General Hospital Update Friday 9/18/09
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Pictures by Juanita
In Johnny’s hospital room, he asks Olivia why she said she shouldn’t trust Dominic. She tells him she is just saying he should watch himself. He tells her he knows that but asks her what the problem with Dominic is.
In Dominic’s hospital room, Dominic introduces Sonny to Ronnie. Sonny already knows who he is. Ronnie tells him he is surprised Sonny knows his name since they have never met. Sonny says he knows he and Dominic worked together before Sonny took over the Zaccharas. He wonders what the two of them would have to talk about.
At Jax’s office, he tells Michael that he was hoping they could have this conversation after Michael’s sister was born. Michael tells Jax just to answer his question about whether he got shot because Jax put a hit on Sonny and Michael got in the way. Jax admits that he does not like Michael’s father and tells him that he tries to keep him out of their conflict, but sometimes it is unavoidable. He tells Michael that he can be ruthless but he doesn’t go around arranging for people to be killed. Michael asks him if he is saying he had nothing to do with putting him in the coma. Jax says he did not put a hit on Sonny. Michael tells him he obviously knows more than he is saying,
At the hospital triage, Sam tells Jason she is violating client privilege, but she thinks he should know that Michael is her client and he wants her to find out who is responsible for his shooting. Jason asks why Michael didn’t come to him. Sam tells him that Michael is afraid of what he might remember and what Jason might do for revenge. Jason asks if Michael is starting to remember. She tells him he is starting to remember things that people said to him while he was in the coma. He asks if Michael remembers someone confessing. Sam tells him that everything is garbled. She tells him that Michael doesn’t want her to tell Jason because he is afraid of what Jason will do. He is not even sure that what he is remembering is what happened. Jason asks Sam if Michael remembers Claudia talking to him. Meanwhile, Claudia is eavesdropping from the other side of the door.
Nikolas is home alone, remembering making love with Elizabeth. Lucky enters and tells Nikolas he has been spending a lot of time up there lately. Nikolas tells him that he supposes it is his prerogative since he owns the place. Lucky tells Nikolas it is good to see him and asks where Rebecca is. Nikolas asks him if he thinks he keeps her sealed in some hidden tunnel. He apologizes for being rude, and responds that Rebecca is with Edward and has been since he was hospitalized, except for a few hours when she came to check up on Nikolas. Nikolas asks Lucky how therapy went. Lucky tells him he is changing the subject. Nikolas tells him he is trying to be less self-involved. Lucky tells Nikolas that the therapy session was good. Nikolas tells him that it seems a little odd to have therapy before they get married. Lucky explains that he and Elizabeth promised each other that they wouldn’t do it again unless they can get it right, and the therapy is a way to hold themselves to that promise. Lucky tells Nikolas that he knows the marriage will work as long as they are honest with each other. Nikolas says honesty can be difficult, even painful sometimes. Lucky says they were totally honest in the session; Elizabeth even talked about her feelings for another man.
In Dominic’s hospital room, Sonny tells Dominic that Anthony Zacchara just attacked Sonny’s organization, and Sonny thinks Dominic was a target because Anthony thinks he is a traitor. Johnny wasn’t supposed to be in that warehouse. Dominic agrees that that is probably true. Sonny wonders if Anthony sent Ronnie here to do the job. Dominic tells Sonny he doesn’t need to worry about Ronnie; he is a stand-up guy. Ronnie says he heard what happened and wanted to stop by and check up on him. Sonny says Anthony must pay a lot of money to get rid of Dominic. Ronnie says there is no telling what Anthony might do; that man is out of his mind. He says he was glad when the organizations merged; things have been a lot more stable since Sonny took over. Dominic tells Sonny that he and Ronnie go way back; he trusts him with his life. Sonny tells Ronnie his visit is over. Ronnie leaves the room. Dominic tells Sonny that there is no way Ronnie is working for Anthony. Sonny says he appreciates that Dominic is loyal to his friend, but he needs to know that his loyalty is to Sonny first.
