B&B Thursday Update 1/24/19

The Bold & The Beautiful Update Thursday 1/24/19


Written by Anthony

Flo thinks that the baby really likes Steffy. Steffy cannot imagine someone wanting to walk away from her. Steffy realizes that she is doing what is best for her daughter. Flo just means that the father is not going to show up. Steffy thinks that is his loss.

Wyatt shows up at the cabin. He asks if Hope is back yet. Liam says she was but she went to see Brooke. Liam thinks that Steffy’s plan to adopt is getting closer to reality. Wyatt wonders where Steffy got a baby so fast.

Zoe was scared that Reese would try ruining her life but she thinks that things have been good. Reese admits he missed her. He looks at the guy from Vegas. Reese suggests that Zoe track down a waiter so they can order something to eat. The guy tells Reese he needs to pay 200,000 or his daughter pays the price. Reese gets his point loud and clear. He just needs more time to do things. Zoe walks back over and asks what is going on.

Liam guesses that Taylor has a friend helping out. Liam suggests it could be meant to be. Wyatt asks how he feels about this.

Hope holds the baby. Taylor thinks she looks perfect in her arms. Flo tells her that she is getting a little fussy. Flo takes her into the other room. Steffy didn’t want to let her go. Taylor thinks it is obvious she fell in love with the girl the moment she put her in her arms. Liam hasn’t had a moment to process things. He thinks that things are a little weird. He wonders how he cannot be supportive. Liam doesn’t know what he is feeling right now. He keeps asking himself if there is something he could have done to make things go faster. Wyatt thinks that this is fait and no one can explain why. This is his daughter that didn’t make it.

Zoe thinks that something feels off and wants to know if he is in trouble. Reese promises that there is no reason for her to be worried. He needs her to take care of herself. When she moved away, he was afraid that he lost her. He came to town to remind him that she has a father who loves her. He will do anything to make sure that she is safe and happy.

Steffy felt a connection. Taylor knows. Flo says she went right now. Steffy imagines that this is hard for her. Steffy asks if she could bring the baby to Malibu. She would like for the baby to meet Kelly and Kelly’s father/ She asks if she is really ok with this. Flo is. Steffy plans to give her baby the best home full of love. She wants to give the baby a family.

Liam wans to know why Beth died. He doesn’t know. Liam wants Steffy to have a sister for Kelly. That would be wonderful.

Reese asks if Flo gave anything away. Flo played the part. Reese knows he has asked her to do a lot but he will make it up to her once they get on the other side of the stage. Steffy fell for her right away. She clearly has money and bonded with the child right away. She thinks that Steffy will want to adopt.

Steffy cannot stop thinking about the baby. It was heaven sent. Taylor thinks that was amazing to witness. Seeing a baby like that. Steffy thinks that it was everything she said and then some. Taylor thinks she fell in love with her. Steffy thinks it felt like she just met her daughter.

Reese asks Flo what made her think that Steffy wants the baby. Flo says that she wanted to have the baby come to Malibu. She wouldn’t put down the baby the entire town she was here. You couldn’t ask for a better first meeting. It was kind of like it was meant to be. Reese thinks it was.

Steffy says that Kelly is still out. She was telling her about her little sister. She can see it now. The two of them growing up together with a special bond that only sisters have. She doesn’t want to get a head of herself. The connection she had she didn’t expect. Taylor is thrilled for her and the precious little girl. She has no idea how lucky she is about to be. Steffy needs her to meet Kelly and Liam. Steff should call him. She gets on the phone and Liam picks it up. Steffy was calling because of the baby she was talking about. She just met the baby and mother. Liam thinks that was fast. She knows this could be hard for him but he is Kelly’s father and she wants to keep him in the loop. Steffy says it was amazing. When she saw he it was like her heart melted. The strangest thing happened. She felt like she knew her but she cannot explain it. Liam thinks that Kelly’s happiness means something to her. Liam was worried but the dad side of him is excited for her. It is a miracle. Steffy thinks that too. It is like they are meant to be sisters. Liam cannot wait to meet her. Steffy says that she is going to come to the house. Liam asks when. He will be there. He thanks her for including him. He hangs up.

Taylor asks what Liam says. Steffy knows he only wants what is best for his baby which doesn’t shock her. He is a wonderful father. It is such a shame. Taylor reminds her that he has Kelly and that is something to be grateful for. Steffy thinks it is ok to say it. Steffy cannot stop thinking about her and the addition she would be for this family. She saw family with this child. Belonging. She truly believes this baby was meant to be Kelly’s little sister.

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