B&B Monday Update 4/15/19

The Bold & The Beautiful Update Monday 4/15/19


Written by Anthony

Hope didn’t realize that she would expect to find out that Flo was her cousin. She seemed almost as shocked as she was. Wyatt explains that his email was on the account. He got the same email that she did. Wyatt is sorry if she wanted to tell Hope by herself. Flo claims she didn’t know how to say it. Hope can only imagine how difficult this is for her. Shauna thought she was doing the right thing. She would have told her had she known it was Storm. Quinn explains that they will show her so many pictures and stories. Shauna would love that for her. Hope wants Flo to meet them. She already met Donna. They will be so happy. Another Logan. Hope wants her to come with her. She should come meet the rest of her family.

Bill thought for a minute he would have had another kid on the pay role. Justin doesn’t think he would have known what to do with a daughter. Bill isn’t sure the world is ready for another Logan woman.

Katie loves having Logan girl get togethers. Donna hopes they are always this close. There is nothing more important to her than family. Hope comes in with Flo, Shauna, and Wyatt. Hope decided that they all had to come on over. Wyatt says they have some news. Hope thinks it is huge news. Hope wants to introduce them to Shauna and her daughter who is about to change their lives.

A woman asks if Bill is expecting a Misses Forrester. Bill says that Brooke is allowed in. Quinn walks in. Bill tells Justin to clarify who Misses Forrester is. Bill is not interested in talking about their mutual friends paternity drama. Quinn thought it was touching to see Hope and Flo bond. Quinn still cannot believe that him and Shauna were together. Bill thinks she is still hot. Bill gets it. It was a one time thing. There was no reason for her to be jealous.

Hope introduces Flo to Brooke, Donna, and Katie. Brooke welcomes them. Katie thinks it is nice to see Hope excited. Hope explains that Flo and Shauna have a connection to them. Wyatt says that Flo and him go back to high school. Flo was shocked to find out who her father was. It sparked her to have these questions answered. Hope explains that is why she brought them in. Shauna was horrified when she heard Bill was Wyatt’s father. It was based on the timing that it could be Bill. Wyatt explains they are not related though. Brooke asks who the father is then. Hope says that she heard that Flo had a connection to her. Brooke wants to know what the news is. Wyatt shows them the website. Hope knows how much they loved Storm. Donna was just talking about him. Donna sees the DNA site they did with their father. Brooke asks if their brother is her father. Hope says that Flo is their niece and a Logan.

Quinn is not jealous. That is funny. Bill guesses whatever it takes to get her through the day. Quinn wants Wyatt to have options. Bill thinks he is head over heals for Sally. Bill thinks he still cares for Flo. Quinn knows that they were always together back in the day. Quinn is sure that the Logan’s are all crying right now. They better welcome her into the family.

Donna didn’t know that Storm lived in Vegas. Shauna didn’t know. She would have told him had she known just so that Flo could have known him. Shauna knows it is a huge shock but hopes they see it as a blessing. Donna knows that she is the last person to make judgements. This still hurts. Donna didn’t exactly have the best father figure growing up. Storm would have given her everything that he didn’t have. He isn’t here so they will have to do it for him. Katie thinks that she is one of them now. A Logan. Katie thinks they have a lot to catch her up on. Brooke thinks she only needs to know that he was a man who stuck up for his sisters. He would have loved her very much. Donna can see the resemblance. Brooke sees her brother’s face in her face. Brooke wants to welcome her into the family. She hugs Shauna. Donna hugs her and then Katie.

Bill doesn’t need to be related to her. Quinn says that she kind of is. Her new granddaughter’s little sister is the birth mother.

Shauna was so shocked to hear that Storm died. Flo asked what happened to Storm. Katie guesses she will tell them. Katie was in the hospital, she had been shot in the heart and wasn’t going to make it without a new heart. They all had said their goodbyes. Storm felt really guilty at what happened and there was a struggle. Brooke wasn’t sure how Storm. Could have gone on. Katie explains he was a possible donor. Storm is a part of her. Katie asks if she wants to feel his heart. Flo thanks them for welcoming her. She loves being able to hear stories. Hope says she is one of them now. Flo thinks maybe in time. Hope sees warmth and honesty. There is so much goodness in her. She has done so much for the family and given them an amazing gift. She cannot thank her enough for what she did for Steffy. Her daughter is a remarkable woman. She is selfless. She made the sacrifice. Hope thinks that her daughter will get to be a part of her life now. She was such an inspiration to her but they are still similar. Neither of them are raising the daughter’s they gave birth too. Hope admires the daughter she gave up. Shauna asks what daughter. She might be confusing her for someone else. She never has been pregnant. Hope asks what she is talking about. Steffy had her baby. Hope asks if Phoebe is not hers.

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