B&B Friday Update 5/31/19

The Bold & The Beautiful Update Friday 5/31/19


Written by Anthony

Xander asks why Zoe just said that Beth is alive. He needs to know what is going on.

Hope thanks Liam for this. She wants this time with him. Liam wants to honor what they are to one another. Hope knows they have been through so much. Liam guesses if this is the end then they need to make the most of it.

Steffy thinks it is a nice surprise to see. Thomas and Douglas. Douglas asks if he can give the presents to Phoebe and Kelly. Steffy thinks when they wake up they can. Steffy imagines that he misses his mommy a lot. She was a special person. She knows that he likes spending time with Hope. Thomas. Says that Hope loves him too. Steffy hears that the girls are awake. Steffy takes him into the nursery.

Hope looks at a wedding picture. She thinks it is perfect. Liam thinks they had so many memories here. Hope thinks if things had worked out this would have been Beth’s house too.

Xander asks why she would say something so outrageous. Xander demands to know why she said that Beth is alive. Zoe explains it is true. Beth is alive.

Thomas tells Steffy that Kelly made a pile of books for Douglas to read. Steffy hears that Hope and Douglas have a special bond. Thomas explains that Hope helped out a lot last night.

Liam got hung up and tried to plan the perfect meal. He wanted it to be something perfect. He made Italian food. Like their beautiful wedding. Standing at the ocean with her. Liam thought the feeling would last forever.

Xander thinks that Beth died. Everyone knows about that. Zoe never wanted him to know about this. Xander needs Zoe to calm down. She is talking crazy. Reese was with Hope the night that she gave birth. Reese made a lot of bad gambling debts. He did the worst thing he has ever done in his life. He told Hope and Liam that their baby didn’t make it. Beth was fine though. It was all a terrible lie. Xander asks what happened. Zoe says that there were people threatening to hurt her. Xander asks if Reese sold her. Zoe didn’t know. Xander cannot believe that he sold the baby to criminals. Zoe explains that Beth is safe. She is being taken care of. Xander asks by who. Zoe admits she is in a beautiful home with a loving mother in LA.

Steffy tells Thomas that Douglas keeps singing baby shark to the girls. Thomas as afraid that Douglas would feel isolated and then he started spending time with Hope. She got him to open up and talk about his feelings. She even said it was ok to was ok to be happy. Thomas loves Hope.

Liam says that dinner will be ready soon. Hope thanks him for doing all this. Liam asked for tonight to show her all the joy she brought to their life. Liam thinks that they have great memories. She was his best friend in LA. He thinks it seems like yesterday. He kept thinking about Italy and all the towns they walked through. Hope doesn’t think he ever looked more handsome. Liam misses her smile. He only ever wanted to make her smile. If ending their marriage is the only way to get her out of the pain he will do it. He will do whatever it takes to make her happy again.

Steffy thought she would have to drag that out of him. Thomas thinks he has to be transparent. There is to much going on for him not to be. Their children’s futures depend on. He asks why the picture of her and Liam are there. Steffy thinks it is about Kelly. Thomas knows it is about what she wants in the future. He thinks that she could have Liam back though. Hope is ending their marriage though. If he wants her here then she has to tell him. It can happen.

Hope thinks that this is delicious. Liam would have ordered some cheeses that they had back on the hill. Liam remembers the views. Hope asks if he remembers the whole town followed them down. Hope thinks it was one of the most beautiful nights. Liam remembers the lock they put on the bridge. Hope thinks that Liam is the love of her life and that will never change. She really did believe that nothing would change. She knew there would be challenges. She promised she wouldn’t make this a sound occasion. She is blessed to have shared all the time they have together. She is the luckiest girl in the world. She wanted more. She wanted their life together. She wanted their family. Hope wanted Beth.

Xander asks where Beth is. Zoe says she is in a loving home. Xander needs to know she is ok. Zoe does know who is raising Beth and he knows too. If they had said anything then so many lives would have been ruined. Everyone thought that Beth was dead. Xander asks who is this. Zoe says that Beth is with Steffy.

Liam hugs Hope.

Xander thinks that Hope needs to know. They have to tell Hope that her baby is alive.

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