General Hospital Update Friday 11/13/09
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Pictures by Juanita
Nikolas takes flowers to Emily’s grave on the
anniversary of her death. He tells her he considered letting the day go by
without acknowledgement. He says ignoring the days she died because it brings
him inconvenient pain is par for the selfish course he is on right now. He tells
her she would not be happy with him right now. He tells her that he is caught up
in something that could blow everything that matters to him to hell. He tells
her she knows he loves his brother bur he can’t believe how much he is betraying
Lucky right now and he is ashamed of it. He reveals to his dead wife that
Elizabeth has him and he doesn’t know how to give her up, of if he even wants
to. Lucky arrives with flowers for Emily.
Jason and Sam return to the penthouse after a long motorcycle ride. She asks him
if the ride helped him to clear his mind enough to figure out whatever is
bothering him. He tells her he has to do a job, but he is not sure that he can
do it because of Michael.
In the living room at the Jacks’ house, Carly holds baby Josselyn and talks to
her. Carly puts Josselyn in the bassinet and tells her that lots of people, like
her brother Michael, will love her. Michael observes unseen from a few feet
away. Carly says Michael took care of both of them and now it is time for them
to take care of him. Michael overhears this, rolls his eyes, and tells his
mother he will see her later. Carly asks him where he is going. She says she
doesn’t want him to go to Sonny’s house or office. Michael asks his mother if
she is afraid that Sonny will send him to blow up the Zaccharas. Jax comes in
and overhears the comment.
Dominic meets Ronnie on the docks to ask him about the status of the forensics
on Sonny’s shirt. Ronnie tells him to be patient, as he just gave him the shirt
a few hours ago. Ronnie sees Sonny approaching so he shushes Dominic. Sonny
comes up to them and says he hopes they are talking about something he can use.
Dominic says they were talking about the looming threat from Zacchara and his
flunky. Sonny concludes that Ronnie is giving Dominic inside information as he
asks him why he is willing to share his knowledge about the Zaccharas with
Sonny’s lieutenant, Dominic. He reveals that he has asked around about Ronnie
and discovered that he is a good, loyal soldier. He asks Ronnie to confirm that
he wouldn’t betray him. Ronny gives him a big smile and says no. Sonny laughs.
Ronny confirms to Sonny that he is a loyal soldier who doesn’t want to be on the
front line of a war that no one can win. Sonny concludes that Ronnie wants to be
a peace broker. Sonny asks what Anthony thinks about that. Ronnie says he has no
dog in this fight; he is just a guy with no marketable skills trying to raise a
couple of kids with the woman he has been with since he was a teenager. He says
if he can prevent all hell from breaking out, he doesn’t see a down side. Sonny
asks him what the heartbeat of the old Zacchara guard is. Ronnie tells him it is
normal but rising. He says there is a fraction that is unhappy about Sonny’s
ripping Claudia in public and her subsequent disappearance, but others like the
way business has been since Sonny took over. They like it nice and orderly with
no daily chaos the way it was when Anthony was running things. Dominic tells
Sonny that everything is riding on how they handle the Joey Limbo situation.
Sonny says he needs concrete evidence without rumor or speculation. He sys he
wants to know everything about Joey Limbo because that will help him neutralize
the threat. He asks Dominic and Ronnie if he can trust him to get him the
information. Dominic says yes. Sonny departs.
At the penthouse, Sam tells Jason that if he wants to talk about it, she is
happy to help him and if not, she is fine with that too. She starts toward the
door, but he grabs her arm to stop her. He says he wants to talk. He tells her
that he has to send a very specific message designed to discourage any more
challenges to Sonny’s authority. He says it cannot involve mysterious
disappearances; it has to be public. He tells her that it will be on the news
and he knows that Michael will see it and know that Jason is responsible. Sam
observes that Michael wants to be just like Jason. Jason tells her that he has
been trying to convince Michael to aim higher than the life that Jason lives and
that he should want to be better than him but he wonders why Michael should
listen to him if he doesn’t live by his own words.
At the Jacks’ house, Carly asks Michael why he would say that. She tells him he
is not a killer; Claudia’s death was an accident that happened while Michael was
defending his mother and just-born sister. She tells him he needs to stop saying
things like that aloud because the walls have ears and someone will turn him in
or worse. Michael reminds her that the evidence was destroyed and he is free and
clear because Sonny Corinthos is his father. Jax observes the conversation with
concern in his face. He tells his mother not to worry about it because it has
been taken care of. Michael sees Jax and asks him to explain to Carly that
Michael has grown up, makes his own decisions, and live with the consequences.
