General Hospital Wednesday April 21st Update


General Hospital Update Wednesday 4/21/99 by Suzanne Lanoue

Jason tells Emily about Lucky. She breaks down crying in his arms and won't go for awhile. She insists on details but he doesn't have too many. She asks about Liz and wants to see her, but he suggests she wait. She talks about what good friends they were, and how Lucky helped her laugh after mom died. Jason wishes he could have protected him, but she tells him not to blame himself. Carly comes in and asks "what happened" so he fills her in. Carly is shocked and upset. She expresses sympathy to Emily and wonders why Jason blames himself. Carly wishes she had gotten to know her cousin better. She leaves them alone and Emily wonders if Carly was sincere. Em keeps going on about Lucky and wonders, "Is it worth it all?" Jason invites her to stay with him. She's rather be alone but thanks him. He leaves.

Carly asks Reginald where AJ is but is told he left early for work. She phones Taggert's office but Jason hangs up the phone. She tells him AJ set that fire and she picks up the phone. They struggle and he reminds her about their talk, that she has to be calm. He tells her that AJ will pay if he did it, but they need to get proof. She reluctantly agrees. Jason says AJ didn't intend to kill Lucky, so when he finds out, "he'll panic" and they'll catch him. Jason doesn't trust cops, he says. Carly asks about Bobbie and wants to call her--and AJ, so she can start to prove he killed Lucky. AJ rushes home and Carly tells him about Lucky and the fire. Aj says that's terrible and gives her sympathy, but she won't let him hug her. She blames Jason for AJ's sake, because this is the second fire. AJ goes to call his lawyer. Carly opens his briefcase to search for proof but he comes back in the room and catches her.

Liz goes into her room and sees all the momentos of Lucky. She has a flashback to the last time she saw him and fingers the ring he gave her. Nikolas arrives; she says she is about to take a bath but lets him in. He has Lucky's shirt that he had left when they went rollerskating. She talks about Lulu learning to skate for a minute. She thanks Nikolas and reminds when Lucky bought the shirt. Nikolas holds her close and she cries into him and the shirt. She talks about her plans for the future and how they're gone now. Nikolas tries to comfort her. She lists all the reasons she loved Lucky and says she can't live without him. Nikolas tells her what Laura told Lulu and how Lucky is in heaven. "Lucky will forever be with you--right here" he says, touching his heart. she rehashes their past w/Sarah, the rape, and how they fell in love. Nikolas regrets that he never told Lucky he loved him. She says the important thing is to remember how they loved him and he loved them. She asks him to stay while she takes a bath. He stays and afterwards suggests she get some sleep. She asks him to stay so he agrees. he tucks her in and she falls asleep with the shirt.

Jax calls for help on the radio but gets nothing. Alexis is negative as usual. He compliments her to raise her spirits. His pep talk works so she offers to help and calls for "mayday" herself. Ned, V., and Jerry search for Jax and Alexis in the helicopter. They hear Alexis on the radio and talk to her and then Jax. Jax gives them the coordinates but the radio gives out. Jax keeps trying but it's very dead. They cuddle for warmth. To keep Alexis' mind off their plight, he asks her to talk about where she'd rather be. They end up joking around and laughing hysterically. Just then, Ned rushes in with his flashlight. He stops, stunned to see them laughing.

Luke takes a gun out of his drawer. Sonny walks in and looks concerned. Sonny asks if he's going after Moreno, but Luke replies, "What makes you think I'm not looking for you...partner?" Sonny talks to him, says if he wants to kill him, it's okay, but don't do it now because he'll go to jail and his life will be ruined. Luke puts the gun down and says he doesn't want to kill him, he wants him to live with what he might have done. Sonny asks about Moreno again so Luke blames Sonny for not taking care of Moreno. Sonny vows that if Moreno did it, he'll pay. Luke has no doubts it was Moreno.