis raised three children that are fabulous young women. Alexis knows that the last few months have tested this love. Alexis needs to adjust to this. Valentin thinks she has nothing to be ashamed of. Alexis would like to spare them from having to watch. Valentin thinks that her job is to love them and part of the deal is to let them love her back.

Anna gives Finn the vial. Finn goes to inject it. Elizabeth witnesses it.

Peter thinks that it is just like old times. Maxie wonders if she says yes if the call would be on call 24/7. Peter thinks so. Maxie guesses just until the baby comes. Peter is just being over protective. Someone knocks on the door. Brook Lynn says they need to talk. Peter asks what she was saying.

Phyllis tells Jax that when Nina arrived at the bar she had the pain of the world on her shoulders. Jax is glad that Nina found them. Phyllis explains that Nina also found Mike.

Nina will explain everything later. She needs to convince her ex to leave Nixon Falls. Sonny wonders if she thinks that she will take him back. Nina thinks that he will find some things out about her that she doesn’t want him to know. Sonny doesn’t think she scares very easily. Nina doesn’t want him to talk with Jax.

Alexis explains that her children get her through the day. She is not sure she can be held together for much longer. Valentin is told his time is up. He asks what he can do to make her life easier.

Dante explains that he mishandled his PTSD by shutting out his own family. He shouldn’t have asked Lulu for a divorce. He missed out on time with his kids and wife. It is time he will never get back. He was thinking he was being selfless but he was really being selfish. Sam thinks that he didn’t want them to think of him as being weak. Olivia walks over and asks if they are ok. Sam needs to go see Alexis. Olivia wonders what is going on between him and Sam.

Peter asks if Brook Lynn ever thinks to call first. Peter wants to set the live in nurse in motion. Peter will contact the hospital. Peter leaves. Brook Lynn wonders why she is being so nice to that freak.

Willow looks in on Chase. She walks over to Anna. Willow thinks that if anyone can save Chase it is Finn. Anna explains that circumstances are not great. She wonders how long Willow has been here. Willow says today only a few hours. She is lucky. The Quartermaine’s and Michael are taking care of Wiley. It helps to have Chase close. Chase and her have been through a lot together. She hopes they can both have happiness.

Elizabeth explains to Finn thaqt Chase’s blood preasure is rising. Finn tells him to keep fighting. He brushes his forehead and kisses him on the forehead.

Sonny wonders why Nina is acting like this. He thought they were friends. Nina promises that they are. She can handle her ex without his help. Phyllis explains that Jax is asking for her. Nina asks Sonny to take Phyllis back to the bar. She will drop by later. Phyllis asks if Sonny is alright. Sonny thinks he is fine but hopes for the same for Nina.

Brook Lynn wonders why Maxie would want Peter anywhere near her and the baby. Maxie thinks just because they shared one class together does not mean they bonded. Maxie wonders why Brook Lynn is really here.

Peter runs into Valentin. Peter thinks that knowing that Valentin cannot play hero for Anna will always bring a smile to his face. He explains that he just ran into Brook Lynn and she was her regular pleasant self. Valentin tells Peter that he better be careful. If he has to choose between saving Chase and keeping his child safe then he will choose Brook Lynn. Peter thinks that Finn would do anything for his son. Finn would do anything for Chase. Anna would do anything for Finn as well.

Willow knows that her relationship with Finn is not her business. Anna knows that Finn and her love each other very much. They are both involved in their lives in very different ways. They had to be honest and walk away. It was going to hurt each other. Elizabeth tells them that Chase is improving. Finn walks over to Anna. He tells her that Chase is getting better. He thanks her. Anna thinks they both know this is his fault.

Sonny knows he should trust Nina. Phyllis knows that he wants to stay here all day and make sure that she is alright. Sonny wonders if she will still need them after her ex saved her from a gunman. Phyllis thinks that Nina knows what she actually wants.

Nina is so sorry. Nothing can change the past. That is why she is going to stay here and he is going back to PC. Jax explains that he spoke with Michael. There is a chance she could be back in Wiley’s life.

Olivia starts to drink. She needs one after Brook Lynn. She needs a distraction. Dante explains that Sam is going to help him look after Maxie. Olivia knows that this is confusing right now.

Alexis sits down in the visiting room. Sam walks in.

Willow sits down next to Chase who is still out. He starts to wake up. He asks if she is still here. Willow is not going to go anywhere.

Finn asks Anna what it cost her. Anna doesn’t need him to worry about that. He just needs to take care of his son. Finn wonders what if he needs another vial. Anna will make sure that Chase has what he needs.

Brook Lynn knows they don’t like each other. They have both matured. She thinks they can start over. Her best friend is in a coma and she has a murderous baby daddy. She thinks they should be on the same side. Maxie asks what she can do for her. Brook Lynn thinks that this is what they can do for each other.

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