B&B Monday Update 1/28/19

The Bold & The Beautiful Update Monday 1/28/19


Written by Anthony

Liam holds the baby in his arms. Steffy thinks he understands the bond she has with her now. Liam thinks that Steffy is so lucky to have found her. She is going to fit so well with her family. Steffy thinks it is their family. They might not be together but they are still one. This baby is technically her daughter but she belongs to him and all of them.

Zoe asks Emma and Tiffany if they are actually doing this. Emma thinks they will be fine. Emma knows they have their fashion careers to fall back on if this doesn’t work out. They continue to sing. Reese and the guy from Vegas watch them from afar. Reese walks over to the guy and tells him to stay away from his daughter. He has fifty thousand cash if he actually wants it.

Pam has already made three casseroles for Hope and Liam and wonders if she should make a cake. Quinn thinks cake is a bit celebratory. Pam realizes she hasn’t made anything for Maya. Pam is sorry about her divorce. Pam doesn’t mean it in a positive way. She just feels helpless. Eric feels that way too. Eric thinks that sometimes there is nothing to do but be there for each other.

Liam feels bad for the woman who gave birth to this little girl. He isn’t judging her. She had her reasons but after losing Beth. Steffy thinks she is doing what is best for her daughter. Liam doesn’t think the little girl realizes what kind of a privileged future she has with Kelly by her side.

Eric thinks he and Quinn should go and visit Hope and Liam. Maya suggests calling before doing that. They have basically been held up in the cabin. Hope might not be ready for visitors. Pam hates not knowing if they should go over there or not. She doesn’t understand how something so terrible could happen.

Reese has half the money and the rest in a few days. The guy guesses it is a start. Reese tells him that once the money is all to him he never wants to see him or his boss again.

Liam continues to hold the baby. Steffy hears Kelly. Liam suggests that they get her he wanted to see her. Steffy asks if Liam is fine with the baby. Liam is more than fine. Liam wonders how old she is. He wonders if she is older or younger than Beth. Liam wonders what her name will be. Steffy says Phoebe after her sister. Liam wonder if Kelly is ready to be a sister. Steffy says that she will be. She is so glad that this is happening. Liam can tell they are sisters. Liam sees her future. Liam sees good things for her and her daughters. Steffy does too. Steffy smiles.

Eric guesses they are all asking themselves why. Maya does think the baby would have been loved and cared for. Eric doesn’t think they should ask why because Hope and Liam don’t need that right now. Pam is just struggling with what they do need right now. Eric thinks that they need them and food. If cooking is you show that you love someone then you do it. That is how you show you love each other. They are Forrester’s and they all have a part to play. When you rally you damn well rally.

Liam thinks that Phoebe reminds him of Kelly when she was a newborn. She thinks she might need to stop calling her Phoebe before it is official. Steffy knows it is going to happen. Steffy wants this for Kelly. A connection. Steffy can see the way that they fell asleep together. Taylor was taking care of the down payment. She still doesn’t want to get excited about it. Liam guesses that Taylor is involved in this. Steffy doesn’t think that Taylor would ever be a danger to the girls. Liam wouldn’t say that. Steffy says that Taylor is helping deal with Florence. Liam wonders what happened to the father. Steffy guesses he wanted nothing to do with her. Liam thinks that Phoebe will have plenty of father figures in her life. Steffy thinks that Liam will definitely be one of them. She wonders if she is being crazy about this. Liam thinks she wanted the best for Kelly. Liam admits that he was skeptical but now he wants that little girl to have a life in a home with her. Steffy smiles.

Reese looks around backstage. He looks at a text message and starts to play a poker game. Tiffany, Zoe, and Emma walk out. Reese asks how it went. Zoe says that they didn’t get the callback. Reese doesn’t think they would know talent if they tried. Zoe doesn’t think he needed to come. Reese thinks he did. Zoe wants to know why he is actually here. Reese wanted to show support. Zoe thinks that he sounded nervous on the phone. Zoe knows he hasn’t been himself lately. Reese thinks that all about to change. Things are finally starting to go his way.

Steffy gets a text from Flo. She is on her way back. Steffy thanks Liam. She hopes she will be the mother but it won’t be until they sign the paperwork. Liam should probably go. He doesn’t want to get in the way and complicate things. Liam is still grieving. He doesn’t know if that feeling of loss ever goes away. There is a new life out there and it is not Beth. He wishes that it was Beth but Kelly has a sister and that feels good. He feels good for the first time. He thanks Steffy for doing this. Steffy is sure that people will talk. Liam thinks that there will be a generous discussion on this. Steffy wants this regardless. She wants to know what she is waiting for. By the time she is ready for a husband Kelly will be older. She will be doing this alone but they are fine and will grow up together. Liam doesn’t think she is alone. Liam will be there for her and Kelly and if all goes according to plan also Phoebe. Liam hears Kelly. Liam wants to go check on her. He goes in by himself. Liam holds Phoebe. Steffy is shocked she didn’t wake Kelly. Steffy thinks she is a good little sister. Liam is glad she is here. Liam thinks that there is something about her. She belongs in his daughter’s life. In all their lives. Liam kisses her. Steffy smiles.

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