In Johnny’s hospital room, Olivia tells him she is just saying he is lying here all shot up on pain medication, he has way too many visitors; he might not be thinking straight. He needs to watch himself. He asks why Dominic. She tells him Dominic saved Morgan’s life yesterday, so now he will be Sonny’s golden boy. Johnny says he’s not, and never will be, but that has nothing to do with Dominic. She tells him it has to do with her. He tells her it actually has to do with his father. She says either way, this Dominic guy obviously wants to move up through the ranks quickly. Working against Johnny could be one way to do it. She tells him she is just saying Johnny shouldn’t confide too much in Dominic or tell him something he could use against him. Johnny asks her why she is so worried about this. She tells him that Sonny takes Olivia’s relationship with Johnny personally. She says Dominic has Sonny’s ear now and Sonny may start listening. She says Dominic may try to make himself look good by making Johnny look bad. He tells her he grew up in this business and is familiar with the politics. She tells him he never had to play it before because he was always the boss’s son; he’s not anymore. He tells her that Dominic isn’t either and asks her what makes him so different from everybody else. She asks if he means something other than the fact that he saved Sonny’s kid yesterday. He tells her he gets her point. She tells him she knows him; he says too much and sometimes he lets his guard down. He can be reckless and a little crazy and that is not ok when nobody has his back. He says nobody except her. She tells him that if that Dominic suddenly wants to be his best friend, he shouldn’t trust him.
Claudia is listening outside the door when Sam tells Jason that Michael remembers Claudia visiting him and she said she was sorry. He asks what she was sorry for. She tells him she doesn’t know, but tells him Michael said he remembers Jax saying the exact same thing. She tells him that Michael called her because he thinks that Jax ordered the hit on Sonny. Jason says Michael is wrong about Jax. He asks if Sam had him focus on Claudia. Sam tells him she cannot influence Michael, they have to stay objective. Jason asks what else Michael said. Sam tells him that Michael told her that the memories are coming in flashes and getting closer together. Jason tells her that if Michael flashes on what Claudia said, they may finally know the truth. Claudia is standing outside the door biting her fingernails.
In Jax’s office, Michael tells Jax that the memory flashes are like bits from a movie; he needs to make sense of them. Jax tells him he will help him as much as he can. Michael asks him what he was remembering if Jax didn’t put the hit on his father. Jax says he visited him at the Aftercare Institute a bunch of times. He admits that he said he was sorry and he probably said something about feeling responsible. Michael wants to know why Jax felt responsible if he didn’t put the hit on Sonny. He tells Jax that being shot changed his life and he deserves to know. Jax concedes that Michael does deserve to know but he can’t tell him until after the baby is born in three months because of the risk if Carly’s blood pressure spikes. Michael cannot accept three months not knowing when the memories will come, who will be in them, or what will be said. He says he needs to know what is going on so he can move on with his life. Jax tells him that he would have told his mother the truth already, but he found out important information right when they found out that Carly’s pregnancy could be life threatening. Michael asks if he can promise not to tell Carly. Jax tells him he can’t take that risk. Michael asks if that is because Jax can’t trust him. Jax says he trusts Michael, he just has a lot of things to deal with right now, and Jax won’t add a huge secret to them. Michael says Jax thinks he will blurt it out. Jax reminds Michael that his self-control isn’t that good right now. He tells him that if he accidentally told Carly and something happened to her or the baby, Michael wouldn’t forgive himself. Michael says Jax has no faith in him. Jax tells him he does have faith in him and promises that as soon as the baby born, and she and Carly are ok, he will tell both Michael and Carly exactly what happened the night he was shot. Michael asks if Jax will just find more reasons not to tell him. Jax admits that it seems that way, but says for his sister’s and his mother’s sakes, Michael will have to wait a little longer. Carly comes in and asks what they are waiting for.
