The Bold & The Beautiful Update Thursday 12/15/05
Pictures by Boo
Same day continuation of Wednesdays Episode:
At the beach house, Bridget kerplunks herself down on the love seat in the bedroom. Once again her world has just been turned upside down when Nick told her that he had a baby boy by her half-sister, Felicia. She is practically hyperventilating when Nick creeps up silently and slides along beside her. He tells her he is sorry. She lets out a big sigh and tries to catch her breath. She states the obvious, that he has a son with Felicia and then can only add, Oh, my God.
At Stephanies, she is sitting on the sofa, martini in hand, with Eric squatting at her feet. Seriously, she tells him she has waited such a long time to hear him actually acknowledge the damage that Brooke has done to this family to me, but also to you, your self-respect. He chuckles that everything she has called him over the years seems apropos narcissist, slow learner. She gets up; why this epiphany now? He seems anxious to get out of this conversation and says they will be late for their dinner reservation. Stephanie continues and wonders if Brooke has done anything that Brooke hasnt done a hundred times before other than not have sex with him during their five minute marriage? He offers he didnt know how difficult it was going to be to work with her. She reminds him he wouldnt have anyone else as his co-CEO. He tells her that was then. Now Forrester has a new image; a new design concept and Brooke is fighting him .as was he .and he was wrong. Quizzically, she asks is that a new development? He simply replies that the new concept design is just not working for him and Brooke; there is no meeting of the minds. She utters that no one has ever met Brookes mind. He replies, touché.
She steps back and says lets see if she gets this straight. Brooke is just acting like the regular sort of vacuous Brooke that she is and he finds her unbearable suddenly? She smiles, Im the same woman Ive always been too. .just because you asked me out to dinner doesnt mean I suddenly went stupid. (oops, Eric, my dear, I guess she didnt buy your BS).
At the bar at Insomnia, Felicia is talking to someone at the hospital who tells her to bring a bag, whatever she needs; theyd like her to stay overnight at the hospital. She agrees, she will be there. She glances around and spies Dante smiling back at her. He gets up and approaches and calls her Lisa? She corrects him, thats its close, its Felicia. He hesitates, then asks if she remembers him by chance? She replies of course, she just cant remember why she does. He tells her they met last year in Cannes. But, she replies she wouldnt be caught dead in Cannes. She joins him at his table now. In a barrage of back and forth statements and questions, we find that there was a bar, but it was in Nice, she had gotten on it and danced and he came to her rescue. He remarks someone needed to walk her home and she adds he was such a perfect gentlemen. Of course, he remarks, hes Italian! She makes a stab at his name and he tells her it is Dante. She wonders what brings him to L.A.? Shes surprised when he tells her hes an artist and some galleries wanted to see his work. She figured him to be a dancer. Shes even more shocked when he mentions Forrester Creations. She tells him maybe they should stop while they are ahead. She has a closet full of them along with some skeletons. He hopes she is a good customer. She sticks out her hand to shake Felicia Forrester, Erics daughter, Bridgets sister. He understands now why she wanted to stop while they were ahead.
Bridget asks about the baby boy. Where is the child? Nick answers that he is here, with Felicia. How old is he? He replies four months. He inches a little closer; she seems to want to resist and turns her face away. She repeats Felicia has a child. She has YOUR child. Why cant anything ever just be mine .just MINE! Why does someone else always have to get there first? .Its our family. Do I have to share that too? (dunno, Bridget, but maybe you should have thought of that a year ago when you were picking your man, at least this man). She walks out.
On the porch of the beach house, Nick follows Bridget. Like walking on eggshells, he eases down beside her and says he hates what this is doing to her. But after reflecting, she manages to say that he has a child with Felicia. What does that take away from her? And he replies nothing; he still wants to give her everything she wants and loves. She doesnt think even he can do that. And she is amazed at the medical odds of Felicia getting pregnant during chemotherapy. She wants to know if the baby is healthy; has he seen him; what is his name? He answers yes, and Dominick. Stunned, she puts her hand to her forehead and stifles a cry though her nose is running overtime. She realizes this tells them something. What Felicia was thinking .about him!
Stephanie gestures just when she thinks Eric can not sink lower, he sinks LOWER! My God, these words are things you thought I wanted to hear? Then she puts on this Scarlett act that he thought she would wrap her arms around him and beg him to take her back and her give him the company as well? Nonplussed, he says if they arent going to be honest with each other, at least let them go to dinner. She chuckles that Thorne and Taylor may be babes in the woods, but pluuuuuuze give her a little credit! She wags her finger, huh, you have never purposely ever done anything or said anything that would endanger any future opportunity of you getting back into Brookes pants! She points at him too and says heres her money bet. He and his five minute bride cooked this little scheme up hoping that this ex, OLD, lonely wife would fall for it. Again, staunchly he simply says she needs him. And hes here. Its been her life-long ambition to get Brooke out of the picture. And if he can help her accomplish, that; what does she care what his motives are?
Stunned, she asks how did she ever fall for someone as clueless as he? He retorts just his luck, he guesses. Does she need him, she asks? Yes, she regrets to say yes. And if there was ever a chance that he would ever grasp what she really needs from him shed probably sign his precious company over to him and just call it a bargain.
He asks her if she needs something from him that she is not getting; what is it? She looks at him like he has three heads its hopeless! He accuses her of loving this game. She accuses him of some wrong doings and some violation, but then refuses to tell him what it is. He folds his arms waiting for some response. She offers she has told him a hundred times in a hundred ways. He replies that she needs him to be more attentive, that old song? She first counters with yes, then no. She doesnt want to be Brooke to him. She scoffs that she doesnt want him making cow eyes at her and putting his lips to her ears. There was a time a thousand years ago that I would have settled for desire, Eric .but that stopped when I became a mother. And she was waiting for him to catch up, and shes still waiting! For what, he asks? Emphatically, she says for him to become a FATHER!
