B&B Monday Update 12/19/05

The Bold & The Beautiful Update Monday 12/19/05


Written By Wanda
Pictures by Boo

Same day continuation of Friday’s Episode:

At the hospital, Bridget holds little Dominick. Felicia tells her that Dominick likes her. Bridget manages to mutter that he’s adorable. Then Felicia says she had no idea what having Dominick would do to her life. Caring for him; putting his needs before her own made her grow up. He’d enriched her life so much and she knew any family he’d be with would feel that way.

Nick comes and sits lovingly by her side and she confides that she just wants to give him the world. Everything a mom would want to give her son, but she can’t. Nick tells her he will always be loved and cared for. She thanks him and says she will always be grateful for that, but Dominick needs a mom’s love too. She looks at Bridget and says she know what she means, doesn’t she? Bridget thinks they should take Dominick home and put him to bed. Nick and Felicia look at each other in agreement. Nick then takes Dominick from Bridget’s arms as Felicia mouths a sad goodbye. Felicia nods approval to Bridget, who turns her head away. When she leaves, Felicia releases her tears.

At Brooke’s, little Hope is helping trim the tree with popcorn rope. Taylor apologizes for interrupting, but it isn’t about business. She offers that she would never come to her home to discuss Forrester Creations. Taylor admires the tree and tells Hope it is so pretty. Brooke dismisses her to go to the kitchen and get the cookies they made for Steffie and Phoebe. Brooke tells Taylor she must be excited spending Christmas with her children after all these years.

Taylor replies that yes, she is. But, she was actually thinking about Brooke and her children. Brooke nods that they will be fine. Taylor continues, that Thomas and the girls have told her they can’t imagine them spending their Christmas without Brooke. So she wanted to come by and see if she could get Brooke to bring Hope and R.J, even Nick and Bridget over for Christmas Day?

Stephanie finds Felicia in her hospital bed, sad and alone. She quietly closes the door and Eric rushes behind her to give Felicia a kiss. Stephanie senses a scolding but tells Felicia he was her father, she had to tell him. Felicia says she is glad they are both there. Good news and bad news. The good news no more chemo, she gets to go home tomorrow. Stephanie’s face lights up and tells her that is wonderful. Eric thinks that means the cancer is not spreading. She says actually it is. That’s the bad news. Stephanie wonders how can she come home then? Felicia lets her know she has decided against any chemotherapy. Stephanie questions why and Felicia tells her there is no point; it’s too late. Devastated, the parents look at each other.

Nick and Bridget enter the beach house. Nick quips a joke about the baby carrier and instructions being written in Japanese and good thing he knows Japanese. No time for jokes, Bridget says she can not do this; she just can’t do it and hands the baby off to Nick.

Taylor asks Brooke what does she think? Does she think she could include them in her Christmas Day plans? Nervously, Brooke tells her she doesn’t know what to say. She was wondering about Christmas this year, with Stephanie and Eric at odds. Taylor grins and says she invited them too. It wouldn’t be Christmas if it wasn’t totally dysfunctional. Brooke then agrees; she would like to spend Christmas with the children. Taylor remarks that she thinks it would be good for Hope, and Brooke agrees it would be good for everybody. Then Taylor launches into that Brooke had told her previously that she was over Ridge, but she wasn’t sure to believe her or not. And now? Well, they had been rivals for so long, she sometimes doesn’t know how to see her any other way. Brooke says she may not agree with her vision for Forrester, but as a mother she thinks they understand each other.

Nick holds Dominick and cajoles him and then tells a silent Bridget that he thinks it’s time to feed him. She finally turns and spouts that she really wishes he could look at this from her point of view. Her husband’s ex-girlfriend comes back from Paris with a baby who turns out to be his. “A minor detail that she’s chosen to keep from him for God knows what reason.” And that alone would be more than most people could deal with, but is that all that is in Felicia’s surprise package? No, no, of course not. She goes to the hospital with Felicia and finds out the cancer she thought was in remission is back. Not only is it back, but so far advanced, that she is refusing treatment. It had spread because she had refused treatment so she could have a healthy baby. She chose to risk her own life so she could have a healthy baby. Nick replies it took a lot of courage and strength to do that. Bridget announces that she knows; she’s an absolute saint. And all she is asking in return is that the baby’s father and new wife just take Dominick in as their own. “And it shouldn’t bother the new wife – it’s really not a big deal! Especially not as big a deal as dealing with terminal cancer.” She sits and covers her eyes and bemoans more, how this makes her feel – such a terrible, terrible person. It’s just too much; just really too much. Nick quickly comes and sits by her side and tells her she is NOT a terrible person. And she’s right, this is too much! It’s too much for her, for Felicia and even little Dominick here. It’s too much to ask of anybody.

