General Hospital Update Wednesday 3/22/17
Written by Anthony
Pictures by Suzanne
Olivia is handcuffed to a chair in a courtroom when Griffin walks up behind her. Without even turning around Olivia says hello, to Duke. Griffin informs her that she knows that isnt his name.
Michael tells the person he is talking to on the phone that he needs to call them back as, Nelle and Charlotte walk in. Nelle promises that this is just a coincidence. She just needed a restaurant that was child friendly. Michael wonders who her new friend is. Nelle explains that this is her new job as nanny to Charlotte.
Outside of Kelly’s, Laura tells Kevin that she cannot understand André’s testimony. She wants to know what kind of a competent doctor would recommend a child remain with Valentin rather than her mother. Kevin knows but he did. Laura asks if he agrees with André. Kevin is saying that he doesnt think it is smart to question Andrés resume. Laura doesnt think he is answering her question. She asks if he thinks it is right that he kept Charlotte from Lulu. Kevin does.
Lulu walks into Crimson and knocks on Ninas door. Dillon opens the door. Lulu asks if Nina is here because she needs to speak with her. Dillon explains that she is gone for the day. Dillon can call her for her. Lulu doesnt want him to. If she was going to do this then she needs to do it in person. Dillon wonders what she means. Lulu means Nina backing Valentins lies. She doesnt care what Nina does or how sweet she pretends to be. Lulu is Charlottes mother. She asks why the courts would take Charlotte away from her. Lulu asks if he knows about the custody hearing. Dillon knows a little. Lulu thinks it was a total loss from start to finish. The judge awarded full custody to Valentin.
At the Metro Court, Nina needs Valentin to do her a favor. The next time he decides to have it out with Anna he needs to give her a heads up. Valentin doesnt think that there will be a new time. The cat and mouse thing is over and done. He will not be giving Anna anymore, attention. Nina thinks that is all and good but just because he says it is over doesnt mean that Anna does as well.
Obrecht walks into Annas living room saying that she doesnt ordinarily perform house calls, even for an old friend such as herself. Anna informs her that this is not for treatment. She needs something else. Obrecht asks what that would be. Anna needs answers on Valentin.
Olivia wants Griffin to forgive her. He just reminds her so much of his father. She asks why he is here. Griffin has been called to testify on what happened in that lab and what a dangerous person she is. Olivia thinks that he could have done that in writing. She guesses he is just like his father. He cannot stay away from her.
Anna offers Obrecht tea. Obrecht thinks that Anna must be desperate if she is asking her for help. Anna wouldnt be asking for her help unless it was under extreme circumstances. Obrecht thinks that she is wasting both their time. She knows next to nothing about Valentin. She knows they are in-laws. Obrecht points out that Nina doesnt make much of an effort to have her in her life. She met her new husband briefly at her sons wedding. They exchanged a few pleasantries. Anna asks about Victor or Helena. Obrecht never heard them mention Valentin around her. Obrecht knows less about Valentin than she does. She asks if they are done. Anna doesnt think they are. She has someone close to her that can help Anna get information on Valentin.
Valentin guesses that Nina is correct. Just because she is away from Anna doesnt mean she still stop. Nina asks what his answer is then. Valentin will just insist even more that he wants peace. Nora walks up to them. She up to the court house to pick up the judges decree. Then it is official. Lulu will start her six months of visitation. Valentin already arranged for Lulu to have her first meeting out of court. Nora thinks that is excellent. It really will be in his favor to do that. She wants to point out that it isnt Lulus behavior that will be monitored but also theirs. The court is going to want to know that they cooperated by the letter and spirit of the decree. Nina doesnt think they have to worry about them. Nora thinks that Valentin will sometimes have to make choices that sometimes he isnt comfortable with. Visitation is going to give Charlotte a chance to get to know Lulu and that ultimately is going to be for her benefit.
