The Bold & The Beautiful Update Thursday 10/31/19
Written by Anthony
Brooke asks if Beth had a good time with her and Liam at the pumpkin patch. Hope thinks it was the best. She was worn out before they even got her in the car seat. Brooke understands the motivation but Thomas is no dummy. Brooke doesnt like this. She is taking a huge risk. Hope thinks it is worth it for Douglas.
Douglas asks if Hope is really coming to the party. Douglas thinks that she is. Thomas tells him to go put on his costume. Steffy gets a phone call from Thomas. Steffy was going to take her down to the carnival. Thomas tells her that Brooke and Ridge took their rings off. Steffy asks if they are getting a divorce. Steffy doesnt want him to get his hopes up. Ridge always goes back to Brooke. Thomas is committed to the company. He thinks that Steffy and Taylor should both be part of this. Hope also reached out and wanted to spend time with each other.
Ridge walks into the pool house. Shauna was just finishing getting ready for the party. Ridge thinks she will liven up the place. Shauna wonders if he needs something. Ridge says yes. He will finish letting her get ready. Shauna thinks they could take a quick nap. Ridge will see her at the house. Shauna cannot wait to see him next to her.
Quinn dresses herself in a mirror. Eric thinks she looks great. Ridge walks in and tells them to take it easy. Quinn warns him that they do Sunday brunch naked on the couch. Ridge learned something about himself today. He is better at dressing others than himself. Quinn thanks Eric for letting Shauna have another chance. Quinn thinks that Ridge should get to know Shauna. She is a lot of fun.
Shauna tells herself trick or treat and anything can happen tonight.
Douglas is wearing a dog costume. Thomas thinks that he will look great tonight.
Liam asks Hope where his little goblin is. Hope says she is sleeping. Brooke will see them later. Liam guesses that Hope really likes her costume. Hope is going over to Erics for a little bit to spend some time with Douglas. Liam wonders about Thomas.
Quinn gives Ridge a helmet for his hockey costume. Eric wonders about Hope and Thomas today. Ridge thinks this is all for Douglas. Shauna walks in and thanks them for inviting her,.
Thomas tells Douglas that he needs to zip his costume. Douglas wants to be with Hope. That is what makes him happy. Thomas knows the feeling.
Hope thinks that Beth is going to sleep now for the rest of the night. Hope would like to stay with him but she made a promise for Douglas. Liam thinks it is crazy for her to go and hang out with Thomas. Hope is not going to abandon Douglas just because he doesnt live here. She loves that little boy. He is their hero. Liam thinks that this is insane. Hope needs him to make this sacrifice for her. She loves him.
Shauna cannot stop thinking about the way that he kissed her. Ridge asks if they can just be friends. Douglas walks downstairs and they all compliment him on his outfit. Thomas thanks Quinn for allowing him and Douglas to stay in her home. Quinn likes having people here. Quinn says that Shauna and Ridge are getting along as well. Thomas knows she is not really a fan of Brooke.
Donna shows up at Brookes house dressed like Sandy from Grease. Brooke says that Hope went over to Erics to spend time with Douglas. She hopes she knows what she is doing.
Liam tells Beth that it is up to him to figure out some fun Halloween stuff to do. Liam knows he is boring but Hope had to go out. He gets a phone call from Steffy. Steffy says that she heard that Hope is at the Forrester mansion. Liam thanks her for thinking of them.
Hope shows up at the Forrester mansion and Douglas runs over. Thomas is glad she could make it. Hope didnt want to miss it.
Steffy is glad that the girls get to go trick or treating. Liam thinks that the girls will have no candy once she is done eating it all. He thanks her. Steffy just assumed he was sad about Hope. Liam is worried about her. Steffy asks if there is anything he can do. Liam is grateful. He has two beautiful daughters and candy to be eaten.
Eric is glad to have Ridge, Thomas, and Douglas in the house together. Eric thanks Shauna for being here as well. Ridge thanks them for welcoming them all. Hope is really happy to be celebrating Halloween with all of them. Hope loves Douglas to the moon and back. She will do whatever it takes. Douglas loves Hope. He asks if they can have candy now. Quinn guesses she can have candy but he cannot ruin his dinner.
Thomas wanted to thank them for coming. It lit up the moment they walked in. Hope knows she has to be in his life too. Hope believes him when he says he regrets what he has done. He just wants to focus on their future. She wants to leave the past in the past. Thomas agrees.
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