The Bold & The Beautiful Update Monday 3/11/19
Written by Anthony
Wyatt tells Sally that he thinks that went well. Sally wants to see all the photos of him and Flo. Wyatt thinks that she doesnt need to see those yearbooks. Sally is sure he was the star quarterback. Wyatt was but not the star. He thinks that Flo seems to be the same but there is this new intensity that she didnt have before. Sally assumes the way she was with Hope. Sally thinks she seemed a little obsessed with her.
Liam thanks Hope for the night. He knows she was not exactly looking forward to it. Hope wonders where they are going to go next. Liam is taking her to the couch because she earned a foot rub. Hope is glad that she went to Wyatts. Hope is shocked that Wyatts HS girlfriend is Phoebes birth mother.
Flo is in her living room when Zoe shows up. Zoe demands to know what she is doing with Wyatt. Flo asks if she really knows Wyatt. Zoe needs to know what the hell is going on. Wyatt invited her over for dinner. She had no idea that Hope and Liam would be there.
Sally finds it weird that Flo and Hope already met. Wyatt was worried that they would be awkward but they had a lot in common.
Liam cannot imagine giving up a baby. Hope can respect her for that. Hope thinks that Flo felt guilty about their loss. She was so compassionate. She insisted that they should try and have another child. Flo is convinced she is meant to be a mother.
Flo was shocked to run into Wyatt. Zoe doesnt think she should be in the same city as Hope. Flo realizes that Reese will be in a lot of trouble. Zoe thinks they will all be in a lot of trouble. Flo is not leaving. She thinks after meeting Hope is tell her the truth.
Sally wonders if Wyatt is doing alright. Wyatt thinks it is strange. The girl he knew always wanted to be a mother. Sally thinks it is one thing to say that in HS and other to do it in reality. Life changes. Wyatt doesnt know. When he ran into her at Bikini she said she didnt have any children.
Liam is shocked that Flo said they should have children. Liam hopes she didnt hold it against her. Hope didnt. She thought she was caring and had a personal investment in her happiness and life. She actually really likes her. She is odd but he likes her. Liam didnt hear anything else about Flo. Liam thinks she is intrigued by her. She felt like they had a connection. There was something about her that makes her wants to know more.
Flo thinks that Hope and Liam seem like great people. Zoe wants to tell the truth but the more she thought about it, but they dont deserve to go to jail. Flo had no idea what Reese had done. Zoe knows she took money for a baby that is not even hers. She thinks that her daughter is dead. She asks how much more damaging it can get. Flo wonders if she thinks it wont be more traumatizing. It is only a matter of time. Flo thinks this is overwhelming her. She is going to tell Hope that the baby is alive.
Wyatt wants to know why she would not admit having a baby. Sally wouldnt read to much into it. Yes, she gave birth to a child but she doesnt have it anymore. Wyatt guesses she is right. Sally thinks she always is. Wyatt guesses he agrees she always is.
Liam suggests they will all get to know Flo a little better. She is close to Wyatt. Hope kept looking at her all night. She couldnt help but wonder if she felt jealous. She must have given birth around the same time she did. She was jealous but in the best possible way. She is amazed and grateful to the woman who gave them Phoebe.
Zoe thinks it is aweful what Hope and Liam are going through but she needs to think about the bigger picture. Flo is thinking about Beth. They can take away the pain. Zoe thinks that time will take away the pain. Flo explains that Hope doesnt think she should be a mother. She is to scared to try again. Zoe thinks time will change that. Flo is going to do that. Zoe will not let them go to jail. Flo thinks if she tells Hope she will understand. Reese is a different story. She knows she wants to protect her father but what he did was awful. Zoe asks if Steffy deserves to pay. Flo says she doesnt but Steffy will given the baby back. Flo thinks he went to far. What he did was unforgivable. They have fix this though. They have the chance to give her back. Reese shows up. He didnt expect to see her here Reese asks what he just walked into.
Sally doesnt think she has many friends here in LA. That might change if she decides to stay. Wyatt asks if she would be ok with that. Sally would. Wyatt wonders if she would not be uncomfortable. Sally asks if she should. Wyatt thinks she has nothing to be afraid of.
Liam thinks he understands the connection with Flo. A piece of her heart is missing and Hope knows what that feels like. Hope would give anything to change places with her. She at least knows her child is safe and cared for. She wishes she could say the same.
Zoe didnt know he was back in town. Reese had to check on things. He asks why she is speaking like that. Zoe says that it is a bet with Xander. She needs to talk about something else. Flo thinks he is here to talk with her. Reese thinks the secret has gotten to her. Reese hates what he has done. Flo thinks that he ripped the baby from Hopes arms. She is unable to move on. Flo thinks that Hope is devastated and thinks it is her fault that her baby died. Beth is alive though. Flo is going to tell them tonight. They are telling them. Zoe says this is not going to go on. Reese wants to protect Zoe. Zoe thinks the truth has to come out. Reese doesnt think this can happen. Flo came here to do a favor for a friend. She thinks it was dumb of her to trust him blindly but she had no idea what he was capable of. He stole a baby from her mothers arms. She is killing herself inside. She met Hope and she is devastated. She is heartbroken inside. She thinks this is her fault. This is all his fault. She can fix this and try to make it right. He thinks if she says anything then they all go to prison. Flo doesnt care. She is telling the truth and it will come out tonight. Hope will finally know the truth. There is nothing he can do to stop her.
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