He says that the sooner everyone accepts that, the better they will all get
along. Michael walks out the door. Carly tells Jax that Michael doesn’t have a
clue and it scares her to death.
At the Quartermaine mausoleum, Lucky tells Nikolas that it is still hard to
believe Emily is gone. Nikolas says he was just telling Emily that she would be
disappointed in him. Lucky says Nikolas is too hard on himself and doesn’t give
Emily enough credit. He tells Nikolas that he is allowed to spiral out after
losing the woman he loved and that Emily wouldn’t hold it against him. Nikolas
says he is completely put of control right now and he is constantly looking for
something or someone to grab onto or crash into so he doesn’t drown. He says it
is unfair. Lucky wonders to whom.
At the hospital, Rebecca tells Elizabeth she was blinded by the rock on
Elizabeth’s finger. She congratulates Elizabeth on her engagement and says it
was great to see Lucky so happy last night. Elizabeth says they are both happy.
Rebecca says she is finding that hard to believe. Elizabeth asks Rebecca if she
isn’t jolly enough it could be that today is the anniversary of Emily’s death.
She reminds Rebecca that Emily was her best friend, the love of Nikolas’ life
and Rebecca’s twin sister. Rebecca says she knows what day it is, but knew that
if she brought it up, Elizabeth would have accused her of being manipulative.
Elizabeth says she doesn’t care about Rebecca’s moral dilemmas because it is too
late. She says that because of Rebecca, Nikolas is doing things he would never
have considered. Rebecca demands to know what is wrong with Elizabeth.
At the mausoleum, Lucky tells Nikolas that he knows he is concerned about
Rebecca, but she is tough. He says he is sure she will be able to hang in there
until the two of them get to the other side of this. He tells him that he has
wanted to tell him that he is not oblivious; he realizes that it is difficult
for Nikolas to have a ringside seat to Lucky and Elizabeth’s reconciliation. He
says Nikolas and Emily didn’t get the gift of time and last night probably
didn’t help. Nikolas thanks Lucky for saying that and reiterates that he is
happy fir him and Elizabeth. He tells Lucky not to attempt an apology because he
doesn’t deserve it and Lucky has done nothing wrong. Nikolas admits he has been
using Emily’s death as an excuse to do anything he wants but just because it
feels good or gets him through the night. Lucky concludes that Nikolas has been
hard on Rebecca lately and feels guilty about it. He reminds his brother that
relationships are not always smooth sailing; the important thing is to ensure
that the boat doesn’t capsize. He says it appears that Nikolas and Rebecca are
still afloat. He says he is glad and Emily would be too.
At Crimson Lights, Maxie is talking on the telephone. When she hangs up, she
reminds Lulu that phone duty is the second assistant’s job. Lulu reminds Maxie
that she wanted to take all of the calls related to the art show. Maxie amends
that request and adds only when she is not busy with something really important.
Lulu laughs, as Maxie isn’t doing anything. Maxie says she came back from her
non-honeymoon to supervise this layout. She says Spinelli has been sulking ever
since so this piece had better be worth it. Lulu says Spinelli doesn’t sulk.
Maxie says she is sure it isn’t intentional, but she has sensed a change since
the wedding didn’t happen. Spinelli has been demanding more of her attention.
Lulu observes that the status quo is Maxie constantly demanding Spinelli’s
attention. Spinelli exits the elevator with flowers for Maxie and tells her they
are to keep him fresh in her memory while she works. Maxie tells Lulu that this
is what she was talking about.
At the penthouse, Sam hands Jason a beer and tells him that Michael is on very
emotional ground. Jason says he doesn’t want to do something that contradicts
everything he has been trying to warn Michael against. He doesn’t want Michael
to see him as a hypocrite. Sam asks him if he can put off the job for a while.
Jason says no because that would be bad for the organization. He says that now
that Anthony is in prison, the already shaky Corinthos-Zacchara alliance has
started to come apart. He says that the older lieutenants who are still loyal to
Anthony have been looking for a crack in the foundation that they can exploit.
He says that Claudia’s disappearance has provided that crack so now Anthony has
an excuse to take everything back. Jason tells Sam that Anthony has a guy who is
ready to move and they have to stop him. Sam asks why it has to be Jason.
