The Bold & The Beautiful Update Wednesday 11/30/05
Pictures by Boo
Same night continuation of Tuesdays Episode:
In Erics basement office at Forrester, Stephanie returns and looks around. Its been significantly fixed up, looking more like a regular office and working place than the bargain basement storage room it had been earlier. She picks up one of his designs and admires it. Brooke walks in and asks if there is something she can do for her? Stephanie ponders on this and finally answers, leave my building? Brooke all cheery, little Miss Pollyanna, tells her sorry, no. Stephanie asks if she is liking it there in the basement? And Brooke sloughs it off that at least she doesnt have to see her. Stephanie rags more as she shudders that she should think Brooke would feel right at home, surrounded by her old husbands and lovers. Brooke hits back with a big smile on her face did Stephanie run out of people to push around upstairs, and does she need someone to show her how to be a real CEO? Stephanie makes another crack about what Brooke is up to; does it involve a lawyer and something she should know about? Brooke reveals it is nothing like that; its about Bridget. Stephanie is skeptical; when has it ever been about Bridget for her? What has she done to her now?
At Tridge Mansion, Felicia is back in town and sitting on Taylors sofa. Taylor rushes in and the ladies hug. Taylor is so excited about seeing her. Felicia tells her not to be, she doesnt know how long shes staying. And she hasnt even checked into a hotel yet. Taylor wont hear of anything else; she is staying there, of course. Its clear in the course of the next few minutes that Taylor and Felicia have at least talked on the phone after Taylor came back from the dead. And more recently when theyd been in touch about Felicia coming back to work at Forrester. Felicia says she doesnt want to intrude, especially when they werent expecting her. And if the job offer is no longer on the table, she can go right back to France. Taylor says they just thought because she didnt respond that she wasnt interested.
Felicia declares, not interested? Mom taking over Forrester Creations, makes Thorne President, sends Dad and Ridge to the basement. You bet Im interested. Tell me every gory detail. Taylor laughs that she will in a minute, but right now tell her about Felicia Forrester, the world traveler, the party girl on the party circuit. Taylor had practically had to send out a search team to find her. They were all so worried about her. She continues that Ridge had told her that Felicia left town and her cancer was in remission, but she thought maybe that had changed. She had been kind of secretive in the past, so she was wondering if she was hiding something? Felicia continues drinking her coffee, but avoids that last question.
At the beach house, Bridget drinks her coffee, or perhaps its tea, when Nick walks in. He asks if Dante is gone? She says yeah, it went okay, but he was hurt. Nick tells her it is okay that she wants to be with the father of her child. And if Dante is a really good friend, then he wont be disappointed in that is all hes ever going to be. She says well she doesnt blame him for being disappointed. For a while there, it looked like Nick stops her and cups her face, gives her a small kiss and tells her hes here now, and hes not going anyplace. He pulls her to him in a hug.
Felicia assures Taylor that she is just fine. Her cancer has been in remission for quite some while (she knocks on wood her head). Taylor remarks she hopes she realizes why they were all concerned. It was like she fell off the map. Felicia agrees, she almost did. She had holed up in the French countryside, no phone at the farmhouse. No TV, it was like going back in time. Taylor says that sounds very peaceful. Felicia replies, sometimes. Taylor asks has she been designing? She knows its been a while since she was at Spectra. Felicia comments that she got out while the getting was good. And she adds that she just needed to slow down; get off the treadmill. Put her energy someplace else. But, she had done some sketches. But, mostly she had just been reading, taking long walks, napping. Taylor is shocked napping? Her? Felicia tells her that her life has completely changed; her priorities are so different than when she left L.A. And she had wanted to come back when Taylor did but .Taylor remarks when she spoke with her on the phone then, she realized something about her was different, a little more laid back and centered. Felicia says your own mortality will do that sometimes .and she knows she doesnt have to tell Taylor that.
Taylor quizzes a little more that shes happy Felicia is taking such good care of herself, but she wonders if it wasnt her health, then maybe she was a little more devastated about her breakup with Nick than she let on. Felicia answers to please dont tell her she came all this way back home to be grilled about Nick! Not only was Taylor working for Mom, but had she turned into her too?