Elizabeth opens her door to Rebecca who is holding a basket. Rebecca says she was bringing it to Lucky to congratulate him on getting married, but obviously, it is for Elizabeth too. She hands the basket to Elizabeth and comments on the awkward moment. Elizabeth asks Rebecca if she wants to come in, but Rebecca says she doesn’t want to interrupt. Elizabeth says that’s good because she is doing some paperwork for Lucky. Rebecca says Lucky has mentioned that he hates paperwork. Elizabeth says Luke doesn’t like paperwork either so maybe it is a genetic thing. She asks if she and Ethan ever worked out their scam on paper. Rebecca asks Elizabeth to tell Lucky she said congratulations and apologizes for bothering Elizabeth. As she turns to leave, Elizabeth asks her if she is doing this to be friends with Lucky or to impress Nikolas. Rebecca says she is happy for Lucky. She says he loves Elizabeth so much and must be over the moon about getting married so she just wanted to congratulate him. She tells Elizabeth that she hopes she can believe that but if she doesn’t, Rebecca can’t do anything about it. Elizabeth says she will try to be a little more pleasant. Rebecca admits that Elizabeth has many reasons not to like her but informs her that she will have to make an effort because she may be spending more time at the hospital; she is thinking of going to nursing school so she can have more direct contact with patients than she does working as an x-ray technician. Elizabeth observes that Rebecca’s sister Emily always loved the people more than the lab reports. She says it is funny that Rebecca never wanted that before and wonders if Rebecca wants it or if Nikolas is pushing her into it.
At Nikolas’s house, he tells Lucky that it must have been difficult for him to hear Elizabeth talking about feelings for someone else. Lucky tells him that if it was still going on they wouldn’t stand a chance, but Elizabeth was open and honest about Jason, and she knows it is over. Lucky says he opened up about his nightmare and about what happened with Maxie. He says that year wasn’t anyone’s finest hour, but it put them in a good place. Nikolas tells him he is glad it worked out. Lucky says there was a part of him that never really believed that he was the man Elizabeth wanted, but now he knows he is.
In Jax’s office, Michael tells his mother that he and Jax were just talking about how they want to protect her and don’t want his dad’s business to upset her. Jax tells her he was apologizing to Michael about getting so angry about Sonny. He says he was telling him he wants him to be able to focus on school. Michael says it is great that Jax got him into Madison Prep. He says he is thinking about joining crew. Jax says that is a great idea, noting that Michael always loved the water. Carly says she loves seeing them get along, even when they are hiding something from her. She says this must be major because they are laying it on so thick. Jax asks if her pregnancy hormones could be making her paranoid. She glares at him and he says he guesses not. Someone knocks on the door. Carly opens it to Jason and Sam. Carly says now she knows something is up. She invites them in. Jax tells them they have great timing. He tells Michael to go see his assistant about a list of school supplies. Michael kisses his mother and leaves the room. Carly asks Jason if he would like to tell her what is going on.
In Dominic’s hospital room, Sonny reminds him that a few months ago he walked into Sonny’s house knowing that Sonny had reason to shoot him on sight; that took guts. Sonny says Dominic is fearless but not crazy; he knows how to think on his feet, and most importantly, he saved Sonny’s son’s life. Sonny says that tells him that Dominic doesn’t just want to be another soldier. Dominic reminds Sonny that he said he wants to take over when the time is right, and with Sonny’s blessing. He says maybe it will happen and maybe it won’t, but that is what he is after. He says that as far as Morgan is concerned, he just did what anyone would do. Sonny tells him that nobody else did anything. Dominic stepped in front of a car, acting on instinct without thinking of himself. Sonny says that tells him what kind of person Dominic is. He says he sees a nice future for Dominic in his organization, but he needs to be 100 percent sure that he can trust him. Dominic says he will do whatever it takes. Sonny tells him he needs to prove without a doubt that he is loyal to Sonny and no one else.
Claudia comes into Johnny’s hospital room and tells her brother that she is in trouble. He tells her he is a little indisposed. She tells him she just overheard Jason and his bimbo talking. He tells her to stop; whatever it is, he can’t get out of the hospital bed to help her. He asks what if she told him her life depends on it. He says he would tell her to get on a plane, go back to Italy, and hang out with Uncle Rudy under his protection. She tells him that she wouldn’t ask him if she didn’t really need his help. She says if she weren’t desperate, she wouldn’t ask him when he is in this kind of shape. He reminds her that months ago, he begged her to leave town; he pleaded with her to leave Sonny but she wouldn’t listen. He tells her he doesn’t have another answer. She tells him it is all falling apart. He tells her to run now. She refuses, telling him she will not leave the country while he is in the hospital. He tells her he is sorry, he hates this but right now, he can’t do anything to help her or to save her, and he is afraid nobody can. She tells him not to worry about it; she will figure it out. He just needs to focus on getting better. She tells him he is the only person she trusts. She would do anything for him.
