B&B Friday Update 11/22/19

The Bold & The Beautiful Update Friday 11/22/19


Written by Anthony

Hope sobs into Thomas’ arms. She cannot believe it is him. She thought that he was dead. Thomas promises that he is alright. Hope hugs him in shock.

Brooke looks at her phone in her living room. She tells Ridge that they need to speak about Thomas.

Ridge sits in the Forrester mansion living room. Shauna walks in. She thinks that this is nice mood lighting. She asks if he is waiting for someone. Ridge hasn’t seen Quinn. Shauna explains that Quinn and Eric are still working. It is quiet at the guest house. She could make something up like she ran out of milk but she actually was hoping to see him. Shauna thinks if he wants to be alone she can get out. Ridge wants her to stay. Shauna is glad because she is bored by a book she was reading. Shauna asks if there is anything he wants to talk about. Ridge thinks that they might have pushed things too far and lost his son.

Thomas tells Hope that he is alive. He promises that he is standing right here. Hope doesn’t understand. She pushed him and she heard a splash. She didn’t think of anything. Then she came back and she couldn’t find any trace of him. Thomas is here now. Hope is so happy that he is. She is so grateful that he is alive. Thomas wonders if she means that. Hope does.

Ridge tells Shauna that Hope says that Thomas is dead. Shauna assumes that she means dead to her. Ridge guesses that Brooke is moving chess pieces around. Ridge is not living there right now for that reason. Ridge thinks that they cannot find a compromise anymore. Ridge is standing there waiting for her. Ridge thinks that Thomas was trying to protect his sister. Ridge thinks he wants to be a better father. Ridge thinks that Hope and Brooke will not stop until they take that little boy away from him.

Brooke thinks about Hope telling her that she killed Thomas.

Hope has no idea how he is alive. She heard from Charlie that there were chemicals and she ran back and started looking for him. She thought that he was dead. Hope thinks that was her worse fear that she had killed him. She never would have been able to forgive herself. She is glad that he is alright. She wonders how he is standing in front of her right now. It makes no sense. Thomas is sorry. He never should have put her in that position. Thomas thinks that he was to caught up in trying to make her see what he wanted. Hope doesn’t understand how he survived. Thomas explains that after he fell he doesn’t remember everything. He remembers being alone in the vat. Hope asks how it is possible that she was here. Thomas explains that the acid had already been removed. It was a cleaning solution. He does feel a little raw. Had it been acid he wouldn’t be here right now and he wouldn’t be looking at the most beautiful woman he has ever seen in his entire life.

Shauna thinks that Hope is determined to get a mother’s day card from Douglas. Shauna is shocked that legally they are both parents to this boy. Shauna wonders how Liam feels about all this. Ridge knows he is not thrilled. Ridge thinks that something about Thomas he always wants something in return. He wants another shot at being with Hope. They all know how Hope feels about him. Thomas will not return anyone’s calls. Shauna is sorry he is going through all of this. Ridge gets a call from Brooke. Brooke needs to talk with him about his son. It is best that they do this face to face. Brooke will be over soon.

Hope swore that it was acid. Thomas explains that they had switched out the cleaning solution. Hope thinks that he made her believe that he was dead. Hope came back here last night thinking that she had killed his father. Hope was sick to her stomach. She had no idea how she was going to explain that to Douglas. Thomas had to come here. Hope has only been able to talk with Brooke. Hope explains that Brooke thought he as dead too. She hasn’t told anyone else. She wanted to but she couldn’t because she was in shock and didn’t know what to do. She wishes she had never pushed him. She didn’t want that and she reacted. She was only thinking about Douglas. She never meant to hurt him. He let her believe that he had died. She asks how he could be so cruel. Thomas didn’t mean to scare her. He hates that he put her through that. To make her think that she had ended his life but he had to make a point that even good people keep secrets.

Shauna is shocked that Brooke wants to come speak with him. She is sure that she needs to go away. Shauna is sure that Thomas is fine. Ridge knows his son. He likes to leave town when he makes a dumb move. He will regret this. Whatever he does with Hope is not over. Shauna thinks that Ridge is sexy and handsome. She can only imagine how sexy would look in his swim trunks.

Hope cannot believe he wanted her to believe that he was dead. Thomas wanted her to see that anyone can feel the need to keep a secret. He wanted her to see things in a new light. Thomas thinks when he pulled her out of the vat, he realized that they had been given an opportunity. He knows that he put her in an impossible situation. Thomas is so sorry for what he put her through. He got carried away with sharing custody of Douglas. That was important to him though. He needed to give his mother a son that that he loves. Thomas knows it sounds crazy but she does mean a lot to him. He thinks that Hope has been a mother to Douglas from the beginning. They are his parents now and they will always remember Caroline. She was actually his mother. Thomas thinks that Hope knows who he really is.

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