General Hospital Update Thursday 9/18/03
By Jennifer
Pictures by Juanita
Alexis and Stefan are walking through the halls she tells him that the tape
Lydia made proves he killed Summer but it can’t be used in court and she can
prove he killed Darious.
Ned tells Skye that he is taking a leave of absence and the board thinks
that he should step down from the good of the company. AJ got Ned’s job. AJ
is pleased with himself and the fact that Ned screwed up for once. Edward
walks in and tells Ned that if Edward were still part of the company he
would have been able to help. Skye is trying to tell them that it doesn’t
matter who runs ELQ. Someone walks into the house and tells Ned that Judge
Farmer wants to see him. They all realize what Skye was trying to say.
Georgie is in school and a couple of guys come up to her and start hitting
on her. When they ask if she’s seeing anyone Dillon comes up to her and says
she’s taken. Dillon smiled because they think she is hot. Georgie is
embarrassed because they think the couple is sleeping together. She asks Dillon if he feels embarrassed because other couples are having sex and
they’re not. He tells her not to worry about it, and they they’ll do it when
the time is right. They leave for their classes
Jason is talking to Mac trying to get Courtney out of the interrogation
room. Meanwhile, Scott is trying to get Courtney to say if she hit Elizabeth
or not. Jason barges in and Courtney says she knows she did it even if she
can’t remember. Jason and Courtney are talking about it when Scott asks if she remembers the gory details yet. He says the DNA on the car was
Elizabeth’s. Jason tells them that Elizabeth’s DNA doesn’t prove that
Courtney was driving the car.
Sonny is in Elizabeth’s hospital room talking to her. He’s making sure that
Elizabeth didn’t see who was driving the car. When she tells him she doesn’t
he tells her if she needs any favors to ask. Rick comes in and tells Sonny
to get away from his wife. Sonny asks if Elizabeth wants him to call security and get Rick out, when she says she can handle him Sonny leaves.
Rick tells her that Courtney is going to pay for what she did and that Sonny
is only being nice so that she can help get Courtney out of this mess.
Elizabeth tells Rick that’s not the case.
Faith and the woman with the bandaged face are in Alcazar’s apartment. When she asks if Faith works for Alcazar Faith gives her some advise. She says to
do what your told and don’t ask any questions.
Carly is sitting on bench in the hospital waiting for Sonny. Alcazar walks
up to her and asks if the baby was all right. She tells him that the baby is
fine. She says that Courtney spent the whole night in integration for
confessing after the police found her car in the lake. She asks if he set
her up. Alcazar tells Carly that he was just trying to help Courtney out
because she is close to Carly. She tells him to leave her alone and stop
sending her messages because she will turn them over to Sonny.
Emily is taking a walk by the docks and runs into Nicolas. They stop and talk and try to come up with a better plan since after 24 hours the last
plan to never be alone together hasn’t worked. Nicolas tells her that he’ll
never stop loving her and never stop wanting her.
Ned and Skye are in an office waiting for Judge Farmer. Skye is trying to
convince him that this is all Alexis’s doing and that she is winner. Alexis
walks in along with Judge Farmer. Alexis says that she is prepared to take
Kristina while everything is sorted out but Judge Farmer says that won’t be necessary and she is placing Kristina in Foster care.
Skye tries to tell the Judge that this would be a big mistake and that
Kristina is thriving in her home. Alexis asks if she could at least have temporary custody of her daughter but the Judge doesn’t think that is
possible. She walks out and Skye blames Alexis and tells her it is all her
Judge Farmer is walking down the stairs and runs into Cameron. He asks if she is really putting Kristina in Foster care. She says yes and that she is
only trying to do what’s best for the child. He tells her the same thing.
AJ is sitting in a chair and Edward is pouring him a drink. Edward tells AJ
he is proud of him and AJ smiles saying that Edward finally said it. Edward
asks what position he will get in ELQ and AJ makes a joke about how the
position for assistant manager of the paperclips just came open. Edward
tells AJ he will bury him when he least expects it and walks out.
Georgie is upset when she got her test back and got a B-. Dillon jokes
around and shows her that he got a D. She tries to tell him that getting a
scholarship and getting into a good school is important to her. He says that
maybe they shouldn’t spend too much time together. She puts her books in her
locker and he walks away. She slams her locker shut in frustration.
Elizabeth tries to use her call button but Rick takes in away. She tells him
to keep it and gets out of bed to get someone. She falls to the fall and is
shocked. Elizabeth tells him that she say something. Elizabeth claims that
she can see shadows.
Carly, Jason, Sonny and Courtney are at the police station. Courtney tells
them that she’s not supposed to talk to anyone. Mac is by them and Alcazar
walks in. He tells everyone that he knows who hit Elizabeth. He says that it
was a car thief with long blonde hair who he thought to be Courtney at
first. The person didn’t stop because the car was stolen. Alcazar then says
that the person is right outside and Mac goes to check it out. Alcazar says
that he hopes he’s been of some assistance. Sonny tells him that they need
to talk.
Nicolas and Emily sit on the bench talking. He mentioned the very first time
she kissed him. His point was that he wasn’t prepared for that kiss the
same, as he wasn’t prepared for what happened the night before. She wants to
go back to being just friends. She says that they can start by walking away
and not turning back. They do just that.
Alexis goes to the police station and talks to Stefan. She tells him what
just happened but he doesn’t seem to think that changes anything. She tells
him she has nothing to lose and that she is not defending him anymore.
Cameron tries to convince Judge Farmer to let Alexis have custody of her
daughter. Judge Farmer doesn’t think this is a good idea. Cameron says that
if she is taken away from people she loves it could create emotional damage.
Georgie and Dillon run into each other outside of the café. They try and
walk away from each other but can’t. Georgie runs in Dillon’s arms and they
start to kiss. Georgie tells him that she is ready. They talk about where
they want to go and decide on the Port Charles Hotel. Georgie makes sure
that Dillon will bring a condom.
Sonny tells Alcazar that if he started it he better finish it. Mac comes
back and says that the guy checks out so Courtney is free to go. Jason hugs
her and says that it is over.
Judge Farmer meets with Kristina’s family again. She tells them she had
decided that Foster care is not the answer and that she is giving Cameron
temporary custody of Kristina.
A doctor checks up on Elizabeth’s progress and tells her that this is a step
in the right direction when she tells him what she can see.
Courtney is signing papers to get out of the police station. She tells Jason
she knows this is just a setup and he tells her it doesn’t matter.
Meanwhile, Carly and Sonny are outside the door talking about it and Sonny
asks if it worked and it Carly now feels that she owes Alcazar.
Alcazar is talking to the bandaged woman. She asks how she will look when
her face is healed. She says that she will look more beautiful then ever,
the beauty that would drive a man crazy.