Sonny meets Luke at Sonny’s restaurant. Luke says he likes this new location and
the pasta is fantastic. Sonny apologizes for anything that he put Luke through
at Claudia’s party. He admits he should have seen the potential. Luke says that
when Sonny discovered Claudia was responsible for getting Michael shot, Sonny
had to do something. He asks if there has been any fallout from Claudia’s
disappearance. Sonny reveals that that is why he wanted to meet with Luke.
At the hospital, Rebecca tells Elizabeth that she doesn’t know what her problem
is, but she can feel free to concentrate on her own life because Nikolas is
fine. Elizabeth says Rebecca wouldn’t say that if she knew Nikolas. She says
Nikolas was finally beginning to piece his life back together when Rebecca
showed up with her lies and manipulations, the same way she did when she used
Emily’s memory to steal Nikolas’s money. She says now Nikolas is plunging back
into grief and self-destructive impulses because of her. Rebecca says Elizabeth
may believe that if she needs to, but she is wrong. She says Nikolas isn’t stuck
in the past about her or about Emily. She says she doesn’t understand why it is
so hard for Elizabeth to get that Nikolas has moved on. She tells her she should
know because she is the woman in Nikolas’ bed. She gloats about how easy, Funny,
tender, and enthusiastic he was last night. Elizabeth tells Rebecca that Nikolas
is a master at hiding his feelings. Rebecca says she can’t win with Elizabeth so
she will stop trying but will leave her a question for Elizabeth to ask herself.
She asks why Elizabeth is so worried about Nikolas when she just got engaged to
Lucky. Rebecca storms off.
Lucky and Nikolas are sitting on the steps at the mausoleum. Lucky admits to
Nikolas that he hasn’t always been a good brother. He says that instead of over
thinking everything he should just have been happy that Nikolas found someone.
Nikolas says Lucky was right not to become a cheerleader for Rebecca and him. He
says he fixated on Rebecca is that she looks exactly like Emily and that is not
healthy behavior. Lucky says something in Nikolas’s tone tells him that there is
something else going on. Nikolas says it is just that he still struggles with a
lot of things. Lucky tells him that will probably always be the case to some
extent. He says that days like this are bound to bring it all crashing back. He
says that what matters is that Nikolas is moving on. Nikolas wonders if it is.
Lucky says Rebecca can never replace Emily but she is pretty terrific in her own
right. He says Nikolas could have done worse. Nikolas asks if Lucky is playing
matchmaker. He says no, he is just nudging Nikolas in the right direction. He
says that Emily would have wanted all of them to be happy on the day that they
are remembering her. He says Emily would be over the moon if she knew that he
and Elizabeth were remarrying. Nikolas agrees.
At Crimson Lights, Maxie tells Spinelli that the flowers are beautiful but
reminds him that Kate doesn’t allow her to have flowers on her desk. She
suggests that he takes them to her apartment and find the perfect place for them
in her room. She walks away. Lulu tells Spinelli the flowers are beautiful. He
tells her he knew about the flower rule and wonders how he could have been so
thoughtless. Lulu says it was a sweet, romantic gesture. She says that if Maxie
is being more selfish than usual, it is because she is so flipped out about this
art show that Kate wants to set up. She says it isn’t as if a reclusive artist
that hasn’t been in the US in years is going to agree to do a show in Port
Charles, Especially when it took Maxie 2 weeks to get his agent to return Kate’s
calls. Spinelli tells Lulu that it is clear to him that Maxie’s career is her
priority over their love.
At Sonny’s restaurant, Luke says Sonny had to do something when he found out
that Claudia was responsible for the shooting or risk appearing weak. Sonny says
he never regrets business decisions but the personal stuff trips him up. He says
that if he could take back marrying Claudia he would. Luke tells him that at the
time, marrying Claudia was probably a good idea because Sonny gained power from
it. Sonny says he is not about to give that up. Luke asks if that is where he
comes in. Sonny reveals that he needs Luke’s help.
At the penthouse, Sam suggests that Jason tells Sonny his concerns so Sonny can
give the assignment to someone else. Jason says he is concerned about someone
else’s performance under the pressure. He says the only person he trusts not to
give up Sonny is himself. Someone knocks on the door. Jason opens it to Dominic.