At Jax’s office, he tells Carly that everyone is afraid of what Anthony Zacchara will do next. Carly wonders if anyone was going to tell her. She says she came here to tell Jax that Sonny has assured her that everything is fine. Jax concludes to her that they are all on the same page. Jason tells Carly that they are keeping an eye on people who are loyal to Anthony Zacchara. He doesn’t expect anything to happen, but if that changes, he will let Carly know. Carly wonders why Jason didn’t contact her. She observes that Jason does not like Jax and can’t stand talking to him unless it is necessary. She reminds Jason that she does not like it when Sam is involved and she is not. Jason reminds Carly that Sam is not pregnant, and Carly said nothing is more important than having a healthy baby. He asks him to trust him; if he finds out something that she needs to know, he is going to tell her.
Olivia comes into Johnny’s hospital room. He tells her Claudia was just there. Olivia says she is going to have Claudia taken off the visitor’s list. Johnny tells her not to bother. She asks him if he wants to tell her about it. He tells her that he and Claudia have always had an arrangement that they would have each other’s backs, no matter what else was going on in their lives. He tells her that he ended that arrangement a while back when he told her that he can’t protect her all the time or cover for her every time she is in trouble. He tells Olivia that Claudia came in there in trouble, scared, something about Jason. Olivia asks if he thinks Jason knows that Claudia is responsible for Michael getting shot. He says maybe he does, or maybe Claudia is just paranoid. Olivia tells him that she can’t believe Claudia would come to him when he is in this condition. Johnny says he told his sister to go back to Italy and hang with her uncle but she said she won’t leave while he is in the hospital. Olivia asks him how he feels about that. He tells her he feels trapped. He tells Olivia that he is worried about her. She asks her not to fight with Claudia and not to find herself alone with her because Claudia doesn’t like what they have together and he is afraid that Claudia will want to put a stop to it.
In Dominic’s hospital room, he tells Sonny that is honored to have the opportunity to prove his loyalty. He is amused by what he just said, saying that must be the way he talks when he is all drugged up. He tells Sonny that when he is better he will be a wise-ass again. Sonny tells Dominic that the Zaccharas cannot have anything that belongs to him; there is no common ground. He tells Dominic he doesn’t allow drugs into his territory and he tries not to involve innocent people; Anthony doesn’t live by that code. Dominic says he knows that. He wonders if Sonny is asking him to get rid of Anthony. Sonny tells him that his plan is to destroy Anthony from the inside out, take away his will through the thing he loves the most: his son. Dominic says John works for Sonny and he thinks he has been loyal to him. Sonny tells him he is not convinced of that; Dominic was supposed to be in that warehouse, not Johnny. Dominic says Johnny took his place. Sonny says that maybe Johnny knew about the attack and went there to shut it down. Dominic concludes that Sonny doesn’t cut Johnny much slack. Sonny says he cannot be sure what happened but he does not trust Johnny Zacchara. He has no future in Sonny’s organization. He says Johnny is spoiled and fake and never had to work up the ranks. He says Johnny never really had to work at all and he doesn’t think Johnny knows how. He says Johnny is expendable. Dominic asks if Sonny is going to explain that to Anthony. Sonny tells him that he is going to warn Anthony that if he moves against him again, Johnny will die. He says he doesn’t want to involve Jason, so he needs to know if Dominic will eliminate Johnny if Sonny gives the order. Dominic says he will.