Dillon wished he had something stronger than water to give Lulu. Lulu thinks it is better that he doesnt. A couple drinks and she might actually go to Valentin to have it out. She doesnt need to traumatize Charlotte for a third time. Dillon thinks that Lulu needs to take a breath. She is about to do something crazy. Lulu asks if she is going to get in trouble with Nina and she will take it back to her lawyer. Dillon thinks it is a good thing that Nina isnt here. Lulu explains that the therapist who evaluation Charlotte today claimed that it would be traumatizing to take Charlotte away from Valentin. She guesses that they should totally ignore that her daughter is being brainwashed and living with a murderer. Dillon cannot believe that the judge isnt allowing her anywhere near Charlotte. Lulu doesnt think that it is exactly like that. The judge awarded her limited and supervised visitation with her daughter, on a schedule to be decided by the court. Which Diane thinks will be about once a week. Dillon thinks that she is acting like today in court was a total disaster but today sounds like a win in court to him.
Laura thought that Kevin was on their side. Kevin is always on Lauras side. Laura asks how she could agree with Andrés recommendation. Kevin thinks that taking Charlotte away from the only living relative she knows will do more damage than Lulu is capable of doing. Charlotte is apparently happy where she is. Laura thinks that is only because she doesnt know any different. Kevin has to believe that they want Charlotte to be whole and happy more than they just want her to be theirs. Laura asks if he is telling her to be patient and just trust the court and trust Lulu to forge a relationship with her daughter. Laura thinks that Valentin will rig that system unless someone gets out ahead of him. Kevin assumes she means herself.
Michael asks if she is a nanny now. Nelle guesses it isnt her dream job. She has the skills, plus it is a live in position and will help her save money faster. Michael assumes so she can finish her degree. Michael thinks that it sounds like a good system. Nelle doesnt see the downside. Michael thinks the downside is she is living in PC. He thought she might have wanted to get out of this mess. Nelle assumes the mess she made. Nelle asks if he telling her to go.
Valentin has always tried to get along with Lulu for Charlottes sake. Lulu is the one who wants nothing to do with him. Nina thinks that obviously, they want Lulu to have a relationship with Charlotte. Lulu is so hostile towards Valentin that she is worried that she will go off on Charlotte about Valentin. Nora thinks that is why the visits are supervised. If Lulu tries to influence Charlotte in anyway then the social worker will make note of it. She really thinks that Lulu will use the time to forge a bond with Charlotte though. Nina guesses that she doesnt know Lulu. Valentin thinks that Lulu isnt capable of providing a stable home. Nora tells him that unfortunately that is what people say about him. She knows that Lulus team will continue to try to find dirt on them. She suggests that they dont give them any dirt to find. Nora leaves. Nina thinks that Nora is right. Laura and Lulu will spend the next six months unburying every single thing from his past. Nina asks what they will find.
Laura is just trying to protect her granddaughter from the man who murdered her son. She asks why that would bother him. Kevin understands that she wants to protect her but she needs to think about how she does it. Sometimes the best plans are the ones that come back to bite you. Laura thinks that it is Valentins turn to learn that lesson. Kevin thinks that is fair but he wants to be involved in what she does. Laura thinks that is a deal. Kevins pager goes off. He is supposed to be in court. He is supposed to testify at a competency hearing. Laura wishes him good luck. Kevin thanks her. Laura thanks him for caring so much.
Michael just thought it be easier for Nelle to start some place new. Nelle, she is a pariah. She knows that not everyone in town knows what she did but she is sure that Bobbie will change that. Michael again asks why she would stay where she is not wanted. Nelle cannot make amends if she leaves. Michael wonders who she is making amends to. She hates Carly. Nelle cannot argue that but she hurt Michael and Joss. That wasnt part of her plan. If she doesnt stay and try to fix things, then she cannot make things right. Michael suggests that she just try to focus on her new job. All those people that she hurt, the kindest thing she can do is leave them be. Nelle guesses if he wants her to stay away then she will respect his wish.
