The Bold & The Beautiful Update Friday 4/19/19
Written by Anthony
Sally asks Wyatt how long she was gone. Wyatt thinks that it
must have felt like forever since he was away from her. Sally means how the
stuff that went on while she was gone. It was more interesting than her reality
shows. She is shocked that Flo’s dad is also Hope’s uncle. She thinks it makes
sense that they were connected. Wyatt is worried about Hope and Liam. Wyatt is
starting to think that their marriage is in trouble.
Thomas tells Douglas that it is his turn
to play. Douglas doesn’t really want to play. Thomas wonders if there is
somewhere he wants to go or someone he wants to see. Thomas knows he misses
Hope. Thomas misses Hope too.
Liam tells Steffy to give the girls a big
hug for him. He tells Kelly to be a good girl for Steffy and Taylor. Liam tells
Hope that everyone is great. Hope thinks that he should go see his family. Hope
thinks that he misses the girls. He should go be with them. Liam doesn’t think
that this is a good time for them to get away. Hope thinks he needs the girls.
Liam actually has some place he needs to be. He has a surprise for her when he
gets back. Liam wants to be with her.
Sally thinks that everyone knows how Hope
and Liam are dealing with a difficult time. Sally knows that Hope cares about
Liam. Wyatt is just worried. He doesn’t want to be negative but it feels like
Hope is stuck. He wonders if it is beginning to take a toll on their
Hope thanks Douglas for the flower. Thomas thinks that seeing
Hope makes them happier.
Liam tells Wyatt that it is crazy that Flo’s dad is Hope’s uncle.
Sally thinks it all sort of makes sense. Wyatt wonders how they are all handling
this. Liam guesses the same as everyone else. Liam needs a woman’s perspective
on this. Liam doesn’t know what Wyatt has told her. Liam explains that Hope is
going through a lot and he has tried to help Hope but it is not getting any
better for them. It seems like some days it is actually getting worse for them.
Liam thinks that the wall for them is getting higher and higher. He doesn’t
think that him and Hope are together on any level emotionally or physically.
Wyatt believes that grief will do that. Liam knows but he doesn’t know what to
do. They have already been through so much. He doesn’t want this to be another
thing that comes between them.
Hope thinks that Douglas has such a
special place in her heart. Thomas thinks that Douglas should get one of the
cool rocks that he found by the tree. Thomas explains that the flowers were his
idea. Thomas explains that Douglas will look to see if Caroline left him
anything after he wakes up from a dream. Those used to upset him but they don’t
thanks to her. Thomas thinks that she is so good with him. He cannot thank her
enough. He knows that kids are smart to know when they genuinely care about each
other. Hope thinks that he is exactly what she needs. Thomas thinks that she can
talk with him about anything. Hope expects the hole in her heart to get smaller
but it doesn’t. Hope felt a lot of guilt with Phoebe for keeping Liam from his
daughters. Hope thinks that she is keeping them apart from one another Hope told
Liam that he should be with Steffy and the girls. Hope explains that she still
cannot help but feel selfish.
Liam doesn’t want Hope to feel pressured.
Liam cannot believe he is talking with them about this. Liam is trying to be
open and honest about this with Hope. Liam feels like they are filling in space
between them. Liam thinks that Steffy took Phoebe and Kelly away to keep Hope
from getting too attached. Sally thinks her daughter is an ocean away. Liam
needs to be with Hope right now. Sally asks what is stopping him from going to
see Steffy. She knows that he did love Steffy at one point. Sally thinks that
Hope has a point and he should go see them.
Thomas thinks that she should act on her
heart when it comes to Steffy. Thomas thinks that Steffy is a force that can be
a single mom. He remembers when she was expecting Kelly though. He thinks that
Kelly and Phoebe will have a great life with Steffy but growing up without a dad
is not the same. He went to New York to give Douglas a good life. They were a
team. Thomas thinks that he has seen how generous she is.
Liam cannot just jump on a plane and go.
Hope needs her. Liam thinks that this is not what Hope really needs. Liam loves
Hope though and is committed to her. Liam will obviously always love Hope. Liam
needs to do the right thing. Liam also wants to see his girls. Liam knows that
Phoebe is not really his girl but he does miss her. Liam wanted to say that she
was his daughter though. He feels like he is a father to both Kelly and Phoebe.
He knows that he would be letting someone down though with that. Wyatt is sorry
that he is struggling with this. Liam knows that their love is strong but you
hear stories about what this can do to a couple. He is going to fight though and
not give up.
Thomas thinks she has dealt with so much. Hope cannot focus on
other things. Thomas thinks that she does that already. Thomas actually has some
designs to show her. Hope would love to see them. Thomas wants to help Hope.
Hope has been trying to go into the office more. Hope really does appreciate him
thinking of her. Thomas is always thinking of her after all she has done for
Douglas. Douglas walks in. Hope asks if something happened. Douglas remembered
the time he thought he saw Caroline. Douglas knows that she is in heaven. Thomas
knows that it is not the same. He thinks. That someday there might be another
woman in their life. Douglas asks like Hope. Thomas thinks like her.
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