Sam leaves. Jason asks Dominic what is up. Dominic says he has already mentioned
this to Sonny but wanted to tell Jason as well. He says Anthony Zacchara is
ready to make a move and Dominic is willing to do whatever it takes to head him
Kristina is walking along the docks talking to Keifer on her cell phone. She
tells him she doesn’t want to see him; she needs more time to process this. She
assures him that she has not told anyone that he hit her; it isn’t something she
is bragging about. Michael arrives so Kristina quickly hangs up the phone. She
tells Michael that before he asks her what happened to her face, she fell down
the steps at the library. She says it was an accident, unlike what happened to
Keifer, which Michael deliberately put into motion. She says she knows he sicced
Max and Milo on Keifer and they threatened him. Michael says he wasn’t there but
if he knows Max and Milo, there was no direct threat. She asks him what has
gotten into him. She tells him he is turning out to be a psycho just like their
dad. Michael says that Keifer deserves more than implied threats and Kristina
should be glad that Michael is around to protect her. She says he is acting like
a criminal. She tells him that having a thug for a dad is a lot to deal with. He
tells her she needs to get off their dad’s case. She asks Michael why he is
defending Sonny after he saw him rip into Claudia in front of the whole town.
She says he probably killed her after that. Michael asks her if she has
forgotten that Claudia was responsible for getting him shot. She asks him to
tell her he doesn’t believe in that eye for eye stuff. He tells her she doesn’t
know anything about the real world so she should shut up and stop judging
people. She tells him to stop yelling at her. He yells for her to stop being
ridiculous. Ethan is coming down the stairs and tells Michael to go easy on his
sister. Michael tells him to keep moving; this is not his business. Ethan says
he can make it his business or they can both back off instead. Michael goes over
to Ethan and tells him he knows he is new in town so he suggests he does his
research and figures out who he is messing with before he butts into private
family conversations. He tells him he will live longer and then Michael leaves.
Kristina asks who that was and what he did with her brother. Ethan says at least
he isn’t yelling any more. Kristina tells Ethan he saved her.
At Sonny’s restaurant, he asks Luke if he ever did business with Joey Limbo when
he was associated with Frank Smith. Luke says he did a lot of business with Joey
Limbo. Sonny asks Luke what his take on Joey is. Luke says Joey is emotional,
volatile, cunning, and Sonny doesn’t want to take him on unless he has to. He
asks Sonny if that is what this has come to. Sonny reveals that Joey is gearing
up to start a war on Anthony Zacchara’s behalf so he wants to remove Anthony
Zacchara from the equation and approach Limbo directly. He says he needs Luke to
be the go-between. Luke reminds Sonny that he is neutral. Sonny says everybody
knows that, which makes him the perfect go-between. Luke says he needs to have
some assurance that he is not setting Joey up for a hit. Sonny tells him he is
acting in good faith. He says if he can convince Joey to a truce then Anthony
loses all credibility and is reduced to the howling fool that he is. Luke tells
him not to underestimate howling old fools, and then he howls. Sonny laughs.
Luke says regardless of a truce with Joey, Anthony will not quit until he
avenges Claudia’s death.
At the penthouse, Dominic tells Jason that the Zacchara clan is split. He says
those who came up under Anthony and never respected the alliance and don’t know
why all this combined power should go to one guy who used to be a rival. He says
the other group like the way Sonny runs the business with minimal chaos. Jason
asks Dominic what he thinks the scales in their favor. Dominic says Joey Limbo
is the key. Sonny either wins or loses respect. Dominic tells Jason that he
knows he got off to a slow start with the organization but he has learned
lessons and is ready to help. He encourages Jason to use him. Jason tells him he
might take him up on his offer sooner than he thinks. Dominic leaves.
At the Jacks’ house, Jax comes downstairs and thanks Carly for letting him put
Josselyn to bed. He tells her this is how it should be. The two of them are
together focusing on Josselyn’s first days. She agrees, but reminds him that
they have a lot of other things going on around them. She concedes that he was
right when he said it was a mistake to cover up Claudia’s death. She reveals
that she went to talk to Sonny about hiring a lawyer and turning Michael in. Jax
tells her she can’t do that.
Elizabeth takes flowers to the Quartermaine mausoleum and talks to her dead best
friend. She tells Emily that she wishes she were there right now. Then she
recants and says that maybe she doesn’t because Emily would be disappointed in
her. She reveals that she just bitched out Emily’s sister and got high and
mighty about the things she has done, but says that at least Rebecca is just a
stranger; she doesn’t have emotional ties to everyone involved. She didn’t
betray the love and trust of the person who literally loved her back to life.
Elizabeth says she doesn’t recognize herself anymore. She asks Emily how she can
be engaged to one man while she is sleeping with his brother.
Rebecca sees Lucky at the hospital. She surmises that he is looking for
Elizabeth and tells him that she signed out a little while ago. She asks if she
can talk to him for a minute since he is there. She tells him that Nikolas has
been in good spirits lately but she expects him to be sad considering what today
is. She asks him how she can prevent his brother from brooding and turning
inward. He tells her just to be with him.