Obrecht guesses it is so much for her to have British hospitality. It is incredibly rude for her to bring up Cesar. Anna knows that they do not agree on anything. She is desperate. She has been on Valentins trail for months and hasnt gotten anything. Obrecht certainly enjoys her desperation but if she thinks that she will plead her desperation to Cesar then she is sadly mistaken. He has freed himself of his obsession to Anna. He is over her. Beyond over. Anna thinks that is good to know. She asks why Cesar would even know anything. Anna knows that he was with the agency. He departed under extraordinary circumstances. She needs conformation Obrecht laughs that she needs her. Anna knows that if anyone can get to Cesar then it would be her. Obrecht hasnt heard from him. Anna is aware that Brit is with Cesar. Obrecht asks what would be in this for her.
Griffin insists that his father is dead. He was murdered in June of 2015. Olivia still thinks that he is so much like him. She sees so much of his father in him but none of his mother. Griffin asks what the hell she knows about his mother.
Michael thinks that PC is big enough for the two of them. So, she will not have to turn the other direction if she sees him. Nelle thinks that is good to know. Peaceful coexistence works for her. Charlotte wonders if she can have a hot chocolate now. Nelle thinks she can. Nelle thinks it was good to see Michael. Charlotte wonders if Michael is Nelles boyfriend. Nelle doesnt think that they are Michael tells her that they are friends. Nelle asks if she wants to go ask the waitress for two hot chocolates to go. Charlotte asks if she can get a cookie too. Nelle says one cookie. She will be up to pay in a minute. Nelle thanks her for not involving Charlotte. She knows they are not friends anymore. That is on her. Laura walks in and sees Charlotte.
Dillon knows that Lulu wanted full custody and anything less than that feels like a setback. Lulu wanted to take her daughter home with her. Now she gets to see her once a week for six months. That is a setback. Dillon doesnt have any kind of personal views on this but he has spent a lot of late nights with Maxie. She has told him all about what happened with her and Georgie. Lulu doesnt think it is the same thing. The judge didnt think that Maxie was supposedly not responsible enough. Dillon knows she had six months to change her act. Lulu knows that it wasnt enough time and they kept extending things. Lulu remembers this. That was the lowest things had ever been for Maxie. It was because the judge told her to stay away from Nathan which was totally unreasonable. Dillon asks when she finally got Georgie back. It was when she cleaned up her act. She followed the rules and Lulu can do that too. Lulu doesnt have any guarantee that she will get Charlotte in six months. She isnt fighting some old fashioned stubborn judge. She is fighting the man who murdered her brother.
Valentin thinks that there is a chance that Lulu and Laura will find something in his past that will ping him in a negative light. He will not let that get in his way. Nina doesnt think that is up to him though. It is up to the judge. Valentin thinks that the judge can only rule on provable fact. Evidence. Prior conviction which there are none. He wanted to make sure that no one could ever take his daughter. Nothing from his past could ever touch his family. He did what he had to do and it is done. So, they can dredge up his past but nothing will hurt his family.
Obrecht feels that contacting Cesar will come at a cost. Anna asks what she wants. Obrecht wants Cesar and her daughter to be free to come back to PC. She wants all charges against them dropped. Nina thinks that would take an act of God. Obrecht guesses it is a good thing she is friends with a priest. Anna doesnt have the power to have all those charges dropped. Obrecht guesses they have nothing to say to each other. Anna asks about her familys life.
