The Bold & The Beautiful Update Thursday 6/13/19
Written by Anthony
Zoe thinks that this secret is about to blow up in their faces. Flo thinks that they needed someone else to step in. Xander thinks that is what Thomas is doing right now
Steffy asks what is going on. She knows he is saying this is about Phoebe and Liam. Thomas thinks that this affects Hope and Liam more than anyone.
Hope thinks that she doesnt have any plans right now. Brooke thinks that she can come to the main house whenever she wants. Douglas would love a dinner date. Douglas knows that he cannot date a marred lady. Liam would be mad. He asks where he is. Hope says that he and her Liam doesnt live here anymore.
Zoe asks if he really thinks that Hope will just forgive them. Xander thinks that Reese committed a crime. Wyatt walks in and wonders why they are talking about Hopes baby.
Douglas is shocked that Liam doesnt live here anymore. Douglas thinks she looks so sad. Brooke things sometimes you do things for the right reason. Douglas wonders if he adopted Phoebe. Hope says no but he loves her.
Steffy asks what Hope has to do with this. Liam takes Phoebe out from the nursery. She insisted on seeing Steffy. Steffy tells Phoebe that daddy is moving in with them. Liam thinks that he feels like her daddy. Thomas thinks he has to go. Thomas thinks that them living under the same roof is what Hope wanted. He doesnt want them to forget her and forget her sacrifice for this. He doesnt want them to forget any of this. Thomas wants them to have a good night. Thomas runs out.
Zoe tells Wyatt that Liam and Hope signed the annulment papers. Wyatt was hoping that wouldnt happen. Xander is sure they will get back together. Zoe is sure that Wyatt wants some time alone with Flo. Zoe leaves. Wyatt asks if she is ok. Flo claims to be fine. Wyatt thinks she can talk with him. Whatever is bothering her she can tell him.
Steffy is glad the girls are finally asleep. She is good at deciphering her cries at this point. She was thinking Thomas would text her. Liam doesnt think he gets to come over whenever he wants. Liam knows he is her brother. Liam will still look after Hope and Thomas would be wise to think about that.
Hope appreciates Brookes concern but she did what she had to for the children. Brooke knows she is in a lot of pain. Hope thinks that the more time she spend with Douglas the faster this will come away. Hope is grateful for the bond she shares with Douglas. They have both lost so much. Douglas walks in and asks if Hope likes Flowers. He found some that made him smile. He thought they would make her smile too. Hope thinks they are beautiful. He hugs her. Thomas walks in and sees them hugging.
Wyatt can tell that something is bothering her. Flo thinks it is about Hope. She knows they have been through this before she just wishes that things would have worked out differently for them. Flo thinks that he has always believed in her. Wyatt thinks she has always given her a reason to.
Liam thinks that the girls are sleeping soundly. He hopes they have enough time to do anything before the babys get up. Liam knows that Steffy is a good mom. Steffy is glad that he thinks that. Liam is glad to be moving in.
Thomas wonders what is going on. Hope explains that Douglas got her flowers. He wonders how much he owes her. Brooke thinks it is fine. Douglas asks if it is a secret. Douglas says that Hope is sad because of Liam. He is with Kelly and Phoebe now. Thomas thinks it is good that Douglas is here to comfort Hope. Hope is glad to have Thomas in her life. Hope thinks the flowers are beautiful. Douglas asks if Thomas brought snacks. Douglas didnt. Brooke has cookies. She wants Hope to come up as well. They have more to talk about. Thomas wonders what that was about. Hope knows she has opinions. Hope is sure she would have gotten a lot of unwanted advice from her daughter had she lived. Thomas thinks that there is something she needs to know.
Xander asks if they really should have left Flo like that. Zoe thinks he was going to tell Wyatt. Xander thinks it might be the hardest thing they ever have to go through. They wont go through this alone. They are going through it together.
Wyatt thinks that Flo is shaking. Wyatt asks why she is so upset about Hope and Liam ending their marriage. She keeps thinking about choices being made. She needs him to promise her something. Whatever happens for them in the future, she is happy they found each other again. He needs to know how much she cares about him.
Liam wonders if she is ok with him being here. He knows this is a well oiled machine around here. Steffy knows it is not a traditional family but it is still family. Steffy is not sure what is in store for them but it is the four of them however it works. Nothing will take that away from them. Liam and Steffy click beers together.
Hope asks what is wrong. Thomas says that seeing her with Douglas shows him what kind of a mother she would have been. Hope thinks that she feels lucky having Douglas here. Thomas cannot imagine what she has gone through and now her marriage has ended. Hope knows it is hard but this is what is best for Steffy and Liam and the girls. It was different when he had two families but Beth is gone now and without her, this is her only option. Thomas wants to take away her pain. Hope is beginning to think this will fade because of Douglas and him. She doesnt know what the future will hold but she is willing to take things one day at a time. She is grateful for Douglas and Thomas. She asks if they can see what happens. She wonders if his feelings have changed. He kisses Hope. Hope stops him. Thomas says not at all. Hope was worried he might leave LA again and she cannot handle losing Douglas right now. Thomas thinks it means a lot to hear her say that. Hope asks what he needed to tell her. Thomas came from Steffys and Liam was there. Hope thinks that is where he needs to be. Steffy asked Liam to move in and he accepted. Her hope for the children will come true. He was watching them interact and they are a family. Liam is moving on like she wanted them too. He will do anything to help them move on. His son needs him. Douglas needs her and so does he. He will do anything for him. He hugs Hope
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