The Bold & The Beautiful Update Tuesday 10/29/19
Written by Anthony
Brooke doesnt want Hope to worry about her. She should be down there with Liam and Beth. Hope reminds her that Liam is down there with Beth right now. It is heartbreaking that she is not with Douglas tonight. Brooke hates how Ridge reacted. She keeps trying to tell him but there is no point. She didnt want to take off her ring but he gave her no choice.
Ridge and Shauna kiss passionately in the Forrester pool house.
Thomas says hi to Eric. Eric wonders how his workout was. Thomas thanks him for letting him stay here. Eric promises that him and Douglas are family and this house is theirs anytime they need it. Eric thinks that Douglas is an exceptional little boy. Douglas thinks he deserves an exceptional father. Thomas knows he did things that he never imagined himself doing. Given all the extremes he did everything out of love. No matter what anyone thinks he still loves Hope.
Brooke thinks that Ridge is her life. It has to come to this all because of Thomas. Brooke had to do something so that Ridge knows how serious she is. Hope asks if she is sure if she pushed Ridge too far.
Shauna asks if she accidentally bit his lip. Shauna assumes it is the face mask. There are still pieces. The only thing worse would be him seeing her in curlers. Shauna could kill Quinn for not warning him that they were going to be here. Ridge knows that she wanted Flo to have some time. Shauna thinks that if she had known that they would be running into each other. She is going to burn these pajamas. Shauna just wishes she was a little more prepared. She asks if his marriage is really over. Shauna really is always there for him. Shauna feels ridicules. She has seen him in hundreds of magazines. He is the ridiculously talented Ridge. She needs to stick a blanket over her after this. Ridge is not laughing at her. Shauna had no idea that he would come by here. Ridge didnt either. Shauna sits down next to him. Shauna asks if this has anything to do with Thomas. Ridge explains that Brooke had adoption papers drawn up. He cannot wrap his head around this. He asks how she could do that. Shauna is so sorry. Ridge is too. Ridge wants his marriage and his wife but not at the expense of his son.
Thomas wanted his son to have a mother and Hope is the mother he wanted for him. He still does.
Hope thinks that she could call Ridge and go over there. Hope gets a phone call. It is Douglas. He asks if he can still call her mommy. Hope asks why she is still up. Douglas wanted to say goodnight. Hope says that there is someone else who wanted to wish him a goodnight. Douglas says goodnight to Peanut Butter. Douglas wants to come home. Douglas told him that he wanted to be with her and Beth but he says that they cant. Douglas misses her. Hope promises that they will always be together even when they are apart. Hope thinks that if he ever feels alone or scared then all he needs to know is that she will always be with him. She loves him. Douglas loves her too. Hope cannot take this. He wants to come home. She needs custody to him. Hope thinks that if Ridge had not gotten involved. Hope wonders if there was away to protect Douglas and still be his mom.
Shauna doesnt understand Brooke. Thomas needs him. Shauna doesnt think he wants to see a father and son separated. Shauna doesnt think that Brooke and her were so different before the Forresters. She owned a small shop in a casino. She did it because she had too. Brooke took a shortcut when she married him. For her to give it all up. If it were her, she would gladly remind him of his talents and make him a very happy man.
Hope felt like she was so close to getting Douglas. Ridge stopped him though. Hope wonders if she could work around that and Ridge. She could spent time with Thomas and Douglas. She could get him to sign the papers eventually. Hope thinks that this is for Douglas. She really does believe that Thomas is still hoping that the life she has with him will be a thing. She could convince him that it could be a possibility. If she plays into that then she could get him to sign the papers. Thomas is vulnerable. She loves Liam and Beth. She needs to do this for Douglas. She needs to keep him out of harms way. She sees no other way out. She has to do this.
Shauna has met a lot of men in her life. No one comes close to Ridge. His talent and commitment to his family. If women still swoon. Ridge thinks that Brooke used to have this mischievous twinkle in her eye and he hasnt seen it in a long time. He sees it with her and he thinks it is very nice. Shauna thinks it is getting late. She asks when they are leaving. Ridge needs her to be his friend. Shauna can do that. She can be his friend if he can handle it. She has been told that some of her assets might be a distraction. Ridge doesnt even notice that. Shauna is not going to take advantage of him. She thinks he needs friendship and tenderness. She can give him that.
Thomas thinks about putting a ring on Hopes finger and kissing her during the wedding and attempting to sleep with her on their honeymoon.
Hope knows that Douglas wants to be with her. Thomas is not fit to be a parent. She gets a phone call. It is Thomas. Hope asks why he is calling. Thomas just wanted her to know that Douglas is settled in here. He had to do this. He never wants to hurt her again. Hope says it is late. Thomas just had to call. Hope thinks that he still loves her. Hope needs him to open up to her. Brooke asks what she would say too Liam. Hope doesnt think that they could ever know. This is for Douglas sake. She is a mother to Beth and to Douglas. He is the only one to tell her about Beth. She has to do this. She is going to convince Thomas. She will tap into his emotions and try to get custody. It will work. It has to work.
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