The Bold & The Beautiful Update Monday 7/29/19
Written by Anthony
Hope asks Douglas what he is saying. Douglas say that Beth is alive. She is.
Thomas tells Steffy that they should let the girls sleep. Steffy thinks that Thomas and Hope dont look like newlyweds. Thomas wants to spend time with Hope so that he can get to be with her. Steffy knows that Hope is devoted to him and his wellbeing. She loves that Douglas really opens up to Hope.
Flo cannot take the fact that Thomas is taking advantage of Hopes pain. Flo would have done it if Thomas wasnt still threatening her. He is still threatening her. Zoe thinks that is because she is out of control. Zoe tells her she needs to calm down. Flo thinks that Thomas is the one who is out of control.
Steffy doesnt want Thomas to blow her off. She is concerned. Thomas thinks that tonight will change everything. Steffy knows how much he has wanted hope and for how long. He needs to be patient. She married him. They have the rest of their lives together. They need to be open and honest about everything.
Hope asks if Douglas is saying that Beth is still a part of his life. Hope wonders if Douglas is saying that Beth is still a part of his life. Douglas says that Caroline died but Beth is still alive.
Flo is done protecting herself. Thomas is the problem. Thomas is obsessed with Hope. Zoe thinks that Hope has known him her whole life. She didnt even know her. She thought that she was always so wonderful to her. She watched as Hope grieved a child she didnt even lose. She let Thomas manipulate all of them. Zoe thinks that Thomas is definitely making things more stressful but he hasnt done anything to Hope. He used her grief to manipulate her. Hope doesnt know what he is capable of. Thomas has to be stopped. Someone needs to tell them all that Beth is really alive.
Hope needs Douglas to stop. Liam thinks that Douglas should listen to her. Hope would do anything to hold Beth and see her smile. She is never coming back. Hope is sorry. She needs to get some air. Hope will be in the car. Douglas wonders why she left. Liam says that she will be alright. Douglas thought that she would be happy. Steffy and Thomas walk out. Thomas wonders where Hope is. Liam says she is waiting in the car. Thomas guesses that means he should go. Thomas tells Douglas that he wants to talk real quick before he goes. Thomas tells Douglas to be a good boy for Steffy. He needs to not say anything about what he thinks he heard. They dont talk about things they dont know about. Not one word. Douglas promises not to say it again.
Zoe doesnt think that Flo is going to say anything to Hope. Zoe thinks you can love and lie to someone. Thomas and Hope are together. Liam would probably have broken up with Hope anyway. Hope has moved on. She is building a future with Thomas and Douglas. Zoe thinks she could be happy. Flo doesnt think as happy if she were living her life with Liam and Beth. Flo thinks that her marriage to Thomas is a mistake. They both know that Hope doesnt love Thomas.
Thomas and Hope walk into the hotel room. Hope thinks it is very nice. Thomas knows it is just the two of them so it is perfect. Thomas thinks she is beautiful. He kisses her. Hope is sorry. She is just a little distracted. Thomas did this all for them. Thomas needs Hope to take this in and throw it away. Thomas thinks that it is just the two of them and nothing else to do or worry about. It is just a husband and a wife, giving each other their undivided attention. Thomas wants Hope so much.
Steffy asks Douglas if he wants to build a fort. Her and Phoebe used to build the best ones. Liam wonders if there will be ice cream. He thinks that sometimes he likes to eat dessert first. Steffy is sure that Kelly and Phoebe will be excited to see him. Douglas knows that Phoebe was adopted. Steffy knows she wasnt born from her but she loves her just as much. Douglas asks who her mommy was before.
Thomas starts to take off his shirt as he kisses Hope. Hope isnt sure she is ready. She knows they have the rest of their lives together. Thomas wants the rest of their lives to start tonight. He loves her and wants to be with her. Thomas thinks that they got married so they could move forward and be alive again. Thomas wants Hope to move on. He can help her do that. She has felt nothing but loss for so long. It will be amazing to let go of that pain. She cannot just forget about Beth. Thomas needs her to. Thomas needs her to trust him. He kisses her.
Steffy does know who the birth mom was. Steffy says it wasnt a secret but they dont want to talk about it. Phoebes birth mom, first mom is part of their family now. The girls are up. It is time to make the fort. Liam knows that Douglas was asking really grown up questions. Caroline was so smart. She would always try to figure things out. He is like that as well. Liam wonders what put that into Douglas head. He knows that there is nothing wrong with being curious. Liam is curious Douglas is sorry that he made Hope sad. Liam knows that losing their daughter was difficult and it was hard to talk about Beth. He would never want to hurt Hope. He asks why he would say that Beth is alive. Liam doesnt think that Douglas can show him where Beth is.
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