B&B Friday Update 9/6/19

The Bold & The Beautiful Update Friday 9/6/19


Written by Anthony

Brooke looks at mail as someone rings the doorbell. Bill is there. Brooke tells him he is not here. She has to assume that he is here to annoy Ridge. Brooke says that Ridge is at the hospital right now.

Ridge demands that Thomas tell the truth. Thomas did chase Emma but he didn’t kill her.

Hope and Liam play with the baby at the cabin. Liam noticed cookie dough all over the kitchen. Hope explains that it could always have been there. Hope thinks the could open the windows and let the sun bake it. Liam thinks that Beth isn’t the only one who needs a nap. Hope does think that Beth is ready. Liam tells Hope that he loves Brooke. Hope thinks that was said by every man ever. Liam explains that they had a good chat.

Bill wonders if they are alone. Brooke thinks as alone as they are going to get. Brooke explains that Douglas is at a swim lesson. Brooke explains that Ridge told him that he will be home soon. Brooke wonders what Bill is trying to do. Bill wants justice.

Thomas explains that Emma was going to tell Hope. Thomas knew that if Emma told Hope the truth that she would leave him. Thomas kept speeding up to her His car never touched hers. She lost control and she fell through the railing. Ridge asks what he did. He knows it was nothing.

Liam sees Hope. Hope thinks he is always so much better at these things than her. Hope means romantic things. Hope missed him. She leans in to kiss him. She asks if it is ok. Liam nods.

Brooke is not going to get optimistic. Bill cannot imagine she is ok with any of the things that Thomas did. Brooke thinks he needs to be banned, shunned, and evicted from her house. Bill needs to go into her garage.

Thomas says it was dark and narrow. Ridge assumes he got out of the car. Thomas walked to where Emma went over. It was too late. Thomas says it was steep and so far down. Ridge assumes that he called 911. Thomas knew what it would look like. Ridge asks if he could actually see something. Thomas made a mistake. Ridge asks where the boy is that he loved and cared for. He asks where that boy was. Thomas wanted to stop her but he didn’t kill her. Ridge thinks it didn’t matter if she lived or died. Thomas knew what it would mean. Ridge asks why he is saying sorry to him. He didn’t have his kid ripped away or maybe he did. Thomas doesn’t want him to say that. He is right here. Ridge sees a despicable human being. He is ashamed to be his father. Thomas cries

Hope tries to unbutton Liam’s shirt. Liam really wasn’t sure. Hope knows that she hurt him and was selfish in her grief. Liam never blamed her. He was in pain too. Hope knows they never should have been apart. Liam hopes that she doesn’t mind that he thinks she is the most beautiful creature that he has ever seen. Hope is ok with that. Liam loves her. Hope loves him too.

Brooke asks what he wants in the car. Brooke says that she looked at the car herself. Brooke explains that there wasn’t a scratch on the car.

Thomas assumes that Liam wants him in jail and Hope hates him now. Ridge asks how she is supposed to feel. Ridge thinks he only thinks about Douglas when he needed him. Thomas thinks that Xander and Zoe and all of them made a big deal of all of this. Ridge asks what Thomas did. He did nothing. Ridge asks what else. He is sure that there was another ploy to get his plan to work. Thomas says nothing like that. He just guesses that sometimes you cannot leave things to chance. Ridge knows that they would never choose him. Thomas thinks when he wants something he wants it too much. Ridge asks when he ever wanted for anything. Ridge thinks that he never would have let him fall. Thomas wanted to be happy. Thomas thinks that Ridge can smile and laugh at that but he has never known what that felt like. Ridge guesses that he finds his joy in hurting other people. Ridge wonders where his son went or if he was ever here at all.

Hope thinks that Liam is warm. Liam thinks that she is everything. Hope thinks every choice she made this year took her further away from her life. Liam assumes this means that she shouldn’t question any choice ever again. Hope knows she sent him straight to Steffy. Liam thinks they need to be good to her and make sure she knows they don’t blame her. Hope doesn’t. Hope asks if Steffy will be able to let him go. Liam thinks that she knew where his heart was. Liam thinks that it all came true.

Brooke guesses it was worth a look. Bill thinks that if they can show that Thomas was on the same road as Emma. Brooke cannot align herself with Bill right now. Bill doesn’t think that Ridge will hold Thomas accountable.

Ridge asks if there is anything else that he can tell him. Thomas thought that Ridge wanted him to be with Hope to have that family. He acts like he doesn’t know but he would do anything to make him proud. Thomas tells Ridge to wash his hands of him and leave. Ridge asks about the tracking system in his car. Thomas deleted the tracking history when Xander saw it. Ridge will never turn his back on him. Thomas has been in a fog since Caroline died. He doesn’t know how to be a single parent. Thomas is not good enough for Douglas. Ridge says that Douglas believes in him and so does he. Ridge hugs Thomas He promises that it will be ok.

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