He cant believe his ears. He barks is that what she wants from him? He knows he is a failure in her eyes in a thousand different ways, but maybe they should poll their children on this one. She chuckles, oh, hed win. He was the ADORED one. They waited for him to come home; they waited for him to come out of the study; they waited for him to pay attention to them! My God, theyd go into orbit if you patted them on the head. They STILL do. They are THRILLED to death when you give them thirty seconds of your undivided attention! (shes clutching at her heart). But what kind of love is that? Does it heal them when they are hurt? Does it pick them up when they are falling down? He wonders why they are re-hashing all of this? The children are grown, they are fine. Theyre FINE?, she gasps. Theyre fine because they can dress themselves. They can walk and talk (shed downright passionate now, almost thumping on the Bible), and they can feed themselves. And you think they are FINE. And you think that is all it takes about being a parent. THEYRE FINE? She finally takes a breath, and slows down, and softens to little more than a whisper when she finishes, Eric, theyre our children until they take their last breath. She clinches her teeth and utters, when do you get THAT?
One word, he tells her to sit. She stands almost dazed for the longest time, then like a robot, she plops on the sofa. He sits on the ottoman in front of her. He takes her hand and says something is wrong. She needs to tell him what it is. Tears in her eyes, hurt in her whole body, she looks away, simply overwhelmed, unable to even think or speak.
Felicia and Dante comment on what a small world it is. And he asks is she still single or did she patch things up with that guy she told him about that night. Seems they were just ending or something. She nods that it was for the best. Shes amused when he says that what he always says.
Bridget comes back into the beach house to join Nick. He explains that maybe Felicia did feel that way when she first came back to town. But, she did not know about them at that time. But, hes gotten that all out on the table. She knows they are married and that he loves Bridget. She doesnt question that. Like almost trying to catch him in a lie, Bridget asks she thought he said he just found this out yesterday? He tells her that she didnt tell him; Stephanie did. Stephanie felt he had a right to know that he had a son. Bridget wonders what Felicia expects. Do they know? He edges toward her and states he is the one with the expectations. Softly, he says he has to be a part of this boys life. Hes my son. And I have to know if youre okay with that. And, if youre not, I have to know that too. Without a word of warning, she grabs her purse and a wrap and tells him she thinks they need to go talk to Felicia and get some answers from her. Doesnt he think so? He nods; then springs to get the door for her and they leave.
Eric gets out of Stephanie that she made a promise to one of the children. He reminds her that she is always accusing him of being clueless, but then she insists on keeping him that way. She asks him to just think! He jumps to conclusions Thorne and Darla? Thorne is overwhelmed by his new responsibility? Stephanie gives a clue didnt he have a party for Nick and Bridget and didnt Felicia come and then leave suddenly? He admits that, but they had been an item before she left. It was awkward when she came back and found him married. But, if she had something to say to him, she would have. Stephanie opines how would Felicia even know he gave a damn? He retorts, Felicia knows how important she is to me. And hounding our kids for information, thats your style, not mine. And he reminds her how Felicia has always been so private, she knows that! Yes, Stephanie agrees, so private that she hid the fact that she had cancer from them. He jumps up and asks whats her point? She left a party early, thats all.
You make it sound like shes dying. Stephanie rises and its written all over her face. He utters no, and his face falls as well, tears welling up in both of their eyes. Two lonely, estranged parents now both sharing the same pain.
Felicia is at home packing a few clothes when there is a knock at the door. She says not now to her mother, she is busy. But, it is Bridget and Nick that walk in. When she sees who it is, she invites them in. Folded arms (we now see the once blubbering, snotty-nosed Bridget being the pit bull, must take after Stephanie). She asks Felicia if she is going somewhere? Felicia answers only overnight. Bridget replies, really? Where? I dont believe you, Felicia .Dont you think if youre going to take that boy somewhere that Nick has a right to know? Felicia surmises they must have talked. Bridget, on the defensive again, says whereas it seems she has not talked to anyone about anything. And thats going to end right now!
Felicia, more agreeable than she has to be, says all right. Nick is half way apologetic for Bridget, that this is all rather fresh for her. She starts in on the grilling did Felicia know she was pregnant when she left? She replies no, she was just in her last round of chemo; she was amazed to even be alive. Was she trying to get pregnant? Again, she says she didnt even know it was possible. Theyd told her one of the main side effects was infertility. Shed missed a period when she was on chemo and shed gone to a doctor to see if and when shed get her cycle back. And surprise.
Bridget realizes she didnt want to tell her dad or anyone else in the family. That was her prerogative, but didnt Nick have a right to know about his own child? (this coming from a gal who deliberately lied about aborting same guys baby?) Felicia answers, youre healthy, Bridget. You know your babys healthy. That was NOT my situation. Then Bridget accuses her of what about after the baby was born and she knew he was all right? She says Nick was good to her .not in love with her, but good to her. And he might have even gone the distance but would you want a man who only wants you because of a child? (yeah, probably). She laments that Nick is the type who might actually do that.
The baby frets, and Felicia asks Nick if he will get the bottle in the kitchen that she warmed up? She goes to the bedroom, leaving Bridget alone to hear the cooing noises. She soon follows to see Felicia pick up the cute little boy. Felicia talks lovingly to him and tells him his daddy is bringing him a bottle.
Seeing Bridget, she introduces him to his Aunt Bridget. Aunt Bridgets face softens as she looks at the little miracle. She is star struck. Nick comes back with the bottle. Awkwardly, they all look at one another as Felicia smiles to give her approval. And that baby looks right at his daddy.
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