B&B Monday Update 12/26/05

The Bold & The Beautiful Update Monday 12/26/05


Written By Wanda
Pictures by Boo

New day at Forrester Creations. Brooke is looking over some figures on the computer in her office. Taylor comes in and remarks that she is there awfully early. They commiserate about the holidays and yesterday being a very interesting day. Taylor comments that she has more patients at holiday times than any other. Brooke states that she thought with all the heartache, anger and blame this year that the family was beyond repair, but then Felicia reached out and everyone came through for her. Taylor also comments that Bridget helped as well; accepting another woman’s child was amazing. Brooke remarks that she did look happy and that she (Brooke) is happy because Bridget is. Taylor asks then realizes it’s not any of her business, but does Brooke now think that Nick is not her destiny? Brooke tells her it’s okay. What she and Nick shared was definitely passionate, but it was peace, comfort, something like she’d never known…..and unfortunately nothing she can ever have.

Nick and Bridget lay in bed at the beach house, him stroking her hair. She tells him she wants to hold onto all of this for her entire life so she can show Dominick all she can about Felicia – about the Christmas she made for him; how incredible she’s been in the face of this illness; how special she is.

At the guest house, Stephanie brings Felicia a tray for breakfast. She calls out that she saw Renee going down the driveway with the baby and she’ll fix her a bite later. When she walks into the bedroom, Felicia is laying across the bed crying. She berates the fact that there is a lot of blood in the bed….on the sheets. Stephanie tries to calm her and tells her not to worry about it; it’s okay. It’s just a mattress and she wants to know if Felicia is all right? Hysterical, Felicia can barely talk.

Taylor confides to Brooke that she's embarassed to admit that there was a time she was threatened by her. Even after it became obvious that whatever she had felt for Ridge had been replaced by something deeper for Nick, but she just wasn't able to see it. Brooke admits she was so wrapped up in Ridge that nobody really saw it. Sometimes she thinks what it might have been if she had realized it sooner. Guess timing is everything. Taylor finished - and by time she did realize, Bridget was pregnant with Nick's child. What a horrible choice for him to have to make. Brooke maintains that she loves him even more that he chose Bridget. Because he's Nick, he's committed, he's honorable. She's proud of the love they shared. It was never simple; just honest and powerful.

Bridget tells Nick it's hard to visualize him and Felicia. She questions Nick as to what was Felicia like? You know in what way? Nick thinks lying in bed with his wife, talking about such stuff is weird. And then they make comments on whom picked whom; he picked her or she picked him?

Stephanie changes the sheets while Felicia washes up. She tells her mother she doesn’t want her making beds for her; it’s really humiliating to have Stephanie cleaning up after her. Stephanie kisses her on the forehead and tickles her chin and asks her who changed her diapers and washed her bottom? Felicia cries that she thought she could hide away and handle this on her own, but Stephanie says not to be silly; she wants her there. Felicia is her baby girl. And she’d never leave her to handle this on her own or try to get through it on her own. Stephanie fluffs the pillows and makes it more comfy for Felicia; tells her whatever she wants or needs, she is there for her. And she just needs reassurance and needs to know that there isn’t some doctor somewhere that can do something for her, that’s all.

Felicia states that the time to have done something was before Dominick was born. If she’d had radiation, it might have cured her, but killed her son. And she chose Dominick, no regrets. But, it didn’t make the next part any easier. And she states that she doesn’t want to go out in a sea of tears. Does Stephanie have that? She wants to die the same way she lived; looking for the good times, a party. Stephanie gives her a big hug and rubs her back and tells her if that’s what she wants; that’s what she will have. She can have the biggest, wildest, wackiest, loudest party. She will honor her wishes just as they did for Christmas. Felicia laughs and remarks they did give her the best Christmas ever with all the trimmings. Everyone was there; her dad playing the piano; decorating the tree. Stephanie says his eggnog was bad enough. Felicia brings up Bridget; the look on her face at the christening. It’s like she already loves that child. And Massimo; he’s already besotted. She knows Dominick’s going to be spoiled……but also taken care of financially. Felicia gets her mother to promise that she will be there to take care of him also. She feels sure that her child will need that iron fist from time to time.

She also apologizes for giving her mother such a hard time when growing up; for being so rebellious. At the time, she felt suffocated. She couldn’t see it, what her mother was trying to do. She wasn’t a mother yet. Stephanie finishes, “but, now you know.”

Nick and Bridget play more kissy-face and he tells her he falls in love with her more and more every day. They discuss cleaning out the spare room and making it over for Dominick….some snips and snails and puppy dog tails…….and soon so Felicia can see it.

Taylor continues with Brooke and reminds her they talked about honor, commitment and strength but never once had Brooke mentioned sex which she knew was very important to her. It usually defined the very quality of her relationship. She is shocked when Brooke says with Nick it didn’t exist. With Nick, what they shared was so powerful; more than any physical union…..and she’ll never forget it…..ever.

Stephanie cuddles on the bed with Felicia; smoothing her hair and giving her a kiss and tells her that she always knew she’d be the realist in the family. Felicia remarks that when you’re dying, you see things with such clarity. It’s like a fog is between you and the rest of the world and it’s lifted. It’s funny but when you have nothing to lose, it does something to you. You see things in a different way. She tells her mother she doesn’t want to tell her or anybody, but she is scared. And Stephanie is the strongest person she knows and she needs some strength from her right now. Stephanie cradles her and promises her whatever she needs; she has it.

Brooke is not surprised that Taylor is shocked because a physical relationship is what she always needed the most. And now she sees that the perfect relationship is not just about that. Nick's strength and his love touched her in a way that nothing physical ever could. It changed her. Bridget needed to know she could trust her; she deserved that. Taylor comments if it was that powerful; she doesn’t know if she can just put her feelings for Nick aside. Brooke declares it won’t be easy. Every day she has to put up an emotional dam to keep the feelings back. Taylor asks if Nick is able to do that too? Brooke is not sure; she just knows that she has to make the effort to contain her feelings and that’s what is important here. And instead of hurting Bridget, she has actually helped bring this joy into her life. And that means everything to her. Though Taylor comments that she knows she loved Nick more than any other man. Brooke offers that is why she can do this; because she does love Nick.

Nick chastises Bridget for carrying a box of papers. He makes her sit and tells her she is the Queen and this is her throne and he the lowly worker bee and he’ll get her anything that she wants. She’s not supposed to be lifting anything like that. She shuffles through some papers; here’s the racecar theme…and there’s the ever popular ballet theme that she loves. He accidentally lets that one fall to the floor. She shows him the nautical theme with ship’s captain. He loves that one. She thought he would. He rushes off to the other room to get something and says he will be right back. She suddenly spies a large model ship on a top shelf and foolishly picks up a heavy chair to retrieve it. The chair even wiggles and wobbles a couple of times but she looks to make sure it is secure and continues. As she pulls it off the shelf, down falls Bridget to the floor, writhing in sharp pain. She cries out and Nick comes running. He wants to know what happened and wants to call 911, but she doesn’t even want him to leave her for a second to do that. It hurts and she is sure something is wrong with the baby. He says, “okay, okay, okay. I won’t. I’m right here.”

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