In Johnny’s hospital room, he tells Olivia that no matter how many people she hurts or how much he thinks he hates her, he knows his sister needs him. He tells her that when they were kids, Claudia saved his ass a lot; he doesn’t know how much it cost her. Olivia tells him that he has repaid her a thousand times over. She tells him he can’t let Claudia drag him down, no matter what kind of mess she has gotten herself into. He says when Claudia gets like this she acts without thinking and does things that can’t be reversed. Olivia asks if she should be warning people. Johnny tells Olivia that he knows Jason can take care of himself; he is concerned about her. She says he is lying in a hospital bed full of bullet holes and he is worried about her. He tells her that he would hate it if anything happened to her. He wants to believe that they have a future together. He tells her to rest. She promises she is not going anywhere.
At Jax’s office, Jason asks him if Michael has said anything about memories surfacing from when he was in the coma. Jax says that Michael remembered some things that he said to him but he misunderstood. He thought he had something to do with the shooting. He says he explained him that he would never try to kill Sonny or anyone else. Sam asks him if Michael mentioned Jerry. Jax wonders why she is asking. Jason tells him that Jerry was in Mexico. Jax admits that Michael did mention it, but said Jason didn’t want anyone to know because Jason didn’t want Carly to be upset. He thanks Jason for that. Jax tells Jason that they don’t always see eye-to-eye but he knows that he will always do what he can to protect Carly. Jason tells him Michael will too. Jax tells Jason that he is putting an enormous amount of pressure on Michael; he wants to know the truth about what happened to him. Jason tells him that they all want to know the truth. Jax asks if his brother is alive. Sam tells him that as far as they know, yes. Jason is the one who almost died. Jax asks if the rescue took so long because of Jerry. Sam asks him what he thinks. Jax tells her he knew nothing about it. Jason says they can deal with Jerry later. They need to focus on Michael now because the more he remembers, the more danger he is in.
Rebecca enters Nikolas’s house and startles him when she tells him at least she knows where to find him these days. He tells him it is peaceful up there. He asks about Edward. She tells him he is doing well physically but up and down emotionally. He thinks he shouldn’t have tried to drive. Nikolas says he agrees with him. Rebecca asks Nikolas not to tell Edward that. He says, of course not. She says it is amazing how something good can come from such a tragedy, like Lucky and Elizabeth. She says she has never seen him so happy. She says Nikolas must be glad for both of them. He smiles and nods.
Lucky comes home and observes that it is nice to have her there. He asks about the boys and she tells him that Gram took them to a concert in the park. Elizabeth is busily unpacking the basket that Rebecca brought and Lucky ask her what all of this is. She says Rebecca brought it over to congratulate him, so congratulations. He tells her that didn’t sound like it came from the heart. She says that bringing over a basket is exactly what Emily would have done. He tells her that they should be glad for that and accept it for what it is. She admits that Rebecca seemed a little sincere. He tells her to stop focusing on the negative. He suggests they find something they like about Rebecca and move on. She asks why they should when Nikolas won’t. Lucky tells her that he saw Nikolas today and he seemed ok. Elizabeth says she doesn’t believe that Nikolas has forgiven her. Lucky asks what if he did. She says she is just being realistic; Nikolas does not easily let go of a grudge. Lucky tells her he is willing to bet her an order of Eli’s ribs. He takes out his cell phone and starts dialing. Elizabeth asks if he is just going to call Nikolas and ask him. He suggests that they invite him over for dinner.
Nikolas and Rebecca are sitting down at the dining table. Rebecca says it looks perfect. The butler informs Nikolas that his brother called and extended an invitation for him and Miss Rebecca to join him at the Spencer residence for an informal dinner this evening. He tells him that he said an order of Eli’s is on the line. Nikolas tells him to thank Lucky but to tell him they have other plans this evening. The butler departs and Nikolas tells Rebecca that tonight he wants her to himself. Rebecca says she loves that idea, but she knows the real reason he turned down the invitation is that he wants to give Lucky and Elizabeth a chance to be alone.