The baby starts to fuss and he bounces him in comfort. He remarks that he IS the baby’s father. Bridget says she knows and she doesn’t have a problem bringing him home for one night, but they both know that is not what Felicia is asking. “You are his father, and you have an obligation, and a very special bond, but I’m not his mother. I don’t know if I ever can be.”

Eric looks at his little girl and tells her he disagrees about not doing chemotherapy. And Stephanie tells her she can not give up. But, Felicia offers that chemo now won’t make a difference. If she had of had it six months ago, eight months ago, but she knew then her son would have died. She chose him. And that turned out to be the best decision she ever made in her life. Bringing him into this world healthy, and watching him grow. “I want to be here for him. I want to be with him forever, but I think I’ve run out of miracles.” Stephanie declares she is not going to let Felicia give up now. Felicia chuckles and tells her it is NOT up to her. Stephanie fumes that she is going to talk to the doctors. There has to be SOME protocol, some procedure, something experimental that they are doing that all of them don’t know about right now. And she sashays off to find these doctors. Felicia laughs to her father that Stephanie couldn’t control her life, so now she thinks she’s in charge of her death. He replies that yeah, that’s the only way Stephanie knows how. But, why not try chemo and give everybody some hope? Felicia counters with that she knows what it will do to her. She will be exhausted, throwing up all the time. Hurting so much she won’t be able to hold her son or kiss him. She’d be robbing him of the life that she has left. “I’m sorry, Daddy, I need to do this on my own terms.” She gets a little emotional and her dad tries to keep a stiff upper lip.

Bridget hasn’t even taken off her coat yet. She stands and offers that she is sorry. He must be so disappointed in her. She is having her own child and it’s the most important thing that has ever happened to her. And now she feels like it is being pushed aside for someone else’s baby. (yeah, Bridget, but it IS your husband’s child and responsibility). She argues more. She knows Dominick is going to be a part of his life….and a part of hers. But, what about their little girl? She cries, how is she supposed to divide up the love that she has for her? Just the joy and excitement, and she knows that sounds so selfish.

Nick is so understanding. He says that it is not selfish at all. She’s going to be a new mother; it’s maternal instinct. She feels like her child should come first; that’s understandable. She whines more, “I just wanted the three of us to be a family, and I feel like……..it’s just what I’ve been dreaming for and longing for, and I feel like it’s just ruined.” He affirms that it doesn’t have to be. He knows she has more than enough love for two children. Bridget cries, “no, I don’t want to love another child. I’m not ready.”

Felicia is startled out of her sleep with Eric staring lovingly at her and saying he can’t believe she has a little baby boy. She tells him that he’s going to love him. He has the greatest smile – his smile. Seriously, Eric says he’s sorry for all the time that they did not get to spend together. He wants to make that up to her. Philosophically, she replies that she thinks things happen the way they are supposed to happen. If she hadn’t gone off on her own, she wouldn’t have Dominick. “We can’t beat ourselves up. Nobody promised us a bowl of cherries.”

Stephanie returns and Eric jumps to ask her what Dr. Nomura had to say. She informs Eric that the doctor is a quack and she’s calling in another oncologist. Then she hastens to ask Felicia is she okay; is there anything she can do for her? Felicia tells her yeah. It’s Christmas. She’d like to have the best Christmas ever. Just like they used to have – the huge tree, Christmas carols, Dad’s terrible eggnog. “You think you guys can do that for me?” Eric assures her yes, what else? She wants Dominick to live with his father, and Bridget. She knows Nick is willing, but she’s not sure that Bridget is ready for such a huge responsibility.

While Nick is still walking around trying to quietly entertain Dominick from fussing more, Bridget sits and says she simply can not make such a life-changing decision in one day. He says he agrees. She continues on – it’s not fair to her or anybody. What did he say? He re-states, that he agrees. He thinks they should take it one step at a time. Don’t do anything until they are completely sure……except maybe feed him and make sure he gets a good night’s sleep.

He asks about the diaper bag and she says she left it in the car. He tells Dominick to say “see ya” and they’ll be right back. She tells him to wait. It’s really cold outside. Why doesn’t he leave him with her? Reluctantly, surprisingly, he hands the baby over. Dominick can’t take his eyes off his dad. Bridget talks to him, assuring him it’ll be okay; his dad will be right back. “You know how much your daddy loves you?……I don’t know what to tell you, kiddo. I’m really sorry you’re going to lose your mom.” But, okay, she has her own child to look after. She has her own little girl, and it’s nothing against him. “It’s just that she belongs to me. You don’t Dominick. Why do you have to be so sweet? So innocent?” It wasn’t his fault and she really, really wants to help, but she’s sorry that she can’t. “I think you’re just going to have to live somewhere else.”

Daddy comes back in all smiles and asks where does she want to put him down? She looks toward the pink bassinette. He calms the baby, strokes her cheek and tells her they will get through this; through it together. But Bridget nods and whispers, “I don’t think I can. I can’t.” Nick clasps her by the neck and pulls her crying face to his and kisses her forehead.

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