The Bold & The Beautiful Update Thursday 8/1/19
Written by Anthony
Liam holds Beth and looks at her. Steffy asks what he is doing. Liam says that this is Beth. She is alive. Steffy explains that this is Phoebe. Liam knows that this is his daughter. Douglas smiles as he watches.
Hope sits on the bed in the hotel room. She gets her purse and finds the picture of the ultrasound.
Thomas finds his friend Vinny in the hallway of the hotel. Vinny is a little bummed he wasnt invited to the honeymoon. Thomas says it was just family. Vinny still got him something though.
Flo waits for Wyatt and he walks in. Flo has to tell her something about Thomas. Wyatt wonders why they are talking about Thomas. Flo explains that nothing is going on between them in that sort of way. Flo loves Wyatt and there is no one in the world she would rather be with. Wyatt knows she is living here now. They are committed to one another. Flo cannot put this off any longer.
Vinny tries giving him pills. Vinny wants him to have fun with the new misses Forrester.
Hope gets a text from Brooke saying she is worried. Hope looks at the champagne glass. She thinks about Liam putting her ring on her finger.
Steffy wonders why Liam is calling Phoebe, Beth. Liam thinks that she is Beth. Steffy reminds him that Beth is gone. Steffy is sorry. There is just no way that Beth could be alive. Liam knows that Douglas heard that Beth was alive. Liam guesses that Thomas told Flo that Beth was alive. That is Beth.
Flo wants him to understand everything she has been through since she came to LA. She has had a lot of amazing changes. She did someone a favor. Someone she thought was a friend and she got wrapped up in something she is so ashamed of. If she hadnt came to LA then she wouldnt know him again or have an amazing family. She is going to be living with this wonderful man that she has never stopped loving. Wyatt thinks that whatever this is, they will get through it. She needs to be honest with him. Flo thinks he deserves the truth. She needs to come clean. Wyatt assumes that she means about Thomas. Flo thinks about Liam and Hope too.
Thomas walks back into the hotel room. Hope wonders where he went. Thomas went to go talk with the valet. Hope wants to do something. She hears that there is a great spa in the hotel. Thomas wants to give each other massages today. That is what he wants. He wants them to be together and he wants to show her how much he loves her. He is her husband now. He wants them to be together and commit to one another the way a husband and wife should.
Steffy doesnt think that Liam is making any sense. Steffy thinks he is having a nervous breakdown. Steffy wonders if he thinks that Phoebe is an angel. Steffy thinks that Flo will straighten this out. Liam believes Douglas. He is just repeating what his father told him. Thomas has had a secret with Flo and that is it. That is his baby in there. Liam wonders why Hope is so attached to Phoebe. Liam thinks that Thomas was intense to keep the secret. He wonders what the one thing that would force Hope to leave him. Beth. Liam knows that is their little girl. Steffy thinks that he saw that she wasnt breathing. Hope held her. Liam doesnt know how this makes sense. Steffy thinks that is Flos birth daughter. Liam is going to verify that.
Thomas got Hope a gift. She takes out a piece of lingerie. Thomas wants her to try it on. Thomas thought it could help them connect. He thought she would look pretty in a beautiful way. Hope goes to try it on.
Wyatt wonders what he heard about Hope and Thomas at the wedding. Wyatt thinks that whatever it is wont be that bad. Wyatt thinks it cannot be that bad. She needs to stop worrying. She needs to talk with him and tell him what it is. Liam storms in. Liam thinks that what he went through this last year destroyed them and Flo let it happen. She was never pregnant an never gave birth to phoebe. Liam demands that Flo admit the truth.
Douglas wonders if Steffy is mad. Steffy says no. They are having a sleepover. Douglas hears Beth crying. Steffy tells him it is Phoebe. Steffy walks into the room and tells Phoebe that mommy as her.
Thomas hides the pills in a magazine. He looks into Hopes bag and hides her phone in a drawer. Hope walks out wearing the lingerie. Thomas thinks she looks beautiful. Hope unbuttons his shirt. He kisses her.
Wyatt asks what he is even saying. Wyatt knows he is upset but he cannot take it out on Flo. Liam doesnt think that she gave birth. The doctor never heard of her. Liam demands she tell the truth. Wyatt thinks it is a mix up. Flo says she never was pregnant and never had a baby. Wyatt wonders who had the baby. Liam tells her to say the name. Flo admits that Hope is the mother.
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