Bending down into her face, Stephanie gloats to Brooke that she knows she cant keep any secrets from her. Stephanie will talk to Bridget and she will tell her everything. Finally Brooke relents and tells her Bridget is having a girl. Stephanie is ecstatic a baby girl! Brooke tells her she is sure Bridget wants to tell the rest of the family, so dont go blabbing! Stephanie claps her hands and tells Brooke no wonder she is in such a good mood. Pretty soon shell be here in high school and bringing all the hotties home. Brooke must just be dying with anticipation! Brooke ignores that. But, Stephanie continues. She wags her finger at her and says she will not let her do anything to this new baby girl like shes done to her mother.
Nick tells Bridget that he really feels sorry for Dante. Look what he doesnt get. He doesnt get to look at that beautiful face everyday! She jokes not everybody can be as lucky as Nick is. He shouts AMEN! And he counts his lucky stars every day as he gets to watch her come through the front door, gets to kiss her in the morning (he puts his hands on her shoulders now, squeezing), she gets to get his breakfast and his beer for him ..and light his cigar and be a good little wife. He says hes kidding as she looks at him skeptically. She says he better be. He tells her he may not be able to speak Italian, or paint pretty pictures or even cook Italian, but he will take care of his two best girls. She wont have a thing to worry about in this world. She grills him did he say he didnt cook? He answers takeout. She asks cleaning? He swabs The Marlin. Changing diapers? He gulps, they have a few months to work on that. They giggle and he hugs and kisses her. Also says they have a few months to work on a lot of things like their marriage and getting back in sync .and he doesnt mean the kitchen sink. They kiss again.
Brooke gets a little fiery and tells Stephanie shes that childs grandmother and shes going to spend time with her whether Stephanie likes it or not! Stephanie offers that Bridget isnt going to like her hanging around her husband! Brooke remarks that Bridget has put that behind her. Stephanie retorts if she knows whats good for her, shell put Brooke behind her too. Stephanie is shocked if Brooke thinks Bridget is going to forgive her. But Brooke counters with why not? Shes forgiven Nick; they are back together. Stephanie points out that Brooke is still trying to convince herself that this is all going to work out happily ever after. You and Nick and Bridget and new baby girl one big happy family. She tells her it isnt possible. Its simply not possible; too many mistakes have been made. Brooke tells her she is wrong. Nick and Bridget are back together, expecting a baby, planning a future and she isnt going to let Stephanie or anyone else interfere with that.
Taylor senses that Felicia doesnt want to talk about Nick. And Felicia says she thought she was there because of a job. And is Taylor is offering it because her mother thought she wouldnt accept it from her? To soften her up; headshrink her. Taylor explains no, just the best one to explain it to her objectively. Felicia points out but she isnt objective; shes on HER side. Taylor states right now they are in serious need of a very experienced head designer. Felicia knows that means they are desperate! And theyd have to be to hire her. Taylor is shocked and says no way, theyd be lucky as she is one of the most talented designers in the world. Felicia points out that she is avant-garde and her agent said her mom was taking the company back to its classical roots. Which makes Felicia think maybe Taylor called her back here for something else. Like maybe her, Mom and Thorne against Ridge, Dad and Brooke .and maybe one more player would turn the table in her favor. Taylor tries but has a hard time getting out of that. Felicia tells her she still cant lie ..and trust her, it isnt that hard. Ive got it down to a science.
Nick and Bridget continue to kiss; this time they have moved to the bedroom. He wants to get to know the WHOLE house. He tells her he intends to spend a lot of time in there when he moves in. She blushes when he says its been a LONG time ..then flops back on the bed, he meant a good nights sleep (yeah, right!). He even bounces his butt on the bed then holds out his arms inviting her to come join him. She wants to make sure hes ready to be a landlubber. He points out that the ocean is right outside. To which, she replies but he cant sail away without a boat. He whispers to her that the ocean has been his lady long enough. Hes ready for a change. And he starts smooching on her again. She asks any regrets and he replies definitely not. Look what hes getting; trading in her for two special ones. Bridget tells him the baby is going to be gorgeous; just like her daddy. He pooh-poohs that. He hopes it will look just like HER.
