The Bold & The Beautiful Update Thursday 4/4/19
Written by Anthony
Ridge knows that Brooke wants to protect Hope. Brooke knows that Taylor wants her children to be separated.
Hope hugs a blanket.
Sally thinks it is good to talk about things and get things in the open. Sally thinks that there is a way for them to work together. She just wants to know how she really feels about her and Wyatt.
Wyatt tells Flo that if he is getting to personal that he can back off. Wyatt knows they used to talk about it in high school. Flo put it out of her mind after high school. Wyatt could help her look into things.
Quinn only cares about her sons happiness. Sally wants to make him the most committed she possibly can.
Wyatt realizes how much his life changed when he met his father. He wonders how incredible that could be for her.
Brooke thinks that Hope is helping Douglas. Thomas walks in and says that Hope is a God send to him and Douglas.
Hope thinks about holding Phoebe in her arms. Douglas walks in and wonders where Thomas is. Douglas wants to go skateboarding. He thinks she looks sad. Hope is a little. He wonders if she was thinking about her baby. Hope admits she was. She asks how he is feeling.
Sally loves how Wyatt is. Eric walks in and asks if they are working together. Quinn says they are talking about Wyatt. Eric is glad that Sally is her again. He never wanted her to leave in the first place. He is reminded of himself when he was a young designer. Sally is laser focused on her line but she has to go out of town. She needs to see her grams. She is devoted to the people she loves.
Wyatt thinks the DNA tests are easy to use. She wonders if it is that easy to use. Wyatt thinks they could find a cousin or relative or something. Flo is not sure if she is ready.
Thomas tells them that Douglas would be over there every day if he let him. He doesnt want Hope to feel obligated. Ridge promises to help in any way he can. Douglas doesnt know how they would have made it through this time without her.
Douglas misses his mommy. Hope thinks that is ok. He is going to feel a lot of different emotions. He might even feel happiness. It just means he is having fun and is excited. Some days you will feel rainy and gloomy and other days he might feel sunshine instead. That is how she feels with him.
Eric wants to know the tension with her and Sally. Quinn thinks that he was praising him as usual. Quinn likes Sally enough it. Is just hard to like someone who introduced herself by stealing his designs. There was a woman from Wyatts past that she really liked.
Flo remembers wanting to hire a PI to find her father. Flo hears that his father wasnt a bad guy. Wyatt thinks meeting his dad has changed his life. He thinks the chances of something like this is slim. Wyatt thinks she will have a name at least. Flo just wants to bring up the old feelings. Wyatt knows how he feels about his brothers. Flo just doesnt think there is any promise. She has seen first hand how the best intentions dont always pan out the way you want them to. Wyatt is here for her.
Hope promises to be there for him. Thomas will come out and look at the bugs with him in a minute. Thomas lives for those moments. He never knew if he would be that boy again, and yet now he is. It is all because of Hope. He cannot express how much that means to him. Hope thought for a while that Phoebe was her only relief. Hope misses Phoebe and getting to. Hold her. It brought her peace. Hopes heart breaks for Douglas. If being around her can help in any way Thomas thinks she is a remarkable woman. Thomas thinks that Douglas gravitates towards her. He knows she once said that she felt safe with him. He is so grateful about Douglas and her. He just wishes that there was something he could do to ease her suffering.
Quinn thought that the Fultons were great people. Seeing Flo made her want to get back in touch with her.
Wyatt suggests they could forget about the whole thing. Flo just thinks she should call her mom first. Her mother picks up the phone. Shauna thinks that it is about time she texted her. She wanted to call her about who she ran into. Shauna asks if she means her Wyatt, Flo wonders if she remembers that Wyatt found out who his father was. It has her thinking about her own father. Shauna doesnt think they talk about him. Shauna thought she gave her everything she needed. Shauna doesnt want her going and looking for her father. Shauna hangs up. Wyatt reminds her that she is not a child anymore. If she wants to know who her father is, then the answer could be right there. It is whatever she wants to do. Flo has lived her whole life not knowing. Flo. Wants to find out who her dad is. Flo thinks he knows what this means to her. She has been wondering about her. Whether this trip a mistake but she thinks it is time. She wants to know who her father is. It might change her life. It could all be because of him. They hug.
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