B&B Wednesday Update 8/21/19

The Bold & The Beautiful Update Wednesday 8/21/19


Written By Anthony

Ridge tells Sanchez that Thomas is not responsible for Emma’s death. Ridge doesn’t think he was involved in this. Sanchez would like to hear that From Thomas. Brooke says he is not here any he is not answering his phone. Sanchez asks if this behavior is unusual.

Thomas looks at pictures of Hope on his phone. Thomas will not lose Hope. She is his wife. They belong together.

Hope wants her marriage annulled right away. Liam asks if Thomas has to be involved. Justin says that he has to be informed but this is a clear case of fraud and misrepresentation. Hope won’t let Thomas control her life ever again. Justin is sorry for what they have been through but he is excited for what lies ahead. Liam thanks him for stopping by. Liam asks Hope if they should have gotten a restraining order. Liam doesn’t think they will know what he is going to do until later on.

Brooke doesn’t think they know what he is doing yet. Brooke is worried about her daughter. Brooke thinks that Thomas can be a little obsessive considering that he knew about Emma’s death. Brooke knows that Ridge doesn’t want to consider this but he could be responsible for Emma’s death.

Thomas tells Vinny that he has not had one call from Hope. He cannot believe that this happened. He needs to help her understand. He asks if they can give her a call. Vinny will give him some privacy. Thomas has to see her in person.

Hope knows that Liam and Brooke tried to warn her. Liam thinks that no one expected him to do something this twisted. He thinks that what he did was sick. Hope never wants to see him again. Hope wants him out for good. Liam thinks that he will try to see her again. Liam reminds Hope what he did to them. The minute that he finds out that he is annulling the marriage could send him over the edge.

Thomas needs to establish the connection face to face. Vinny thinks that Thomas is still worked up. Thomas needs to show her all the great things they did together for the line. Thomas thinks that Liam is poisoning her. Vinny thinks that he needs to fix it and calm down. Vinny doesn’t want him to stress. He doesn’t need to let this get to him. Thomas knows that nothing has changed. It will never change.

Brooke admits they are both concerned about their children. If he has information though it could be a different situation. Ridge thinks that Emma died because he was texting and driving. Sanchez that he was seen arguing the night of her death. Brooke thinks that Hope and Liam need time with their child. Sanchez asks how Thomas feels about that. Ridge hasn’t spoken to him. Sanchez thinks they can give him a call when he shows back up. He wants them to have a good day. Brooke turns to him. Ridge thinks he is fishing. Brooke demands to know where Thomas is and why he won’t call them back. Brooke wonders about the lies. They need to find him. She needs to know that he is not a threat to her daughter. Brooke thinks that Thomas should have called to check up on Douglas. She thought that is the reason that he moved back here. He used that as justification for going after Hope. Ridge knows he made a mistake. Ridge thinks that this is different being dangerous. Ridge thought they were going to have a life together. Brooke knows that he has ben obsessed with Hope for months. She knows that these are ugly questions. Brooke knows that he tricked Hope into marriage. She asks what happens when he finds out that Hope doesn’t want to be with him. She is worried for her daughter’s safety.

Thomas thinks that they got married for life to be a family. That is not something you walk away from. If you love someone you fight for it. You do whatever it takes to get what you want.

Hope thinks that this is real. Their daughter is sleeping peacefully. Liam knows that their daughter is really theirs now. Hope doesn’t think anything will take away from the joy she is feeling right now. He kept her daughter from her. She asks how cruel he could really be. Liam thinks that they need to be smart about this. If he could lie about something like Beth there is no telling what he is capable of. Hope is going to call Thomas. She is telling him about the annulment. Hope wants this done. She knows that Thomas will not ignore her.

Brooke knows that Ridge can get through to Thomas.

Thomas clicks a pen as Ridge calls him. He thinks that everything he has done was for Hope. For her and their family and this life they have been building. Thomas knows they were happy. He knows they will be again.

Hope wants Thomas to know this is over. Liam think that calling him could set him off. Hope thinks that Thomas is a coward. He might have tried manipulating her but not anymore. She is making the choices now.

Thomas gets a call. Thomas knew she would call. He missed her. Thomas knows that people are filling her head with garbage. Hope knows he lied to her. He could have taken the pain away. He kept her from her daughter. Thomas doesn’t want to hear why she did this. He told her that the only way for her to be a mother was through lies. Hope asks if he was going to lie to her. Hope is having their marriage annulled. Thomas doesn’t think she can do that. Hope says that once the papers are ready then he will sign them. Hope tells him that their marriage is over. He needs to reach out to his son because he misses him. Thomas doesn’t think that he can abandon him like this. If he loses him then he will be sad. Hope thinks this is about him. He needs to be there for him. Thomas thought they would be there for each other and be a family. Hope tells Thomas to go home and face his family and be there for his son. She never wants to speak with him ever again. Hope hangs the phone up. Thomas tells himself that she will be his wife till death do them part.

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