B&B Thursday Update 12/26/19

The Bold & The Beautiful Update Thursday 12/26/19


Written by Anthony
 Pictures by Dora

Brooke tells Steffy that she is not really comfortable with any of this but she is glad that they are on the same page. Steffy explains that they are not but she agreed to Liam’s plan because she wants to believe that her brother is moving on. Brooke wants the truth whatever it may be. Brooke asks if she really thinks that Zoe can get the truth. Brooke needs to figure it out as soon as possible before her daughter suffers again.

Hope is willing to work with Thomas again. Thomas thinks they are working on a line together. He will do anything to prove that he is a changed man. He asks if she believes him.

Liam tells Wyatt that legal should be taking care of contracts right now. Wyatt thanks someone on the phone. Wyatt wonders how the plan on Thomas is going. Liam explains that the plan is not going yet but Thomas’ plan is. Wyatt wonders what he is talking about. Liam doesn’t think he will believe this. Wyatt is shocked to find out that Thomas is designing for HFTF. Liam explains that Hope realized she ran out of options and that is why she allowed him to help.

Hope is putting her faith in him to allow him to help out. Thomas shows her a sketch and thinks she will like it. Hope thinks it is like he is reading her mind.

Steffy thinks that if she sees any sign that Thomas is changing then she will find out. Steffy loves her brother and want to trust him. That is why she is doing this. Brooke thinks that if he is not then she needs to know this too. Steffy cannot believe she is saying this but she is right. They need to know if he is better or not. Brooke thanks her for helping her protect her daughter.

Wyatt is shocked that Zoe and Thomas are dating now. Liam didn’t think that this was true when he was coming up with he plan. Wyatt feels that this will cloud Zoe’s judgement. Liam has no choice but to believe her. He thinks that Zoe has just as much reason to figure things out. Liam is grateful to Zoe for taking the risk. Liam thinks that she is praying to figure out what is wrong. Liam doesn’t think that Steffy will blindly defend her brother. She is going to make up her own mind. He thinks that if Thomas is a danger to Hope then he needs to figure out the truth. Liam thinks that Steffy is going do the right thing.

Brooke thinks that finding out the truth is a good thing. She really doesn’t want to worry about Thomas all the time. She just wants to protect her daughter. She wants Thomas to heal but he needs serious professional help. Ridge thinks that is a betrayal. She loves Ridge very much and misses him. She doesn’t want to live her life without him but she doesn’t agree with this at all. Brooke will never allow him to hurt her daughter again.

Hope definitely wants some of these designs in the show down. Hope will be honest that she couldn’t do this without him. Thomas is here to help bring back one of the most influential lines in fashion. Zoe is going to let them get back to work. Thomas asks if he can see her tonight. Zoe would like that. Thomas kisses her. Hope looks uncomfortable watching this.

Steffy tells Sally that she likes the designs but it is a little reminiscent of her other line. Steffy likes that she is on her team but Thomas is just as driven as she is. Sally asks how this happened. Steffy guesses they were born that way. Sally means how the competition happened. Sally thought that Hope was concerned about Thomas. Steffy thinks that is the only relationship that Thomas can have.

Hope thinks that the design is great on the mode. Douglas shows up at work. The model tells Thomas that his son is just as handsome as he is. Thomas tells Douglas that this is the result of a beautiful collection. Hope tells the model to inform the others that there will be no more changes. Douglas likes seeing his parents work together.

Liam looks at paperwork and Brooke shows up. She asks why he didn’t tell her about the plan. She just spoke with Zoe. Liam didn’t need Thomas to suspect anything. Liam asked what Steffy said. Brooke explains that Steffy thinks that it is for real. Liam knows it is not perfect because it will take time. Brooke knows that Hope wants the line done already and that is what scares her. Her putting her faith in him is what he wants and what he is looking for.

Steffy thinks the contest is simple. The designs with the broader appeal wins.

Brooke cannot underestimate Thomas. Liam has not seen evidence of him changing at all. Brooke asks if that is the person that they are relying on to protect his daughter. Liam thinks that this is why they asked her to help. Brooke doesn’t mean to bring this back to her but Thomas really destroyed her marriage. She had to sign divorce papers. She knows he is up to something. Liam promises that Zoe will find out. Brooke thinks he needs to be analyzed. It bugs her that Hope needs him to help her save her line. Liam had to chase them up to the roof in order to save Hope from him. Liam thinks that none of them would have seen Hope ever again if it weren’t for him. Brooke knows he is dangerous and her blood runs cold thinking about them together right now.

Douglas tells Thomas his design is alright. Thomas reminds him that he is a Forrester so fashion is in his blood. Thomas thinks that one day they might actually work together. He is working to keep Hope here as long as she wants as well. Hope thinks that they will love him forever regardless. Douglas wonders even if they don’t live together. Thomas promises they will always be a family. Douglas hugs Hope and Thomas smiles at her.

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