The Bold & The Beautiful Update Thursday 6/27/19
Written by Anthony
Steffy thinks that Emma was so young. Liam thinks about all the times they drove on that road. Steffy wonders if they should really be having a beach party. Liam says she had this planned beforehand. Steffy wants the girls to know Douglas. Steffy thinks this might be good for Hope.
Hope tells Brooke that she is going to Steffys for a beach parry with Douglas and Thomas. Thomas says she needs to move on with her life. Hope wants to stay in her room and hide from everyone but she knows that isnt good for her. Brooke doesnt think that spending a lot of time with Thomas is good for her either.
Thomas does pushups and tells someone to drop it by the house. He looks at himself in the mirror.
Brooke doesnt want her pressured into anything. Ridge is shocked that Hope is still here. Hope is on her way now. Hope doesnt think that Liam and Steffy are back together in that way.
Steffy tells Liam he should put his suit on. Liam guesses he should. Liam is worried about the weather. He doesnt trust his interest in Hope.
Douglas walks into Thomas room and isnt wearing is swimsuit. Douglas doesnt want to go. Thomas thinks that it will be fun to go. Douglas guesses it will be fun. Thomas doesnt want to miss this day at all. Douglas doesnt like gel. It doesnt make him feel good. Douglas asks if he has to go to the ocean. Thomas thinks no but he can play wit his cousins. Thomas tells Douglas when he sees Hope he will give her a big hug. It needs to be extra big.
Steffy tells Liam that she has margarita mix and rose for Hope. Liam is worried about Hope being there with her and the kids. Steffy knows this is what Hope wanted. They spent a lot of time together.
Brooke thinks Hope should stay home. Douglas runs over and hugs Hope. Brooke tells Thomas they should go by themselves. Thomas thinks that Hope is looking forward to Hope. Hope promises she will be fine. Ridge thinks that they are in this together. A guy named Vinny shows up. He came for some advice. It should only be a minute. He thinks it is crazy that Thomas lives with his hot step-mom. Thomas buys pills for him. Thomas has a big day and night planned.
Brooke and Ridge go to her pool and hang out together. Ridge puts lotion on her shoulders. Brooke hopes that Hope made the right choice. Hope can feel so pressured on herself. Brooke thinks that she needs to work through these changes all the time. Ridge asks what she is worried about. Ridge suggests that Brooke give Thomas a break. Brooke thinks that it is too soon. Brooke thinks that it will take a while for Hope to let things go. Hope doesnt know how Hope was convinced it was the right solution. Ridge suggests it could be. Ridge knows that Thomas is not caught between two women. Brooke respects how he feels but they cannot forget all the things Thomas has done. Ridge doesnt want to be so negative about his son.
Thomas and Hope show up with Douglas. Steffy doesnt think that Douglas is himself. He looks so big. Hope thinks it is good to see Liam. Liam is glad she came. Thomas suggests that Hope and Douglas go into the ocean. Liam gets drinks for everyone. Liam thinks it is obvious what Thomas is doing. Steffy wants to keep this a positive day. Steffy asks Thomas to help her with the pita. Liam tells Hope that they have those carbonated fruity drinks in a can she likes. Hope thinks that is fine. Liam asks Hope if she has to spend all her time with Thomas because he doesnt trust him. Thomas takes out the pills as he watches Liam and Hope talk with one another.
Brooke looks at her phone and sighs. Ridge promises that Hope will be fine. Brooke thinks she needs space and wishes that Thomas would realize that. Brooke worries about her. Ridge suggests they could at least be open to Thomas being good for Hope.
Thomas is glad that they are doing this. Steffy wants to do this more often. Douglas wonders where his cousins are. Steffy goes to check on them with Douglas. Liam asks what Thomas was arguing with Emma about. Thomas didnt want her dancing in the next show. Thomas doesnt want Hope to spend a lot of time with Phoebe. Liam thinks that no one has an issue with her and Phoebe spending time. Hope is welcome to see Phoebe whenever she wants. Thomas knows. He just knows Beth is gone and as much as he wishes Beth could come back. It is never going to happen. This is why he doesnt want her getting too attached to Phoebe. Hope likes being around her. Hope looks at Phoebe and calls her Beth.
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