B&B Monday Update 11/18/19

The Bold & The Beautiful Update Monday 11/18/19


Written by Anthony

Ridge dresses another model in another dress in the CEO office. Steffy walks in. She asks if this is Thomas’ design. Ridge thinks he is doing great work now a days. Ridge thinks he will be here soon enough. Ridge asks the model to turn around Steffy does think that this is a spectacular dress. It is for Hope for the Future. She asks where Thomas could be.

Hope killed him. She pushed him and he fell into that tank. Brooke thinks that he tried to hurt her. He was willing to trade custody of Douglas for sex with him. Hope thinks that he wouldn’t tell her where Douglas went Hope doesn’t think that Ridge, Steffy, or Taylor will see it that way. Hope knows that his blood is on her hands. She sobs.

Liam tells Steffy that all that is left is for him to clean out his desk. Steffy thinks that they could hold him to his contract. Ridge thinks that would mean that Bill would show up though. Steffy will miss him though. Liam is sorry for interrupting. Steffy was just waiting on Thomas. Liam thinks he knows why Thomas is not here. Liam explains that Thomas signed the custody papers.

Brooke promises Hope that she is a sweet and gentle person. Hope thinks that she ruined all their lives. Brooke thinks that she is a good person. Hope was just trying to keep Douglas safe. Brooke tells Hope to stop this. Thomas was to blame. Hope cannot keep that thought out of her head. Hope doesn’t think that anyone deserves to die that way. She thinks she will be sick to her stomach. Hope thinks that she has to tell them. She is responsible to Thomas’ death.

Ridge doesn’t think that this could be happening. Liam saw the custody papers last night. Ridge knows that this is what they wanted all along. They wanted to take Thomas away from his dad. Liam explains that Thomas still has legal custody. Liam thinks that Hope feels this is best for Douglas and his family. Steffy thinks that the Forrester’s are Douglas’ family. Ridge knows that Thomas is not a great dad but he was working on it. Liam points out that Hope has been his mom since they lost Caroline. Steffy thinks that they came up with this crazy custody ploy. Ridge tells Liam that he knows him well enough to know that this could not sit well for him. Ridge thinks that he stole him away from Thomas. Liam doesn’t think that anyone is stealing her away. Liam thinks that the worst thing about this for him, is that it puts Thomas in Hope’s life forever.

Brooke wishes that she had come to the office last night. She is never going to forgive herself for this. Hope is the one who lost control. Brooke thinks she had to fight back. Hope wonders if she is overreacting. Hope is not certain of anything anymore. Brooke is certain that she did what she had to do to get out of there. Brooke thinks that all of the what if’s will change anything. Brooke thinks it is terrible that he is gone, but it was because of his obsession. There was a demon inside of him. She has custody of Douglas now. She killed his father. That little boy is going to hate her. She ruined everything and her life is over. She will be arrested and taken away. She will never get to see Beth grow up. The police are going to take her away. Brooke is not going to let Thomas ruin her life again. Brooke will not let her make any rash choices. Hope asks if she should keep this all to herself. Hope killed Thomas though.

Ridge thinks that this will never be enough for any of them. Thomas is just pointing out things. Ridge thinks that Hope used Thomas’ love for her as a way to get Douglas. Ridge guesses they couldn’t drop this. Brooke knew how he felt about all of this. They kept going and tried to stop this. They found a shared common space. They destroyed his sons relationship with his little boy forever. Ridge is going to go get answers from Hope. Liam tells him that he cannot go over there. Ridge will help his child so long as he is breathing.

Brooke didn’t say that. Hope thinks that is what she meant She doesn’t want her to tell anyone. Brooke wants to take some time. Brooke thinks that she is panicking. Brooke thinks that she was just trying to protect herself. Brooke thinks that he was willing to trade custody for sex. He wanted to fulfill this crazy fantasy. Brooke thinks she pushed him to protect herself. It is terrible that Thomas had to die but it is sick that he was trying to get her through giving up his child. She didn’t intend to kill him. Brooke reminds her that Thomas is responsible for all of this. He is responsible for taking so much away from her already. She doesn’t want her to lose her life. She refuses to let Thomas take that away from her all over again.

Steffy is shocked that Hope convinced Thomas to let her adopt Douglas. Liam is sure that Hope will be fine. Steffy is sure that this place will not be the same without him. Steffy is happy that he is going back to Spencer but she is sad that he is leaving. Liam meant what he said the other night. He wants to bring Beth over more often. He wants to turn the page over on the drama and angst. He wants the future to be good for the kids and the adults. Steffy thinks it sounds like a plan.

Brooke begs Hope to try to calm down. Hope thinks that this is haunting her. She cannot live with this secret. Brooke wants her to take some time. She is still processing all of this. There is too much at stake here. Hope loves her so much for trying to protect her. She is terrified. Thomas is dead because of her. Even if she did try to keep this a secret someone would find out something. She has to tell him the truth. She killed his son. Ridge walks in. He just came from the office and asks how she could do this to Thomas. She separated father and son. She ruined the relationship forever. Hope thinks that Douglas lost his father because of her. She knows how much he loves Thomas but this needs to be said. He is dead. His son is dead.

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