On the docks, Ethan notices Kristina’s cut lip and asks if Michael hit her. She
tells him that her brother might yell a lot but he would never hurt her. He asks
her what the story is, then. She says she wishes it were something cool but she
slipped on the steps while texting. He tells her she has to be more careful not
to ruin her pretty face. She asks him if he texts and he says occasionally he
does. She asks for his number in case she needs another rescue so he takes her
phone and enters it. She asks him if he has done anymore singing and he tells
her no. she says he was amazing at Spinelli and Maxie’s reception. He thanks her
but says no one is clamoring for an encore. She says he should sing again; she
would pay to see it. He tells her she wouldn’t have to pay. She asks if she
could get a backstage pass and he assures her she could except that he is no
rock star so it isn’t likely to happen. She tells him that depends on who he
asks. He tells her she is sweet to say that, returns her phone to her, and
starts to go up the stairs. He stops and reminds her to be careful texting
because he has heard its very dangerous. He chuckles and continues up the
stairs. She looks at her phone and smiles to herself.
Dominic goes to his room to find Ronnie waiting there. Ronnie tells him he has
never been so happy to be wrong. He reveals that he lab found a fragment of grey
silk with Claudia’s blood and Sonny’s DNA. He confirms that the chain of
evidence was not broken. Dominic asks what they will do next. Ronnie says they
are going to bring in the witnesses from the Metro Court and find out what Sonny
was wearing the night Claudia disappeared. He tells Dominic he did a good job.
At the Jacks’ house, Claudia doesn’t understand why Jax changes his mind. He
tells her it is too late now. He explains that Sonny and Jason eliminated all
the evidence that Claudia’s death was an accident so it will look like murder
and Michael will most likely go to prison. He tells her that no one can ever
find out what happened to Claudia. She puts her hands over her face and sighs.
Then she asks Jax to watch Josselyn while she goes to pick up a prescription at
the pharmacy. He asks her if she is sure that that is where she is going or if
she is going accidentally to bump into Michael. She doesn’t answer him and
Elizabeth is sitting in front of the mausoleum talking to Emily. She says that
not only is she betraying Lucky, but she is betraying Nikolas in the worst
possible way because he is not thinking clearly. She says she knew that Nikolas
was still in pain over losing Emily and should have been a better friend. She
says she should have helped Nikolas through his loss instead of falling into his
bed. She says that once would have been bad enough but she let it continue and
she doesn’t want it to stop. She tells Emily that she thought that making love
to Lucky last night would snap her back to reality but it didn’t work. She tells
Emily that she loves Lucky but she wants Nikolas too,
Lucky runs into Nikolas on the docks and tells him that Rebecca just asked him
how she could prevent Nikolas from crashing and burning today and he told her to
be with him. He says he decided to take his own advice so he is looking for his
girl. He says he was hoping they could pick up where they left off last night
because it was awesome. Nikolas tells Lucky he must be feeling good about
himself now that he has managed to get Elizabeth to have sex with him again.
Lucky just looks at Nikolas.
Jax answers his door to Dominic and tells him that Carly and the boys are out.
Dominic comes in and asks him if he would be willing to testify that Sonny was
wearing the same gray silk shirt that he had on at Claudia’s party later that
night. Jax asks if that matters. Dominic reveals that he saw Sonny burning his
clothes later that night so he grabbed a handful of ashes and sent it to
forensics for testing. He disclosed that they found a piece of Sonny’s shit with
his DNA and Claudia’s blood on it. Jax demands to know what Dominic is doing
there when he has enough evidence to arrest Sonny. Dominic says it isn’t that
simple. Jax says he doesn’t like what he is hearing. He tells Dominic to quit
stalling and do his job. Carly enters and asks what job that might be.
Jason enters Sonny’s office behind the restaurant and says he put their plans to
deal with Joey Limbo into motion. He says the timing concerns him a little but
if they don’t act now, Joey was. Sonny says he has been thinking about the
situation and wants to try a different approach. He reveals that Luke as agrees
to be a go-between and set up a meeting so Sonny can negotiate a truce with
Joey. Jason says that if Sonny can pull that off, he would be comfortable with
it. Sonny says they have to do things very carefully. They have to come from a
position of strength and consider every angle. He says they cannot afford any
The song "Mad World" plays as someone takes photographs of Claudia’s body lying
on the floor with a chalk line drawn around it.
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