The Bold & The Beautiful Update Tuesday 7/9/19
Written by Anthony
Hope looks at her engagement ring. She looks depressed. Hope receives a text message from someone. She goes to look and sees a text from Liam that says he knows about the proposal.
Steffy asks Liam what happened last night. Liam explains that Douglas proposed. Steffy assumes that he means Thomas. Liam says Thomas. He is sure that her brother told Douglas exactly how to do this.
Ridge finds Thomas in the living room. He tells Ridge that Hope said yes. Ridge is so happy for him.
Xander tells Zoe that Thomas is beyond dangerous and is a killer. Xander has proof. There is no pretending that he didnt. When he thinks about what Thomas did to Emma. Xander thinks it is hard enough to drive there when you dont have a mad man going after you. Zoe doesnt think that Thomas would murder in Hopes name.
Ridge thinks that Douglas is a romantic genius to ask Hope. Thomas is going to go and tell Steffy the good news.
Liam wants to know who sends a five year old to propose. Steffy suggests it could have been Douglas idea. Thomas calls. He tells her that Hope and him are getting married. Thomas just wanted to let her know. Liam thinks this is unbelievable.
Brooke wants to know why Hope is avoiding her. Brooke knows about the proposal. She needs to know she turned Thomas down. Hope says that is not how it went. She shows her the ring.
Zoe cannot believe she broke into Thomas car. Xander thinks it is all right there. Thomas was speeding down the highway. He had to have seen what happened to her. He hasnt even acknowledged that he was there. He just got back in his car and drove away. Xander asks what kind of a person does that. Xander thinks a heartless killer does that.
Thomas appreciates his support. He knows a lot of people will not be happy. Thomas doesnt want Ridge to tell Douglas. He wants to tell him with Hope. Thomas explains that Steffy is shocked. He doesnt think anyone would have thought that Hope would have accepted his proposal. Ridge knows that Hope will always be important in his life but Caroline will be his mother.
Liam guesses he should use motherless Douglas to propose to him. Liam knows that a little boy with sad brown eyes asked if she would be his mommy. Steffy doesnt want to argue with him. She is happy for her brother. They have to accept this.
Brooke is shocked that she would agree to marry Thomas. She asks why she would do this. Brooke asks why she would do this. She asks if she did this just in case. Hope thinks if she liked Thomas then she would say this was romantic and destiny. Brooke thinks that Thomas is being despicable. Brooke asks if she is not in love with Liam anymore. She begs to know why she is wearing Thomas ring.
Zoe knows that the police were on the scene after this. There is no evidence of fowl play. Xander thinks it makes him sick that Thomas thought that he would get away with this. Zoe thinks that he might have not reported because he panicked. Xander asks why she would defend Thomas.
Ridge wants him to be happy. Thomas is going to go see Steffy. He is sure that she is getting an earful from Liam.
Steffy knows this is probably upsetting for him. Nobody forced Hope into this though. He could be offering her something that she wants and needs in life. Steffy hears the girls waking up and she goes to check on them. Liam grabs his keys and heads towards the door.
Brooke doesnt think this is just about Thomas. Douglas misses having a mother and she needs him too. He helps the void in her heart. Hope knows that Liam is with Steffy and his daughters where he should be. She needs to move on. That sweet little boy asked her to be his mommy. She wonders how she couldnt be affected. He is a wonderful child and trying so hard to be a big boy. He is trying to accept his mother disappeared one day and will never come back. She is an adult and doesnt understand why Beth never had a chance at life. Hope thinks that Douglas and her are healing. Brooke thinks they can still be there for one another. She doesnt have to be there for his father. She asks if her and Thomas have Hope says no. Brooke thinks she needs time to clear her mind and figure out what she wants to do with her life. Brooke knows that Ridge would be upset if he knew what she was saying. She doesnt think anything good will come to this. Brooke thinks that it is Thomas that she objects to. He scares her. She doesnt feel good about this. She never has loved him and never will.
Zoe is not defending Thomas. It is the last thing she would ever want to do. She hates that Emma is gone but she doesnt think that Thomas is responsible for what happened. No one knows what happened. Xander doesnt think that Emma deserved to die. She was just trying to do the right thing. Thomas shut her down because he is a heartless bastard. She needs to stop trying to manage him. He is trying to do what is right. Thomas has to be stopped. He will be the guy who will stop him.
Thomas thanks Steffy for the support. He knows that most people probably wont wish them well. Thomas suggests he attempt talking with him. Steffy thinks he went to see Hope.
Hope assumes that Liam knows about Thomas and her. Liam asks why she would do this. He asks if it is because he was with Steffy. He is sorry if he hurt her. Hope doesnt want him to feel guilty. Hope has been struggling the last few months because of grief. She used to be happy every morning but she isnt. She lost a sense of purpose. She feels like this could be her way forward. Liam understands her struggle. He would do anything to help her out. He doesnt know what that looks like. He knows that it is not Thomas she needs though. Hope thinks he needs her. Liam thinks that Thomas is using his son to get to her over and over again. He knows that Steffy thinks that he is out of line but Thomas is not what she needs. He understands her relationship with Douglas. She can still be an amazing influence for him. Liam thinks she can change her mind. She can take the ring off and free her mind before something bad happens.
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