The Bold & The Beautiful Update Thursday 9/26/19
Written by Anthony
Brooke promises to keep someone posted. Ridge tells Brooke that he will make sure that Douglas will get to his playdate. Brooke just cannot believe that this is happening. She thanks Ridge for taking the test to be a donor. Ridge promises that they will figure this out. Brooke has been so busy with her own life that she hasnt had time to realize that Katie was sick. Brooke keeps thinking that the bell at the gate, she keeps thinking that it is Thomas. She is worried about Thomas and if he will strike.
Douglas plays in his room by himself. He turns around and Thomas is at the door. Thomas has been wanting to see him. He thought that Douglas missed him. Douglas wonders where he has been. Thomas knows it has been a while. Thomas wonders where the loyalty to his father is for telling on him.
Shauna asks if Flo has heard anything else about Katie. Shauna thinks that tragedy can bring people together. Flo doesnt think she would even know that this was happening had Sally not been there. Flo already knows that this is her part. She just never imagined that Wyatt would have proposed to Sally. She never realized that the Logans would hate her. She knows that nothing good will happen to this. Shauna is looking at some pictures of the sexy Ridge Forrester.
Ridge thinks that Thomas needs help. Brooke wonders if he is getting any. Brooke doesnt think that Thomas can just go away and come back. No one who kept that secret against Beth deserves a second chance. Ridge cant turn his back on his son.
Douglas thinks that Thomas is mad at him. Thomas points out that he disobeyed him. He told him not to do something and he did it anyway. Douglas thinks he is a hero. Thomas doesnt think he is a hero. He didnt listen.
Shauna looks at more pictures of Ridge. Flo is sure that Brooke was at all these events with Ridge. Flo says that she was. She is just fantasizing about things. Shauna thinks that this is a lot of rugged sophistication in all of this. Shauna thinks that there is nothing wrong with her wanting to spend time with him. Shauna helped him out that one night. She got comfortable laying next to him. She had to kiss him. Shauna doesnt even think that he remembers. Shauna always thought that her prince charming would sway her off her feet but he might actually be her prince charming.
Brooke thinks that Douglas needs to be their first priority. He is an innocent little boy. Ridge thinks that Douglas needs to see Thomas. Brooke doesnt think that Thomas can just run off to Vinnys and think that everything is resolved. What he did to Hope was horrible. Ridge said that he is talking with Taylor. Ridge thinks that they need all the help they can get. Brooke thinks that Thomas needs to go to jail. Ridge thinks that Thomas is trying to be a better father. Brooke thinks that Thomas needs to stay as far away from Douglas as possible.
Douglas thought that Thomas said that they were best friends the last time he saw him. Thomas doesnt think that best friends rat each other out. He betrayed him. He cannot go to work or come home. Thomas doesnt think that Hope and Liams opinion matters. He is his only parent. Hope will not be his parent because he ruined all of that when he said that Phoebe is Beth.
Brooke thinks that he has seen Douglas with Hope and Liam. Ridge says that Thomas is his father. Brooke explains that Douglas still believes that he was a father. Ridge doesnt want to fight with her anymore. They will fight through this. If they stick together then they are strong enough to survive anything. Brooke thinks he is right. She loves him. Brooke guesses he is right. She loves him. Ridge loves her too. The two kiss one another. Brooke is going to go to the hospital. Ridge wants her to say hi to Katie. Brooke thanks him. She doesnt want to fight. The last time they did this, he was so angry that he ran out and slept at Bikini. Brooke is trying to move passed this. She keeps thinking of Flo and Shauna. She thinks that those lies nearly destroyed her daughters life.
Shauna is sure that Ridge hasnt thought about that night at all. Shauna knows it sounds crazy but she felt this really strong chemistry between them. Shauna thinks that she had a bolt of lightning between them. Shauna is pretty sure that he felt it too.
Douglas tells Thomas that he doesnt want to talk with him anymore. Thomas wonders if Hope ever wants to see him. Thomas knows that Hope will never be happy with Hope. Ridge walks in. He doesnt want to get anyone in trouble. Ridge asks what he is doing here. Thomas wanted to see his son and say that he missed him. Ridge thinks that Douglas knows that he missed him. Ridge promises that Douglas is a good boy. Thomas admits that he was angry with everything that happened. Thomas realized what that could have looked like to Douglas. Thomas was just trying to make this wonderful life for them and it all got ruined. Ridge tells Douglas that he needs to speak with Thomas. Thomas assumes that this situation is causing a lot of tension between him and Ridge.
Flo thinks that if Ridge wasnt married, then he would be lucky to have her in his life. She knows they always get back together.
Thomas was going to give these to Douglas but if Brooke isnt here he was going to give him some designs. Ridge thinks that these are good designs. He is glad that he has been productive. Ridge reminds him that it will take time to go back. Thomas knows he isnt trusted but he shouldnt be exiled. Ridge thinks that Brooke has every right to be upset with him. Thomas knows he didnt handle anything properly. He lost it. Carolines death affected him more than he realized. Ridge thinks that his remorse is genuine. Ridge thinks that Brooke is concerned about her family and Douglas. Ridge asks why he would lie. Thomas was scared. Taylor helped him realize that. Caroline was gone. He thought that a family with Hope was what he needed. He wanted to keep Steffy with her child. He knows what he did was wrong. He is getting kicked out of the family by the Logan family. He lost Ridge years ago to Brooke. He needs Ridge to tell him that he can count on him.
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