Griffin wants to know why Olivia brought up his mother. Nora walks up to him and tells him to back away from this woman. She is not well. Griffin thinks she is perfectly capable of carrying on a conversation. Nora asks if he is a psychiatrist. Griffin is a surgeon. Nora explains that this woman is her client. Griffin wasnt trying to cause a problem with her. Her client said something very confusing to him. Nora thinks that is because she isnt in her right mind. Nora asks why he is trying to confuse her even more before she is even given a chance to stand trial. Griffin thinks that is the last thing he wants. The DA walks over. Nora tells her that her witness is harassing her client. The DA is sure that she is misinterpreting Griffins actions but just to be safe he will keep his distance. Nora thanks her for that. The DA tells Griffin that Olivia is a lunatic but her lawyer is a shark. She is looking for any excuse to find leniency for her client. So, he shouldnt speak unless told to do so. Griffin nods. Nora wants Olivia to let her do the talking. They are asked to sit. The judge reads the case. They are there on the case of the death of Morgan Corinthos, kidnapping and assault on Griffin, Robin, Anna, multiple counts of mass destruction. Nora looks at Olivia in disbelief. The judge continues that she has three hundred and fifteen accounts of attempted murder with everyone who was around at the hospital when Olivia allegedly planted an explosive device. They are here to access if she is able to stand trial. Kevin is put on the stand. Olivia is able to grasp that her actions up to blowing up Morgan were wrong and deserve punishment. Nora asks if she has no grasp on reality. Kevin thinks that she is lucid and understands reality. She just has no moral code that murder is wrong. Nora isnt really interested in the morality police. She assumes that he has other criteria on why she is fit for court. Kevin points out that she has had several stints in mental health facilities. The most recent one was just last year. He would hardly think that it helped. The DA points out that Olivia has a history of faking mental illness when dealing with legal difficulties. She asks if he can say for certain that Olivia is not faking now. Kevin cannot. Griffin is now on the stand. Nora knows Griffin claims that Olivia is calling Griffin by the name of a former lover Duke Lavery. She asks if he has met Olivia before. Griffin had. She asks if he introduced himself as Duke. Griffin didnt. Nora asks how she came to calling him by a different name during their ordeal in the lab. Griffin explains that Olivia was trying to restore Dukes soul by putting it into his body. So, he was playing along. Nora points out that this man was decades older than him. She asks how she could not see that he wasnt Duke. Griffin explains that Olivia was acting strangely. His friend Anna was hurt. He thought if he played along then he could get them more time. Nora guesses that he manipulated Olivia then. Nora asks if Olivia has called him Duke since then. Griffin says yes. Today when he walked into this court room. Nora asks what his name is. Griffin. Nora has no further questions. Nora explains the judge is ready to give verdict. The judge thinks that it is clear Olivia is not sane enough to stand trial. She is to be sent to the asylum until such time that her competence is established. Griffin asks if Kevin has dealt with cases like this before. Kevin has more than a few. Griffin wants to know how long before Olivia is fit to stand trial. Kevin thinks that some people are never competent to stand trial. She may never see a court room again.
Obrecht asks if Anna is threatening her now. Help her and she will get her loved ones. Anna means Valentin. Obrecht reminds her that Valentin is married to her niece. Anna knows that Nathan cannot stand him. He thinks that Valentin tricked her into marriage. Obrecht thinks that is possibility. Nina is nothing if not impulsive. Anna knows that Nina is impulsive and how long before Nathan has to get involved. Anna asks if she thinks that Valentin will tolerate that. Helena was scared of him. Obrecht feels all she is doing is giving her more reason to stay away from Valentin. Anna knows that Valentin might not be her problem today but Nathan is very protective of Nina. Obrecht doesnt think that there is any guarantee that Cesar would help her. Anna knows but she might help Obrecht. Anna has no reason to trust Obrecht and even less to trust Cesar. To be perfectly honest she is out of options. Obrecht thanks her for the tea.
Valentin asks what they are even doing. He wants to celebrate their victory. Valentin wonders why Nina didnt tell him about this new nanny. He asks if she thought he would have eyes for her. Nina doesnt. She just knows that Nelle had issues with her last employer which was the Corinthos family. They are not a big fan of hers.
Dillon thinks that if she wants her daughter back she has to play by the rules. Lulu is the one who has been denied her daughters first years of life. She honestly doesnt know how she has become the bad guy In, all this. Dillon doesnt think that she is the bad guy. The judge is only doing this so it is easier on Charlotte. It will only be six months and then things could be different. Lulu thinks that six months are a long time in childhood. She will have new friends and bond with Valentin and Nina even more. Yet she gets one lousy visit a week. She cannot forge a relationship that way. Lulu thinks that there are always other options. Dillon knows but six months could be a risk she isnt willing to take.
Laura calls Lulu and leaves her a message. She wants her to come over to Kellys really quickly it is important. Laura walks in and says hello to Charlotte. She tells Nelle that she is Charlottes grandmother and wonders who she is. Nelle is her nanny and they have to go. Laura walks over to Michael. She wants a word with him. She noticed that he was talking to her earlier. She asks who she is. She only means to pry because the little girl is her granddaughter. Michael wonders if that is Charlotte. Laura says yes. Michael is sorry things went against Lulu. Laura thinks he can understand her interest in Charlottes nanny. She asks what Michael can tell her about her.