Alone in Jax’s office, Jason asks Sam how long they are supposed to wait for Jax. Sam says he is trying to help. Jason tells her he is not sure what good it will do to go over everyone that visited Michael at the Institute. Sam tells him they don’t know what will turn up. She observes that trying to protect Carly and Michael brought them back together with Jax. Jason says Jax really is worried about Carly. Sam tells Jason he is too. Jason says that Carly’s condition could kill her and she keeps promising to take it easy but she doesn’t. He says he doesn’t want anything to happen to her or the baby. Jason apologizes to Sam, telling her he wasn’t thinking when he said Carly is pregnant and Sam isn’t. He says he knows that must have been tough. She tells him he doesn’t have to apologize. He tells her he doesn’t want to hurt her again. She tells him she doesn’t want to hurt him. He says he knows. She begins to ask him if he ever wonders, then changes her mind. She tells him that what happened happened and they are here now. She is good with that. He takes her hand. They kiss. She holds him.
Sonny goes to visit Anthony Zacchara in prison. Anthony asks him to what he owed this honor. Sonny tells him that he saw Johnny and that he is in bad shape. He almost died and it is on Anthony. Anthony says he doesn’t know what Sonny is talking about. Sonny tells Anthony he is losing it. He tried to raid Sonny’s territory and his own son got shot in the process. He tells him that Johnny had to have emergency surgery and almost bled to death on the way to the hospital. He says that is how far Anthony has fallen, his own son bleeding on Sonny’s streets. Anthony protests that there must have been an insurrection within Sonny’s ranks because he had nothing to do with it. Sonny comes close to Anthony and tells him that he is going to let it go this time because he doesn’t care about anybody that was involved, but if Anthony makes a move against him again, his son will pay the price.
A shadowy figure shuffles into Johnny’s room. Johnny opens his eyes and asks the visitor what the hell he is doing there. Dominic asks if he isn’t happy to see him. Johnny says not particularly. Dominic tells him he needs to get clear on a couple of things. Johnny tells him he looks like crap. Dominic tells Johnny he does too. Johnny tells Dominic to have a seat before he passes out. He says he heard that Dominic saved Morgan Corinthos life and tells him that was nice work. Dominic says he was in the right place at the right time. He says Johnny would have done the same thing. Johnny says he heard Dominic also got hit by the car. Dominic tells him he was supposed to be in that warehouse; rolling over a car was the least of his concerns. He would have been dead, but Johnny went in his place; he insisted. He tells Johnny he owes him for that.
At Lucky’s house, Elizabeth tells him he didn’t have to open the wine yet. He tells her that being in recovery doesn’t mean he can’t pour a glass of wine for his wife-to-be. She tells him they will need extra glasses for Rebecca and Nikolas. He informs her that Alfred called with their regrets. Alfred set up a romantic dinner in the turret and Nikolas left orders that he didn’t want to be disturbed. Elizabeth spills her drink upon hearing that. Lucky runs to get something to mop up the spill.
Nikolas and Rebecca are kissing on the sofa. When Rebecca takes off her top, Nikolas imagines she is Elizabeth.
In the prison visiting room, Anthony tells Sonny that he has been assured that John will make a full recovery. Sonny says this time. Anthony says he is sure no one else will be shooting his boy. Sonny tells him that depends on him. Anthony tells him he doesn’t understand; he is a powerless old man serving a life sentence. Sonny tells him that for Johnny’s sake, he hopes that is true because if anyone in his family or his organization gets hurt in any way, Johnny will die. Anthony asks Sonny if he has children. Sonny tells him that he knows he does, and they are very happy and safe but if anything happens to them, Johnny will get a bullet in his head.
In Johnny’s hospital room, he tells Dominic that he guesses it all worked out. Because they switched places, Dominic was able to save Morgan’s life. Dominic nods and tells Johnny that he was able to save Spinelli. He says Spinelli is a strange guy, but he guesses his heart is in the right place. Johnny tells Dominic that Spinelli is a friend and he is glad he was in a position to save him. He concludes that there is no reason for Dominic to thank him, much less come all the way down there. Dominic tells him that he wanted him to know that he was grateful. He also wants to find out if his dad’s guys that took out the warehouse. Johnny says it was, but he doesn’t know if Dominic was the intended target because his father sees him as a traitor. Dominic tells him that either way, he owes Johnny. He promises he will pay him back. Dominic extends his hand. Johnny shakes it. Olivia comes to Johnny’s door just in time to see the handshake.
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