The Bold & The Beautiful Update Monday 3/25/19
Written by Anthony
Brooke tells Taylor that she saw her plant a kiss on Ridge. She thinks that Taylor is embarrassed that she got caught. Brooke thinks that she should be.
In his office at Spencer, Wyatt tells Liam. That it is crazy that Caroline is gone. Liam thought that she would live forever. Wyatt knows that it happened so suddenly. Wyatt is sorry if this brings up stuff for Liam. Liam is just worried about Thomas and Douglas. Wyatt knows that Liam has been through so much.
Thomas tells Hope that Douglas is looking for pinecones. He thanks Hope for being there for his son right now.
Wyatt has to imagine this is a tough reminder of his loss. Liam thinks it is a reminder. Wyatt would have changed places with him if he could have. Wyatt thinks he has a good heart. Liam wonders what you can do about that.
Thomas wonders how Hope is doing. Hope feels better. She appreciates his support. Thomas is here for her and Liam. Hope thinks it is nice to have him back in town. She just wishes it were under better circumstances. He asks if she is ok. Hope explains that it has been hard. Hope lost her child. She knows he lost the mother of his child.
Brooke cannot believe that Taylor would disrespect her marriage in her own home. Taylor reminds Brooke that she was married to Ridge and they have children together. Brooke wishes she wouldnt remind her of that. It was a long time ago. Taylor says her family just suffered a loss. Brooke remembers her saying something that she misses him and she is very much in love with him.
Liam is glad that Wyatt and Sally are working together. She deserves to be a designer. Wyatt suggests that him and Hope go to the beach together. Liam says that Hopes cloud is lifting a little. Liam has been reading up on things that mothers go through when they lose a child. A part of Hope left with Beth that night. Everyone, has a different process. Liam. Knows. That Hope likes spending time with Phoebe. Hope has. Such maternal instincts.
Douglas thinks that Carolines memorial was such a blur. It was sweet that Sally was there. Thomas explains that he wasnt Caroline. He never happened to fix what they had. They were. Amazing co-parents. They just werent romantically involved for a while. They were romantically involved with one another. She is gone now. Douglas has no mom and he is a single father.
Taylor will always love Ridge. They were together for years. Brooke thinks that she thinks this is a game. Taylor thinks she is the game player. She put a bed in her office. Brooke wants Taylor to leave. Taylor will come back whenever she wants because of Thomas. Brooke is sorry about Douglas. Taylor wants to stop all this. Hope is trying to hold peace. Taylor thinks Hope is the. Only one thinking clearly. Brooke thinks she is thinking about Steffy and Liam again.
Wyatt thinks that Hope needs patience right now. Liam is trying not to put pressure on her right now. Liam knows. That Hope. Is still. Afraid she. Will lose another child. Wyatt thinks she has. Gone through a deep loss. Wyatt thinks that she will go through this and want to have a family again. She will. They just have to give it time.
Thomas was not prepared to lose her. He cannot believe he is in this position. He wonders how Douglas can lose his mother at such a young age. He knows that Douglas misses her so much. Hope knows that they will keep her memory alive. She wishes she could say that it gets easier. She is still waiting for that herself. You have to rely on people yourself. Douglas walks in saying he saw Caroline.
Brooke thinks the only person who has not moved passed this is Taylor herself. Taylor thinks they would be married if Bill had not gotten involved. Brooke tells her to talk with Bill then. She had nothing to do with this. Taylor thinks that Steffy is raising those girls by herself. Brooke thinks that was her choice. Brooke thinks she is lucky. Yet, her daughter is suffering a loss of her own. She begs Taylor to leave them be. Taylor reminds. Her that Hope wants Liam to go back to Steffy. Brooke thinks that Taylor is trying to take away the only happiness that Hope has left. Liam is not going to leave Hope. It is not going to happen.
Douglas saw Caroline by the birdhouse. Thomas wishes she was still here. Hope says that when they lose someone they always keep them in their hearts. Douglas asks if his mom really wasnt there. He wants to know where she is. Douglas reminds him that she is up in heaven. Hope promises that he will always feel his love for her. Douglas asks if she can be his mommy.
Brooke thinks that Hope and Liam are married. Steffy made questionable choices. It is obvious she wants Liam in that Hope. He has one daughter. He is not Phoebes father. Taylor thinks she can find someone else. Taylor is trying to stand up for her grandchildren. She wants her to respect her family. Brooke asks if she can respect her and her marriage. She asks where the respect is when she is making out with her husband. Facts are facts. Steffy and Liam are not together anymore. She turned to Bill and it was the worst betrayal. Steffy said she was a willing participant. Her daughter helped support the marriage for months and it didnt work out. Now they are dealing with the loss of their child. They need a lot of love and support. They dont need Taylor manipulating this. The blondes verses the brunets. As if by virtue of their hair color they are the good people. No more, she can judge her all she wants. She is used to her high and mighty attitude but she will not let her do this to her daughter. She thinks Hope is kind and moral. She is suffering the biggest grief of her life. If she tries to come between Hope and Liam then she swears she will have to come through her first. She pushes Taylor.
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