B&B Friday Update 3/8/19

The Bold & The Beautiful Update Friday 3/8/19


Written by Anthony

Hope asks Flo if she wants to tell them something about Phoebe. Flo knows that Liam has said that that Phoebe has taken the place of their baby. Flo thinks if that is how he really feels then there is something she needs to tell them. She is so sorry. This all shouldn’t have happened. Wyatt thinks that they all feel that way. Flo thinks that she shouldn’t feel that way either. She doesn’t deserve this.

Steffy tells Taylor she doesn’t need to clean up. Taylor tells her to relax. Steffy wonders if it is weird that she checks on them every time she hears them. Taylor sits up and listens every time she gets up in the night. Steffy thinks they are perfect. She could stand there and watch them for hours. Taylor wishes that she didn’t have to do this on her own. Steffy has her and Ridge is pitching in. Taylor thinks that Liam should be here with her. Steffy explains that Hope thinks the exact same thing.

Zoe and Xander kiss one another. Zoe needs to catch her breath. Xander thinks that she might want to see someone about that. Xander knows it took them a while to get back there. Zoe knows they had to come to LA in order for it to happen. Zoe thinks once thing didn’t change. The way she loves him.

Taylor wonders what Hope said. Steffy explains that Hope is in so much pain. She said that Liam needs to raise the girls with her. She thinks it is heart breaking.

Hope doesn’t think she needs to comfort her. Sally knows that some people have tried some really crazy things. Liam feels that tonight is all about moving forward. Hope thinks that there is no way to change what happened. Hope explains that Beth is gone and there is nothing they can do to bring her back.

Zoe takes her hair down and Xander starts to undress her. He kisses her stomach. They start to make love to one another in bed. Xander kisses her passionately. They smile at one another.

Steffy thinks that they tried to reason with her. Taylor is shocked that Hope took off her ring. Steffy explains that Liam insisted that she put the ring back on.

Flo cannot believe she is doing this. She thinks about Zoe telling her that she could go to prison for a long time. Flo explains that her ex-boyfriend invited her to dinner and then Hope walks in. Hope is so glad that she is here. Liam is happy to meet her. Sally doesn’t think that Flo doesn’t have to be sorry. This is not the first time that someone cried at one of her dinner parties. Liam suggests they get Hope a drink. Sally goes to get some food. Wyatt asks if Flo is ok. Flo is sorry. She gets so emotional. He was trying to lighten the mood. Flo feels like she should have said more. Wyatt is sure that Hope and Liam will have tons of questions. Wyatt thinks they should take a photo. No one will believe it if they don’t. Wyatt takes the picture. He wonders if it is alright that he posts this. Flo thinks it is fine. Wyatt thinks that Flo did a brave thing. Flo doesn’t think that Phoebe belonged to her. Wyatt knows they go back a long time. He is wondering if Phoebe’s dad is someone he knows. Flo thinks the less she says about him the better. She is going to go get another drink. Sally kisses Wyatt. Hope is sorry if she overstepped with Flo. Flo thinks that it is fine. Hope is glad to see that all the things that Steffy said about her are true. Hope was touched that Flo would say such nice things about her. Hope doesn’t think she feels like a stranger to her either.

Zoe knew that she made the right choice coming to LA. Xander knows he didn’t give her the warmest welcome back. Xander thought they made a fresh start here. He thought they were making a new life. Xander likes the perks they are making with one another. Zoe gets an alert on her phone. Xander thinks that she is a social media addict. Zoe cannot believe this. She wants to know what she is doing there. Xander wonders who she is talking about.

Steffy thinks what Hope and Liam are going through right now is awful. Taylor thinks that Hope wants things to change for a reason. Taylor thinks that Hope was thinking of those two beautiful girls in there and wanted to do what was best for them.

Sally tells Liam that things were definitely dicey for a moment. Liam thinks that Flo’s concerns seem genuine. Wyatt thinks that anyone who knew Flo back in Vegas would think that Flo was a very generous person. Liam thinks that it is incredible for Hope as well to have Phoebe in her life.

Flo thinks that it really hit her to realize she lost her baby. Flo thinks it is nothing like what she did when she lost her baby. Hope thinks she brought joy to a dark time in her life.

Zoe has to go and take care of something she thought she took care of. Zoe has to go.

Steffy thinks the girls are fine. Taylor asks if she is as happy as she could be. She hates that her children are having to go through the same thing she did. Steffy doesn’t think that Hope is like Brooke. Steffy doesn’t think she is a victim. Taylor knows that she is not living the life she wanted. Steffy knows that neither are Liam or Hope. Taylor thinks that even Hope knows that things are not the way they should be. Taylor thinks that Liam should be here with them. Taylor thinks that nothing changes with how she is impressed with her strength. She knows she is not a victim. Nothing is going to hold them back. They have so many things to be grateful for. They have those two beautiful girls and nothing will take that away.

Hope asks if talking about Phoebe bothers Flo. Flo thinks that it is great that she means a lot to her. Sally asks Liam if they should interrupt. Liam thinks this is a good thing. Hope needs someone to talk too. Hope thinks that she had such an incredible bond with Phoebe from the beginning. When she looks at Phoebe she sees this warmth in her. Hope has this reaction when she has people talk about her. She cannot think of a more courageous act than what she has done for Steffy. Steffy is a great mother for Phoebe. Flo thinks she would make a great mother too. Flo thinks it is true. She really thinks she should try again one day. Hope doesn’t think so. Flo can tell she would be a great mother. Hope cannot go through that again. Flo doesn’t think she can give up. Hope might not be right to bring a child in this world. Flo begs her not to give up. She was meant to be a mother she can tell. She is certain of it.

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