He gets amorous. He lays her back on the bed and is almost on top of her, one thought on his mind .and it aint the ocean! She has to put on the brakes and reminds him what the doctor said about the baby they shouldnt. Gosh, darn, ratafrack #*$()X&}@%X. He stops cold, though he looks like hes going to break out in a sweat or his face turn blue or something is going to turn blue. He pulls away and lays back. She asks if he is going to be all right? For the sake of argument, he says yes, though he looks like a man going to the gallows. She slides over closer and kisses him on the ear and says if they put their two little heads together, she is sure they can figure out something else to do. (probably too late for a cold shower!) He chokes, okay.
Stephanie asks Brooke if shes to be the guardian of Nick and Bridgets relationship? That is like asking the fox to be the guardian of the hen house. Brooke announces that her involvement with Nick is over. It has been for a while. My dear, you should never speak of any man you have slept with in the past tense, speaketh Stephanie. Brooke fires back that just because her husband hasnt gotten over Brooke, doesnt mean that Nick hasnt. And that Bridget and Nick are happy and they are moving on. Stephanie snarks that she wishes she could believe that. There is a little too much pretending going on here. Bridget is pretending she trusts him again, and he is pretending he is over Brooke and Brooke is pretending that she is happy about the whole thing. Brooke says she is. But, Stephanie points out that just because they are back together doesnt mean it absolves Brooke. And it doesnt guarantee the marriage is going to last. Brooke offers that no marriage has guarantees. There are going to be obstacles and challenges and Bridget and Nick will have theirs. Stephanie agrees and more than their fair share with Brooke around. Brooke is firm. She says she will be there to support them. But, they have finally found their way back to each other and NOTHING is going to derail them now!
Taylor asks pointblank; has Felicia been lying to her? Felicia answers that maybe shes been lying to herself coming back here and hoping things would be different. Taylor admits its less than ideal at F.C.; there is a lot of tension there. And Felicia adds that shes barking up the wrong tree if she thinks she can defuse it. Taylor says they just need to get some sketches on the table; move forward and she thinks Felicia is the person who can do it. And Taylor thinks Felicia could be good for her mother right now. Shes all alone in that big house and the office. Felicia snips why not get her a dog? She would be the last person Stephanie would want playing nursemaid. Taylor good-naturedly tells her perhaps the reason they dont get along is that the two of them are so much alike? Felicia reminds her that she thought she was trying to convince her to take the job, not scare her off. Taylor smoothes things by saying she thinks Felicia would be perfect for the job. It would be a great opportunity for her and shed always said shed like to work at Forrester more. And if she was worried about her father, Taylor knows he would completely understand. She knows her dad has never been able to hold a grudge. So Taylor asks what is it then? She doesnt like it back in L.A. because of the smog? The traffic? Or running into Nick? Felicia rankles. She says she told her that she didnt want to talk about Nick. Taylor realizes that is still a painful subject. Felicia says its just pointless. Im not hung up on Nick. I dont want anything from him. And she asks Taylor to please stop. She has a lot more important things to think about than Nick Marone.
Nick Marone is lying in bed, all cuddled with Bridget and says he missed her. She missed him too. Especially his crazy sense of humor. He tells her he wants to do more than just put a smile on her face. She knows that, doesnt she? He offers that she is the rudder that steers his ship when he needs steering. She asks if he got a little off course there for a while? And he replies he shouldnt have expected her to be there when he turned it around, but she was. She says he did a pretty good job of convincing her he needed a second chance. He tells her he never ever really believed in second chances. He rises up and looks at her and says that when youre manning a tankard on heavy seas, everyone has their jobs and you cant afford second chances. You do it right or people get hurt. You dont get points for it or anything you havent earned. She states to him that he doesnt think he has earned her forgiveness yet, does he? And he replies not yet. Part of him thinks he only half deserves it. She remarks that he is all the way there now. And he tells her he will always be. Not because of duty or its the right thing to do but because when he looks into her eyes, he wants to be that guy that she sees now.
She tells him, you are that guy. He says he hasnt always been, but hes going to be. Tonight, and for the rest of our lives. They hold each other and kiss, cuddling back down onto the bed.
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