Nina thinks that Nelle is very sweet with Charlotte. If she was going to be honest she probably hired her because she lost her temper at Bobbie Spencer. Lulus aunt. She told her not to hire Nelle because Lulu wouldnt approve but she asks what control does Lulu have over who they hire. Charlotte and Nelle walk back in. Nelle introduces herself. Nina suggests that they let Nelle and Valentin speak for a little bit. Valentin has heard a bit about her so far. Nelle has to admit the reason she was let got from her previous job is because Valentin is aware of why she was let go. He trusts his wife though and they will start her on a trial basis. Nelle promises that she will not let him down. Valentin knows she wont. If anything were to ever happen to Nelle, then they would never find her body. Nelle will keep that in mind. Obrecht is watching them.
Michael explains that this started when Joss needed a kidney donor. It turned out to be Nelle. Laura assumes it created a bond between Carly and Nelle. Michael confirms it did. Carly even hired her as a full time assistant. Laura asks how Nelle is supposed to have two full time jobs. Michael explains that she doesnt work for Carly anymore. Laura assumes she wasnt a good fit. Michael thinks it is best that she asks Carly about that. He guesses for what it is worth, Nelle has a background in education. She is really good with Joss so he can be sure that she would be good with Charlotte. That is all he is comfortable with saying. Laura asks if they are not friends or something. Michael isnt anymore.
Nora tells Olivia that they will be processing her to the asylum soon. Olivia asks if she will see her again. Nora thinks that if and when the situation warrants. Until then though. She is going home to her husband. She wishes her good luck. Olivia thanks her. She wants her to tell that old cowboy of hers she said hi. Nora asks what she said. Olivia isnt sure what she said.
Griffin is sorry to just walk in on Anna like this. Anna really thinks she should just give him a key. She asks what happened. Griffin just came from Olivias competence hearing. She is being sent to the asylum. Anna thinks that Olivia finally got herself trapped. She has this history of conveniently timed mental health issues. Griffin wonders if she thinks this is an act then. Anna doesnt think so. She is a crazy as a bed bug. She does think that Olivia tries to do this on purpose though. She doesnt realize that she will never get out of that place. She hopes. She does think that they can breathe a sigh of relief. Griffin isnt sure that she is going away that easily. Anna asks what she means. Griffin thinks that it is something she said about his mother.
Lulu asks Laura what the big emergency is. Laura just said it was important. Lulu asks what it was then. Laura had a little run in earlier with Charlotte and her new nanny. She thinks that the girl will prove useful to them.
Nelle walks into Ninas office. Nina asks how her interview with Valentin went. Nelle thinks he is a very dedicated father. Nina doesnt want her to be too intimidated by him. Nina thinks that once you get to know him he is a teddy bear. Nelle thinks that is good to know.
Nora hands Valentin the decree. She is off to Llanview. Valentin will see her in six months. Obrecht is off on the other side of the room talking to Cesar. She wants him to guess who needs his help and why.
Anna asks what Olivia said about his mother. Griffin doesnt think that it made much sense. He didnt have a chance to speak to her after court started. She looked him up and down as if she were speaking to him for the first time and she said that she didnt see a trace of her mother. Anna doesnt think so. She didnt even meet Duke until she came here to PC. Griffin wonders if she knew her before meeting Duke. Anna guesses anything is possible. She thinks it is more likely that it is Olivia just getting to her. She suggests he just let it go. They do have more pressing matters like Valentin.
Valentin thanks Nora. Nora doesnt think it is a problem and as for the other thing he hired her to undertake Valentin tells her that her bill has been paid in full for that as well. The money has been wired into her account so long as things are satisfactory. Nora promises that his associate will not spend one day in prison. Olivia Jerome is on her way to an asylum where she doubts she will ever see the light of day again. Valentin thinks that is exactly where he wants her to be.
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